Important Note: There is consultation fee and ritual service charge when You seek help. The consultation fee & service charge are quite expensive and not anybody can afford it, or interested to pay for it. Kindly ask how much is the consultation service and ritual service fee when You seek help.

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Is There Any Taoist Ritual Or Prayer To Hope For A Baby?

"Been trying to conceived a baby without success, even been to western doctors but still fail. Any talismans or magical spells to help in conceiving?"

"Time is running out biologically! Been very anxious to conceive a baby! Any magical prayer for that?"

"Is there a possibility to choose to give birth to a baby boy or baby girl? Can Taoist Sorcery help?"

When Chinese women have difficulty in conceiving a baby, or hope for a male or female baby, they will turn to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) for help.

Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) is a fertility deity in Folk Taoist Culture. She is in charge of pregnancy, delivery of infant, protection of mother and child. She holds a book and a brush reflecting the Chinese practise of recording new born child in the family lineage records. She also have 12 goddess assistants to protect and care for the children until teenage years (12 to 15 years old).

Praying To Zhu Sheng Niang Niang

If You are able to find a Chinese Temple with Altar of Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘), You can go and pray by yourself. Ask the Temple assistant to guide You. Below is the basic instructions:

  • Hoping to conceive either sex of baby, just pray to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) and say Your wish
  • If You hope for a baby boy, pray and offer Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) with White Flowers
  • If You hope for a baby girl, pray and offer Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) with Red Flowers
If You are a Westerner, or You can't find a Chinese Temple with Altar of Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘) near You, and prefer a proper ritual to be done for You, You may email Taoist Sorcery Master. Take note that the Ritual FEE is not cheap.

Related Post:  The Chinese Goddess Of Childbirth - Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

Why My Wealth Talisman Hasn't Let Me Strike 4D Lottery?!

The story below is a typical scenario of a newbie, who is anxious to be a Spiritual Lottery Expert in no time, just after owning a Talisman / Spiritual Item.

You just bought / received a Wealth Talisman (Gods Of Wealth Talisman / Win Lottery Talisman) or a Kumantong, or any Spiritual Items that will help You Strike 4D / Lottery.

You are so happy that by now, You can be the next Spiritual 4D Expert. You shake the cup of numbers to get Your set of Potential Winning Numbers. You joyfully pump Your money at the 4D Betting Counter and already mentally prepared to collect Your Winnings later.

At night, the results come out. Nothing come close to the potential winning numbers. Just by the 1st try, You start to question whether the Wealth Talisman / Kumantong / Spiritual Item is a fake, or has no spiritual power in it. You try again on the 2nd time, 3rd time... Still never Strike anything! You get so fuming mad..

2 idioms best describe people who are impatient for success:

English Idiom About A Person Being Impatient
A watched pot never boils: Some things work out in their own time - Being impatient and constantly checking will just make things seem longer.

Chinese Idiom About A Person Being Impatient
拔苗助長 (Bá Miáo Zhù Zhǎng): Pulling Up Seedlings to Help Them Grow - Someone who is impatient for success and destroys the very conditions upon which success depends. It also means someone who hastens the pace hoping for quick results.

What You need to Know

The deities invoked will test Your faith. If You have the slightest doubt, even keeping a genuine powerful talisman, it will not work for You.

Once, You already make up Your mind to own a Talisman, You must give Your 100% trust and faith in it, no matter how long it takes to show positive results, then the magical power will start to work.

Many a time, it is not that a Talisman is fake. It is You having the slightest doubt about it's magical power, that has offended the deities from the talisman, that caused them to lose interest in helping You to achieve Your dreams.

What You must do is to keep on praying until You reach the state that You have achieve total peace within Your soul, without the need  of demanding any outcome.  Only until You can achieve this state of not forcing any outcome, then  it will be the time You start to see positive results ( Example: Strike 4D Lottery). Once the talisman starts to work (Example: Strike The Lottery), it will keep on working forever (Example: Keep On Striking The Lottery Non-Stop) .

Wrong Thinking: Why is it not working! How come no power?!

Correct Thinking: 
I will continue to Pray no matter how long it takes, until the talisman starts to help me Strike 4D Lottery

Remember this: You need the deities for help but the deities don't need You. The deities will be questioning You :"I have the power to help You, but why should we help You?".  All You need is Your unwavering faith.


Praying on a Wealth Talisman / Spiritual Item is like constantly watering a Seed, and patiently let it grows into a tree that starts to bear fruits. Once, the tree start to bear fruits, You will have non-stop supply of Fruits, which means You will keep on Winning The lottery. Many people give up the seedling process from the beginning because the seed doesn't turn into a tree immediately from the 1st watering process.

You need to be patient and keep on praying on the Wealth Talisman and use it to seek for Potential 4D Numbers (Using Shake Cup Method or Pendulum Method). Once, the wealth talisman has worked and help You strike the lottery for the very 1st time, this time onwards, You will get to Strike The Lottery on and on forever in the future.

***If You don't have the patience to pray until Your Wealth Talisman takes effect to let You Strike 4D, You may want to join Kumantong 4D Power.

You can pray in this manner: "No matter how it turns out, I leave it to You for Your guidance. I won't force the outcome. I will leave it to You to plan for the outcome for me, at your timing. Everything will be good for me in Your hands".

When You pay the fee to have a talisman created for You, You are paying the Master for his time, energy and expertise to have a talisman created for You and not the guarantee of the outcome and results.

Once You own and keep a talisman, the magical power of it lies between You and the deities invoked from the talisman.

Related Articles: 

How do I know the talisman works?

"How do I know the talisman works? How can I verify the talisman is genuine, or look genuine, but not empowered? Can i go to any of the temple to ask the Taoist to check if it is empowered?"

How do I know the talisman works?

If You have the slightest doubt, even on a genuine powerful talisman, it will not work for You. When there is no faith and trust over a Master, and over a Taoist talisman, just don't bother buying and carrying it. Never waste the master's time on creating and empowering a Talisman for You, and then having doubt about whether it is real or has any magical power.

1st, ask your heart whether You trust this particular Master. If Yes, then seek for his talismans. If no, don't waste Your time and money, and later suffer from emotional breakdown.

If You already make up Your mind to own a Talisman, then give Your 100% trust and faith in it, then the magical power will start to work.

Many a time, it is not that a Talisman is fake. It is You having the slightest doubt about it's magical power, that has offended the deities from the talisman, that caused them to lose interest in helping You to achieve Your dreams.

The deities will test Your faith

While You just own a Talisman, or any spiritual item...

Within 1 or 2 days, You are already desperate to see the effect of the magical power of the talisman, but yet the outcome hasn't show yet (Example: Unable To Strike 4D Lottery).  You start to have doubt over the talisman - "Is this fake? Why it hasn't work for me?!".  This is the period that the deities will test You on Your faith. It can be days, weeks, months or even years, depend on each individuals.

What You must do is to keep on praying until You reach the state that You have achieve total peace within Your soul, without the need  of demanding any outcome.  Only until You can achieve this state of not forcing any outcome, then  it will be the time You start to see positive results ( Example: Strike 4D Lottery). Once the talisman starts to work (Example: Strike The Lottery), it will keep on working forever (Example: Keep On Striking The Lottery Non-Stop) .

Wrong Thinking: Why is it not working! How come no power?! Should I continue Praying?

Correct Thinking: 
I will continue Praying no matter how long it takes, until the talisman works it's magic on me.

Remember this: You need the deities for help but the deities don't need You. The deities will be questioning You :"I have the power to help You, but why should we help You?".  All You need is Your unwavering faith.

You can pray in this manner: "No matter how it turns out, I leave it to You for Your guidance. I won't force the outcome. I will leave it to You to plan for the outcome for me, at your timing. Everything will be good for me in Your hands".

When You pay the fee to have a talisman created for You, You are paying the Master for his time, energy and expertise to have a talisman created for You and not the guarantee of the outcome and results. Once You own and keep a talisman, the magical power of it lies between You and the deities invoked from the talisman.

How can I verify the talisman is genuine, or look genuine, but not empowered?

It is very easy to spot the 100% fake talismans. When the characters of the talisman and Stamp Seal are machine-printed together onto the talisman, You will know this is confirm 100% fake.

When  You spot a talisman,which is hand written and stamp-sealed, 90% chance it is going to be genuine. Even if it is genuine, whether it will work for You or not, still depends on Your faith in it.  The deities invoked will test You on Your faith. Most of the time, it is the thought "Is this Talisman fake or real?" that stop the genuine talisman from showing it's magical effect on You.

Related Article: Taoist Talismans - FAKE or REAL? How To Differentiate?

The writing on the talisman, is it fixed throughout? Example: For attraction talisman, the writing on it, will it be recognized by any Taoist?

In total, there are few thousands of different Taoist & Buddhist Talismans for the same purposes and usages, and to work on the same issues, or different issues,  Different Taoist Lineages / Sects have different sets of Talismans.

Some talismans are written in very clear-cut manner, by using Chinese Characters. These type of talismans are understandable for their applications.  Some other talismans are written with "Cloudy Codes" Writing, which no outsiders will able to see through.

Can I go to any of the temples to ask the Taoist to check on a Talisman whether it is empowered?

If You go to a Big Public Temple to verify a Talisman...
 You are unable to find any Taoist Masters to check on Your talisman. The modus operandi  of a Big Public Temple is to sell joss-sticks and joss papers to the public to let the folks pray in the temple and to collect donation from the public. Big Public Temple are producing massive printed version of faked talismans for Free to the public, so what do You think?

Related Article: Taoist Talismans - FAKE or REAL? How To Differentiate?

If You go to a Taoist Master to verify a Talisman...
He will either honestly tell You the truth, or say  the talisman is a fake even if it is a genuine powerful one, because his intention is want You to buy his talismans.  He will tell You that his talismans are genuine and You should get his instead. After getting his talismans, You will face the same issue, which is wondering whether his talismans are genuine, and need to bring to another master for verification again. You will be running around going after one master after another, to buy from one and verify with another one.

If You go to a Taoist Spirit Medium (Tang-Ki) to verify a Talisman... 
The deity (during trance by a spirit medium) either has no interest to verify Your talisman, or the deity  will  honestly tell You the truth that talisman You are carrying is a  fake or genuine powerful one, but none is good. The deity and the helpers in the temple will encourage You only to carry the talismans created by them.

Conclusion: Only own and keep a talisman if You have 100% faith in it.

Where To Learn Chinese Taoist Sorcery or Japanese Onmyodo?

Some Western Folks ask where they can get to learn Chinese Taoist Sorcery or Onmydo - Japanese Form Of  Taoist Sorcery.

Before reading further, do take note that there is slight difference between Taoist Sorcery (Black Magic included) and Taoist White Magic. Taoist Sorcery contains both White and Black Magic that can help or harm people. Taoist White Magic can only do good.

Real Taoist Sorcery Skills have disappeared in China
Taoist Sorcery Skills, or another common term most widely known by the Chinese is Mao-Shan Magic, can be said to be totally lost in China. The person to blame for the lost of Taoist Sorcery Skills in China, is Mao Ze Dong, during the Cultural Revolution.

The 2 best countries to find Real Taoist Sorcery Masters:
Taoist Sorcery Masters, brought along their Taoist Ritual knowledge and Sorcery skills as they left China to Taiwan, Hong Kong and South East Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia , Singapore and Indonesia.

The 2 best countries or places TO BE ABLE to learn  Authentic Taoist Sorcery (or Mao-Shan Magic) are TAIWAN and MALAYSIA.

To learn Onmyōdō (陰陽道) , Go To Japan

Onmyōdō (陰陽道  - (日文:おんみょうどう) also In'yōdō, lit. ‘The Way of Yin and Yang’) is a traditional Japanese esoteric cosmology, a mixture of natural science and occultism. It is based on the Chinese philosophies of Wu Xing and Yin and Yang. It was accepted as a practical system of divination. These practices were influenced further by Taoism, Buddhism and Shintoism, and evolved into the system of onmyōdō around the late 7th century.

To learn Onmyodo (陰陽道 ), the best place to learn is to go to Japan and find a Japanese Master who is willing to impart his secret knowledge to You. You still need to be able to understand and write Kanji (漢字) - Chinese Characters. It is best that You have mastered Japanese Language and Chinese Language before You search for a master to impart his secret knowledge to You.

Related Article on Onmydo  - Onmyodo - Taoist Sorcery In Ancient Japan


Taiwan Master  performing 5 Ghosts Transfer Wealth Ritual

Malaysia Mao-Shan Sect Master explains the usage of "Lightning Strike" Baby Ghost 

Malaysia Mao-Shan Sect Master demonstrates how he collect the Soul of "Lightning Strike" Baby Ghost in Graveyard

Yes... You are able to find Taoist Sorcery Masters there but do You think they are willing to teach?

Taoist Exorcism Skills are still practiced by the Chinese in Malaysia and Indonesia to counter strike the black magic cast by the Bomoh / Pawangs in Malaysia and the Dukuns in Indonesia  , that are regularly engaged by people to cast black magic to destroy their enemies.

Learning Taoist Sorcery In Thailand
Taoist Sorcery Magic in Thailand, is better known as Siam-Mao Sect (暹茅派), which combines Mao-Shan Magic and Thai Black Magic and also contains Taoist Talismans newly created by the Chinese, after migrating to South East Asia, to counter attack the Black Magic of South East Asia , known as Gong-Tau (降头) by the Chinese in South East Asia.

If You were to be able to learn Taoist Sorcery in Thailand, You'd better know how to speak Thai or Teochew ( A Chinese Dialect) in order to communicate and learn from the Chinese Masters.  Learning Taoist Sorcery in Thailand is a good deal as You not only learn Taoist Sorcery but also Buddhist/Hindu Magic (amulets and cloth talisman) and Thai Black Magic (Originate from Hindu Black Magic and Yunan Poison Insects Magic).

You think these Sorcery Masters willing to teach You?
Do take note again that Taoist Sorcery includes Black Magic that can harm and kill people, therefore almost none of the Sorcery Masters are willing to teach to just anyone, even if  You have a lot of money to entice them. Real Taoist Sorcery Masters take many years to study  the characters of potential disciples , even their own children. Many Taoist Sorcery Masters pass on without passing down their sorcery skills.

Learning Taoist White Magic in Hong Kong
For Taoist White Magic Branch, such as Liu Ren Lineage (六壬法门), which is very popular in Hong Kong, most Masters are welcoming You with big open arms as they are teaching White Magic to help Mankind, but they are charging super high fees for You to learn to draw Positive Talismans to help People. You will never learn how to catch and keep ghosts as spirit servants and will never learn how to cast evil spell to hurt, harm and kill Your enemies.

Learning Taoist Sorcery For Westerners
For the Western Folks to learn Taoist Sorcery, before You even think of where to find a Taoist Sorcery Master to learn from, You'd better be able to read and write Chinese. The Spells are to be chanted in Mandarin (or any Chinese Dialects), and You need to be proficient in writing Chinese Characters.

If You Western Folks thought that by owning the Book "Daoist Magical Talisman" by Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson and You can become another Taoist Sorcery Master in no time, I am sorry to tell You that You are out of luck.  The incantations provided are translated into English and the Original Chinese Incantations, which are very important during ritual and empowering talismans, are not provided in the book. The talismans shown on the book are only some good amount of genuine samples of what Taoist Masters might use during Taoist Magic Rituals.

However, it is still a good Book for Western Folks and  English Educated Chinese to understand  what is going on during Taoist Magic Rituals.It is a good supplementary book to be kept in their personal library by English Educated Chinese Folks, who are already practicing Taoist Rituals and Sorcery.

Learning Taoist Sorcery in Singapore
In Singapore, almost all Taoist Sorcerers have passed on due to old age and the Taoist Magical Skills were not pass down to their descendents. The only Taoist Sorcery Master left in Singapore is Seven Stars Sword Diety Master (Qi-Xing-Jian-Xian-Da-Fa-Shi 七星剑仙大法师). He is almost hitting 80yrs of age (In 2013)  and also retired from the public. He didn't pass down the knowledge to his children and accept no disciples.

With the support of his 2 ghost servants ( inside the mini coffin placed on the altar), Seven Stars Sword Diety' Master manage  to blow Gold Fishes into Coconut Shell through a tiny hole 10 times smaller than the Gold Fishes..

The irony is many Younger CHINESE Singaporeans, who believe in spiritual power, are now "playing" with Thai Barangs (Amulets, Takruts) , and never know about or get to experience the power of Taoist Sorcery or at least "play" with Taoist Talismans (Unless they belong to one of the Tang-Ki Worshiping Groups), which originated from their Ancestors and Culture.

Alternative to Taoist Sorcery
Since Singaporeans have no chance to learn Taoist Sorcery in Singapore, the best alternative to Taoist Sorcery  is to become a Helper in a Taoist Temple that involves Tang-Ki Worship ( Taoist Spiritual Mediums).

Western Folks who want to experience and learn Taoist Magical Ritual can choose to go to Taiwan (must know Mandarin), Thailand (Phuket Vegetarian Festivals), Malaysia and Singapore to join Spirit Medium Group as a helper. The best choice is Singapore as the Helpers in the Temples can communicate well in English.

Documentary on Tang-Ki Worship (Singapore)

Difference between Taoist Sorcery and Taoist Mediums
Taoist Sorcery is Magical Skills that You learn and then become self-reliance and solely depend on Yourself to execute spells to do good or evil anytime You like.

Taoist Tang-Ki Worship is a ritual to invite Heavenly Deities  to possess spirit mediums and then depend on them to help mankind and they will DO NO EVIL.

Different Taoist Talismanic Sects/Lineages

Different Taoist Talismanic Sects/Lineages invoke spiritual beings either from heaven, earth or underworld or from all three. For example: Taoist Masters from Liu Ren Sect (六壬法门), Zheng Yi Sect(正一派) etc only invoked deities from Heaven and the rituals performed and talismans created can only do good to help people and do no harm.

In Taoist Sorcery, it includes the practice of summoning ghosts, animal spirits, insects spirits and also demons / evil deities from earth and underworld. Example of Taoist Sects that perform Taoist Sorcery (Or Taoist Black Magic) are Mao-Shan Sect(茅山派), Yin-Shan Sect(阴山派), Gui-Shan Sect(鬼山派) etc. The practices include personal gains, unethical gains (sex, lust), revenge spells (ghosts, spirits to disturb), hexing spells (sickness, suicidal, death) and more.

Taoist Mediums (or Taoist Tangki Worship)
During Taoist Tangki Worship, Heavenly Deities possess the Taoist Mediums, so as to provide consultation to human folks, directly from Heavenly Taoist Deities. In Taoist Tang-Ki Worship, Heavenly Deities will help to cure sickness, give advice on any matters and Heavenly Deities will only do good and no evil. If You were to seek help for revenge, hexing purpose they will give You a good scolding.

Taoist Mediums are only trained in the proper procedure to let  the Heavenly Deities possess their bodies. Helpers in Taoist Tang-Ki Ritual, are only trained in using Talismans needed for Tang-Ki Ritual and the incantations needed for 3 main purposes: 1) Inviting Deities to possess the mediums, 2) Send off the Deities and 3) Wake the Taoist Medium up after the trance.

Most of the Taoist Mediums and Helpers know nothing more than the standard talismans and the incantations  needed for Taoist Tang-Ki Worship.

Pros and Cons to join Taoist Tang-Ki  Group
Pros - You will gain real life experience to feel the power of Taoist Incantation, when the Heavenly Deities possess the Taoist Mediums right in front of You. You will experience the power of Taoist Talismans,  which are used during Taoist Tang-Ki Ritual. You will get to see real Supernatural Power during some Tang-Ki Festivals ,whereby the Spirit Mediums use long sharp metal poles to poke through their tongues, cheeks and skins.

Cons - You will not learn and never will learn about Taoist Black Magic in Taoist Tang-Ki Worship. If You were to practice or dabble into Taoist Sorcery later on , the Deities will able to sniff You out even when You are practicing secretly and give You a good scolding and expel You from the temple. If You are practicing only Taoist White Magic, the Deity (medium in trance) will also able to sniff You out and he will be glad and guide You along.

What You can do?
You can join Tang-Ki Worship to be a helper to gain experience and knowledge in Taoist Spiritual Practice, so as to gain 1st hand experience on the power of Taoist Rituals and Talismans. After You are able to find a Taoist Sorcery Master, who is willing to teach You "Mao-Shan" Magic, then You may proceed on the other path - Taoist Sorcery.

BEWARE: Becoming or ending up as a Tang-Ki (Spirit Medium) yourself, is not a good idea because You will be called upon by the Deities to be possessed on a routine basis to give consultation  to the public. You can't get away to learn the Taoism Of The Left - Taoist Sorcery. You might end up only able to learn Taoist White Magic.

Taoism Has Black Magic? - What You Western folks don't know

"Some translation of your Taoist work in french is sometimes not very good and can make some people think bad things about Taoist masters or nun. I think it is very important to use the words which inspire respect about Taoist spirituality. In french the translation of words like: "sorcery" "black magic" "skills" "spells" are very negative meaning. Words like "talisman " "preacher " "secret magic" are really better to keep people that doesn't know very well Taoist culture have a good appreciation of the culture" - French Taoist Nun - Quan Zhen Sect.

"I learned Taoist practice with a Chinese Master in France. He transmitted me his magic medicine . You know more talisman that me i am sure. I don't feel better than you. I just want to communicate with you. The Word 'sorcery' in french mean 'magic practice to put devil action on someone'. I would like french people appreciate your work. If a french people need you for help its better to use another Word To make them understand the positive action of your magic work" - French Taoist Nun, Quan Zhen Sect.

What You Western folks learn about Taoism is the Taoist Philosophy. Most of You only know about Taoism by reading the "Tao De Jing" and that's all about it. Other Western folks, further advance their Taoist Philosophical Knowledge by learning under a Quan Zhen Master in their own country , or travel to China to learn in the Quan Zhen Temple. Nobody in the West, know or ever heard about Taoist Sorcery (or Chinese Black Magic).

Quan Zhen Taoist Sect focus on personal cultivation by concentrating on longevity and immortality through alchemy, harmonising oneself with the Tao, studying the Five Elements, and ideas on balance consistent with Yin and Yang theory, and also combine the teaching of Buddhism and Confucian ideas.

Taoist Sorcery, or Chinese Black Magic, has it's origin from Southern China. In ancient time, folks of Southern China were pure shamanic. It was later combined with Taoist influence, which became known as Taoist Sorcery.

2 good examples of Southern Taoist Sects are 闾山派(Lǘ Shan Sect/Lineage) and Southern Mao-Shan Sect(南传茅山派) and also the sub-sects of these 2 sects. Taoist Sorcery focus on performing rituals (spells / magic) and Talismans Magic , which can do good or evil, to gain the upper-hand, or seek revenge (for punishment) , and also Taoist Spirit Mediums.

When the Southern Chinese migrated all over South East Asia, they brought along the knowledge of Taoist Sorcery and Spirit Medium Practice, which are not taught to the Western Folks.

Results Gets Better After Enhancement Love Ritual (Spell / Magic) Is Performed

"He rush to see me on Wed morning before I went off & he has been texting me since I went away. He even say it was good to see me again & he say he did miss me. I guess it is a good sign for we last met about 2 months ago. The results are even better this time. - Happy Lady"

Enhancement Ritual can be proceed if the main ritual show positive results. Usually  Results Gets Better After Enhancement Love Ritual (Spell / Magic) Is Performed.

Depending on the heart of an individual, some folks want to make sure that the ritual works to the max and nothing give way to it. Usually enhancement ritual is not needed, and not compulsory, as the main ritual is enough. You must have the means (money) too, because ritual fee is not cheap. In certain cases, the fee for enhancement ritual cost more than the main ritual.

Important Notes Before You Seek Help:

1) Using Black Magic / Sorcery to break up a loving married couple is very evil thing to do. Unless, You are already sure the married couple are no more in love with each other for many years and You want to give them a final boost to divorce and walk separate ways.

2) Each individual is unique in his / her own fate. Same love ritual done on different individuals may achieve different results. There is no guarantee of success when ritual is done. The duty of a Spiritual Master is to perform ritual to seek help from gods and ghosts. Whether a problem will be solved , depends solely on the gods and ghosts. He personally has no magical power. His only power is the ability to invoke gods and command ghosts but has no control of the results.

Have 100% Faith Before You Order A Spiritual Item or Seek Help From A Spiritual Master

"How powerful is the Talisman?"

"After purchase the talisman, will I win 4D every draw?"

"How fast can I see the result?"

"Does the talisman really work?"

"How often will I strike if I own a lottery talisman?"

"How big is the talisman? How come so expensive?"

1st of all, before You order a Taoist Talisman (or any spiritual items) , or request for a ritual (spell / magic),  You must have 100% faith that the spiritual item , or ritual , is definitely going to help You achieve Your goal.

If it doesn't work out to Your expectation, You must also accept Your fate. 

If You don't have 100% faith and trust, You have the right NOT to order the spiritual item or engage the spiritual master's service.

Having doubts on the spiritual power of the spiritual items , or the ritual, if  the spiritual master doesn't get offended,  the deities / ghosts who are going to work on Your issue will get offended instead. The deities or ghosts will question back:" If You feel we don't have the ability to  help You, why engage us?"

Asking too many questions and having too much doubts in the spiritual power of the spiritual items or  ritual (spell / magic) will only waste Your time and the spiritual master's time.

Folks who achieve success in life and being blessed with the help of divine support, are those who are firm and absolute in whatever decision they make.

Successful folks ask questions like this:" How much is it? If I can afford, I pay and make an order now. I have 100% full faith in what You are doing."

"Help! I owe many people money!" - How to get help?

"I need Your help because I own ppl money debt almost 700k pls help me. Very urgent. I have no idea to pay"

"I desperately need money help, as I owe too many people money"

Please be reminded that Taoist Sorcery Master is not a Free Service Provider. If he provides Free Service to all folks who seek help, he is already perished long ago. Your money problem is Your own problem and doesn't concern him. Only articles and information written on the blogs are Free to read.

When You have money problem, high chance is that You can't afford to pay for the fee charges on rituals, talismans and even the subscription fee for Kumantong 4D Prediction, or Personal 4D Prediction. Even consultation service through email, You still need to pay for the consultation fee, which You might not able to afford to pay.

Whether You are genuinely desperate for Free Sevice, or just being cheap-skate seeking Free Service, there are still ways to achieve Free Help.

1) You can visit a Public Chinese Temple and light up joss sticks and pray to the deity statues. You just pay for the joss sticks and joss papers. Some temples provide free joss sticks. You may do donation of any amount You like in the donation box, located at the corner of the temple.

2) Or, consult a Taoist Spirit Medium (while in trance of a deity) in the temple. You are expected to do donation of any amount You like in the donation box, located at the corner of the temple. If You can't afford to donate, or too cheapskate to donate, the deities won't punish You as well.

If You insist on premium, quality ritual / spell / talismans from a Taoist Sorcery Master (or any spiritual masters), You have to prepare to pay high fee for the service.

Before You Seek Help For Love / Break Up Ritual (Spell / Magic) - What You need to Know

"Thank You Master! After the 1st night of casting the Love Ritual, I begin to feel positive reaction from him on the next day!"

"I have decided to do the boost up ritual. I do see that he is trying hard to meet me lately and; is contacting me more often than before even though he told me we will never be together, so I think it is good to proceed with boost up ritual. I will transfer the fee to you now. As mentioned, please apply the Yin Shan Sect Ritual(阴山派) and the 5 ghosts under Yin Shan Sect (阴山派) to help speed up the breaking up process of that 2 persons."

"Master! Situation seems getting worst! Any remedy?"

Very often, folks who seek help to have Love or Break Up Magic (Spell / Ritual) cast for them are very anxious that the result can be shown on the very second when the ritual / magic has just begun.

Once again, here are the repeated pointers that You need to know before You seek help:

  • The duty of a Taoist Master / Sorcerer (or any other Spiritual Masters) is to do exactly how the rituals should be done and no short cut
  • Taoist Master / Sorcerer (or any other Spiritual Masters) does not know when or  whether the ritual will ever show result
  • Divine Intervention still depends on fate
  • When You seek help, just let the ritual (spell / magic) be done for You and let the future takes it's course
  • By keep asking whether the result has shown, or how to sense the outcome, the spiritual master has no answer, only You will know
  • Your duty is to relax your mind and hope for the best. Whether there is result or not, let it be
  • You are paying the fee for the time ,energy, praying materials and expertise of the spiritual master and not the guarantee of results
  • Outcome of ritual that look negative or failed right now , might or might not be the real results. Sometime things must go low before they shoot high. It is a natural process. 
  • "Boost Up"  Ritual or Follow Up Ritual will be entertained only if You has sensed the previous ritual show positive results

The Previous Failed Love Ritual Seems Like Working Now!

"Hi Taoist Sorcery Master,
A quick update:
I have not been thinking of the results of the rituals and is also trying to let go of him.

Remember the "love binding" ritual You had done for me 2 months ago, my boyfriend had wanted to break up with me by telling me I deserve someone better.

But surprisingly, now my boyfriend still contact me every single day and we continue to text. 

I don't know if this is a good sign and if it means the deity are still helping me. He doesn't seem to really let me go, despite saying that we will never be together.

I still have hope but I don't force things. I will continue to monitor the outcome and keep You updated and see whether any enhancement rituals are needed.

Once again,Thank You for Your help."

The feedback shown above is very typical scenario of "Failed Love Ritual" that turns out positive in later period.

The duty of a Spiritual Master is to do ritual / cast spell to invoke the specific deities or ghosts  to handle your specific love problem. Whether it will bring positive outcome now or later, nobody knows. Spiritual Master does not have the power to control the outcome. Divine Intervention still depends on FATE.

Ritual, or spell casting that seems negative at the moment might turn out positive later, but there is still no guarantee of confirm success.

Once again, take note that You are paying the fee for the time , energy and expertise of the Spiritual Master to do ritual , or cast spell for You and not the final outcome / result.  

The proper mindset You should have when asking for help:


This is the proper mindset: Master, I need Your help and I will pay the fee. Just get the Love ritual / spell done for me and let me get over it.  I will leave the matter to be handled by the divine entities / deities / ghosts and hope for the best. How the results will turn out I will still accept it. Ritual at lease still gives me hope but I will leave it to fate. No matter what the outcome be like, or whether there will ever be an outcome, I will still thank the Spiritual Master and the deities / ghosts for helping me out.

I don't want to pay money when there is no guarantee...
You have the freedom NOT to engage the service of a Spiritual Master. You can still go to a Chinese Temple, light up joss sticks and pray to the deities dealing with Love Issue, but there is no professional help and You won't know whether the deities have heard Your cries.

If You want the Spiritual Master to help You do ritual 1st and pay money later when see results, he will tell You to go and die.

Related Articles: 

After the Love Ritual is done, How and When will I see results?

Very often, questions like this pertaining to love rituals, will be asked.

Many people have the wrong thinking mindset, but they cannot be blamed, as they are not told the proper mindset to have before seeking help from the divine.

You might think that by just SPENDING MONEY for ritual, You are expecting to RECEIVE THE LOVE OF SOMEONE immediately, if not the Ritual has failed, or the Spiritual Master is fake.

Remember the song: MONEY CAN'T BUY ME LOVE - By Beatles.

When You buy an electronic product to use, You can expect guarantee that it will work, if not change for another one or ask for refund.

When come to divine intervention on Love Issues, fate still plays a part. You can't have the mindset of "I Spending money already and I expect the guy / girl to be mine by tomorrow".

When You pay a fee, You are paying for the time, energy and the expertise of the Spiritual Master to help You do ritual / cast spell, and not buying the outcome / result.

A good example to describe the same situation:
You got Cancer and You tell doctor after paying for cancer treatment, You are expecting 100% cure / recovery. Doctor will tell You that he will do his best and hope the treatment will cure You but they won't know the outcome, until the future shows by itself, but has no guarantee. You still need to pay for the time, energy and the expertise of the doctor to treat Your cancer, and not paying for the outcome / result.

The Process Of Love After Love Ritual Is Done 
When the deities / divine entities are invoked during the Love Ritual performed by the Spiritual Master, they are notified about Your Love Problem. They will  have to study Your situation and whether both You and him / her are fated. If Yes, the deities / divine entities will help create opportunities to improve the love situation and improve the loving feeling of  Your lover over You, which takes time to build up the emotion. If there is no fate in between You and him / her, deities / divine entities can't do shit for You, even after spending time and energy going through Your case. 

Now, You understand what is going on during the process of love. Some rare lucky folks, win back the love of the girl / guy the next day after Love Ritual is completed. Some folks take weeks or months,  before realising the Love Ritual actually worked.

Nobody know how fast the results show or there will ever be any results. Usually, when you are able to let go of the NEED for results, you'll able to spot them.

Once again, take note that You are paying the fee for the time , energy and expertise of the Spiritual Master and not the final outcome / result. 

The proper mindset You should have when asking for help:


This is the proper mindset: Master, I need Your help and I will pay the fee. Just get the Love ritual / spell done for me and let me get over it.  I will leave the matter to be handled by the divine entities / deities / ghosts and hope for the best. How the results will turn out I will still accept it. Ritual at lease still gives me hope but I will leave it to fate. No matter what the outcome be like, or whether there will ever be an outcome, I will still thank the Spiritual Master and the deities / ghosts for helping me out.

I don't want to pay money when there is no guarantee...
You have the freedom NOT to engage the service of a Spiritual Master. You can still go to a Chinese Temple, light up joss sticks and pray to the deities dealing with Love Issue, but there is no professional help and You won't know whether the deities have heard Your cries.

If You want the Spiritual Master to help You do ritual 1st and pay money later when see results, he will tell You to go and die.

Related Article: Why Must Pay Money For Sorcery Service When There Is No Guarantee?

Still Think Taoist Sorcery Is Bullshit? Then Look At This...

Many people, whose lives are still going on smoothly, always condemn all kind of magic spells, including Taoist Sorcery, are bullshits. Only someday, when people face some kind of hardship, then they will search high and low for divine intervention.

Over here look at how the people being rescued financially from the help of the Divine Child Spirits (Kumantongs) kept and trained by Taoist Sorcery Master.

Ang Bao (Token Of Appreciation) Of SGD$1388 was sent to Kumantong 4D Master because his Kumantongs have blessed her to Strike 4D Direct 1st Prize. On the next day, She hit 4D Direct Consolation again and sent Ang Bao Of SGD$38 again.

Initially, she was in debt and couldn't even pay the subscription fee to join Kumantong 4D Power Prediction. She was instructed to pray to the photo of 3 Kumantongs and soon She Strike and Strike with her own personal 4D Prediction again and again, with Kumantongs' Blessings.

Important Note: Kumantongs,  trained by Taoist Sorcery Master, have the ability to  know who are the folks who prayed on the image of them and bless them accordingly.

Many people condemn there is no such thing as ghosts / gods giving lottery numbers, if not, nobody will want to work. These folks should look at the proof of  many successes due to the support of the divine power.

If You think 1 case is "By Luck"..
Here are more proves of winnings by other believers in divine intervention:

All thanks to the old time Taoist Master Sorcerers, who willingly pass down their deep dark secret knowledge of Taoist Sorcery to Taoist Sorcery Master.

Related Post: Why as a Taoist Sorcerer, You keep Kumantongs?

Fake Or Real Spiritual Master - How To Differentiate? A Warning for Beautiful Ladies / Women

"I had visited a temple quite a number of times. But recently this guy, who is a Taoist Medium, also had learn Mao Shan Sorcery, had done rituals for me, but the results are getting from bad to worst. He had told me to break up with my Boyfriend before quite a few times but I ignored and he even asked me to quit by job. My friend who visited the same temple suffered the same fate as me. The situation between her and her husband is breaking apart.Her family and business are getting worst as each day passes..."

This article is written as a precaution for the beautiful young ladies / women.

Women in their late 20s and above, have high tendency to attract to spiritual stuffs. The problem is they can't tell what is real or fake. Their brains are cropped up with their immediate problems and the logical thinking process has been blocked.

A genuine Spiritual Master will not take advantage of You monetarily,nor physically. A Spiritual Master, even the Sorcerer type, who practice Black Magic will also always stand by You, and not cast black magic spell on You to take control of You mind.

Fakes Male Spiritual Masters will normally target beautiful girls / ladies / women in distress. If most of their clients / followers are beautiful females, You really need to take precaution.

Signals of fake spiritual masters:
  • Tell You to break up with your boyfriend / husband/ family
  • Tell You to strip naked, in order for him to fondle Your body for ritual purpose
  • Tell You that You need to have sex with him to cure the problems
  • Hidden Fees that never mentioned earlier then suddenly manipulate You to pay up
  • Tell You that all rituals done by him CONFIRM work
  • Tell You that one ritual, after another are needed to continue forever, in order to suck You savings dry
  • Tell You to join his cult
What Genuine Spiritual Masters / Sorcerers do:
  • Will always stand by You
  • Will not cast black magic on You to control You
  • Will never take advantage of You sexually
  • The fee for rituals / casting of spells will be agreed mutually between You and him, without hidden fees
  • Tell You that rituals will be done in his best capability
  • Whether You need extra rituals will be explained to You earlier and depend on Your own free will to choose
  • You are given freedom to engage his service, or free to look for help somewhere else

The Dilemma Of Real Taoist Spirit Mediums

People,especially the English Educated Westernized Chinese,and the Western Folks, who don't know anything about Folk Taoist Culture, immediately condemn Taoist Spirit Mediums are fake, and are out in public to CON people for money.

Over here, You will understand the truth and the predicaments of Genuine Taoist Spirit Mediums - The Tangki(s) (乩童).

 Please take note that Taoist Spirit Mediums are not Taoist Masters, nor Taoist Sorcerers.

There are few fake Tangkis out there, but most are genuine. Over here the topic is regarding Genuine Taoist Spirit Mediums.

The truth is... Folks, who end up becoming Spirit Mediums, were initially had no interest to become one. They were chosen by the deities to use their human bodies in order to speak, to provide FREE consultation service to help the public. If You are being caught to be a Tangki, You can run away, but You can't hide. The deity will have all ways to catch You back and soon You will surrender and obediently become a Tang-Ki.

A Tang-Ki, normally needs to lend his body to be possessed by a deity, to provide FREE consultation service, at least once a week, or fortnightly (usually on 1st & 15th of every Chinese lunar month). Most Tang-kis have a normal daily job like any adults, but still have to perform his duty as a Tangki, once every week or every 2 weeks. Just imagine, You are too tired after coming home from work, and later at night the deity is waiting to use your body to give Free consultation.


Genuine Tangki Consultation Service do not charge You money like a business transaction. There is one donation box at the corner of the temple, which You can put in money in any amount You like. It really depends on Your own heart to put some money inside the donation box to help the temple to continue running, if not the tang-ki needs to use to use his / her own money to buy the necessities, such as prayer & ritual materials, joss sticks, incense papers from his own pocket. Usually, folks who visit the temple for consultation know how to be "automatic" by themselves.

The temple helpers, who run the errands in the temple, perform rituals and chantings to let the deity possess the Tang-ki etc, do not earn any money either, and they do as volunteers.

The deities do not allow the Spirit Medium and the helpers to gain profits from providing the consultation service to help the public.

Only Taoist Masters, Taoist Sorcerers will charge You money for consultation, because Taoist Master / Sorcerer is a profession and these folks spent many years learning and follow other Taoist masters / sorcerers as trainees / apprentices to memorize different chants, steps to draw different hundred types of talismans and personally study the problems of the clients, and to be able to choose the specific rituals to solve different human problems, all by the Masters / Sorcerers themselves, not the deities. Tangkis don't have the same privilege like the Taoist Master / Sorcerer, who charge  You money for the consultation service.

If You are a FREE LOADER, who think You can simply go to a Taoist Spirit Medium for FREE CONSULTATION and no-need to pay a single cent, remember this... Tangki Consultation Service will only provide help in Morally Correct Issue.

If You wish to seek Revenge on someone, or want to receive a Magical Talisman to lay many Women, need a talisman to win the lottery or gambling, or ask the deity to destroy people's family, or help to win the heart of someone's husband or wife, or put curse in someone's house / office/ shop / warehouse, You'd better pay money to seek help from a Taoist Sorcerer, because the type of deities, who can be invoked to possess the spirit mediums, will not entertain You on immoral issues.

Short Video - Interview With A Taoist Spirit Medium

Related Article:

Do I Need Enhancement Ritual To Have Better Result?

"I am happy ritual works & is working. Can you advise me if I should continue to let things happen naturally? When do I need to do enhancing in able to have a better results?"

Enhancement Ritual can be proceed if the main ritual show positive results. Depending on the heart of an individual, some folks want to make sure that the ritual works to the max and nothing give way to it. Usually enhancement ritual is not needed, and not compulsory, as the main ritual is enough. You must have the means (money) too, because ritual fee is not cheap.

Each individual is unique in his / her own fate. Same love ritual done on different individuals may achieve different results. There is no guarantee of success when ritual is done. The duty of a Spiritual Master is to perform ritual to seek help from gods and ghosts. Whether a problem will be solved , depends solely on the gods and ghosts. He personally has no magical power. His only power is the ability to invoke gods and command ghosts but has no control of the results.

Can you make Ultimate Gambling (3 In 1) Talisman out of cloth and not papers so i can use it for life?

"Can You help me create Ultimate Gambling (3 In 1)  talisman in cloth , instead of papers? Will the cloth version,like the paper version ones , if i loose three consecutive times i have to burn away? Or will the cloth one work continuously without any problems?"

With repeated request from Die-Hard Followers Of Taoist Sorcery to be created on cloth with no limit, "Ultimate Gambling "3 In1" Talisman is redesigned in Cloth Material and empowered with the power of infinity.

IMPORTANT WINNING TIP: Remember to walk away when You have WIN enough and continue Your WINNING next time. Don't be too greedy.

Ultimate Gambler Talismans (Old Version)

Ultimate Gambling Talismans - Old Version

Ultimate Gambling (3 In 1) Talisman
(Due to rapid requests from die-hard gamblers to have
3 talismans group together into 1 piece of cloth for infinite usage)
Ultimate Gambling (3 In 1) Talisman

Related Post: 

Secrets of the heart of men and women that only Spiritual Masters know

On the daily life, many people are putting on a fake front to interact with other people. Many people always believe what they see on the surface of other people are the truth. What You see and think of a person, the truth might be the opposite.

Ironically,  people trust a Spiritual Master more than his / her family and friends. People are willing to speak the truth about their deep dark secrets / hopes / wishes to a Spiritual Master. Therefore, what You will never know about the secrets of your closest family members or friends, but the Spiritual might know more than You.

The truth of some ladies / women

Very often, when a lady / woman seeks help from a Spiritual Master, these are the typical reasons

1) Single Woman falls in love with a a Married man. She wants him to break off with his wife and family, so that she can owns him. If she can't achieve her goal by herself, she will resort to Black Magic. She can be that nice, sweet lady / woman You often meet on your daily life. When comes to love, some women can turn evil just to win her lover's heart.

However, no matter how evil a woman might be, she is willing to shorten her own life , or face the future karma / retribution , or willing to throw her life savings away, just to be with the man she loves.

This type of  ritual of making husbands leave the family, only Spiritual Masters Of The Left Path can handle. Spiritual Masters of the Right Path will not entertain.

2) Husband asking for divorce and want to leave the family to be with another woman and wife seek help from a Spiritual Master, hoping to win back husband's heart. This type of case whereby husbands want to leave the family is very rare.

Many people have the thoughts that men are always the evil ones, who will leave the family to havoc outside. The truth is men are often the ones who seek spiritual help because wives want to leave the family to achieve Total Freedom.

This type of ritual to bring back Husbands, Spiritual Masters Of Left or Right Path can handle.

Important Note: When a woman seeks help from a Spiritual Master, she is focusing on one specific man - Boyfriend / Husband or someone she likes / loves. A woman may seek spiritual help to look more attractive  but they never seek spiritual help to be laid around by many men.

The truth of guys / men

Very often, when a guy / man seeks help from a Spiritual Master, these are the typical reasons

1) Wife suddenly ask for divorce and wants to leave the family, include leaving the kids behind. YES! READ AGAIN! Wives seeking divorce! Many people will think there must be something wrong with the husband that wife will want to leave the family, husband and kids.

Surprisingly, the reasons that the wives of these men give are the same - THEY WANT TOTAL FREEDOM.

This is the typical scenario:

Wife went oversea to attend a self-improvement talk ,or her job needs her to work oversea. After a very short while, wife returns home and demands for a divorce because she feels she can be more successful in life by herself,than with the family. Wife has no man outside. There is no 3rd party involvement.

Nowadays, these cases (Wives seeking divorce for Personal Freedom) are very typical in Singapore. In the older generations, when women and men got married, they married for whole life time. No matter how bad the character of the husband or wife, they will endure and stick through thick and thin.

In these modern days, especially in Singapore, young adults get married because their parents force them to get married, and these young adults get married just to follow the traditional custom - "When the time comes, it is time to get married and you better get married" , and children do so half-heartedly in order to shut their parents' mouths.

Here comes the problem Singapore is the crossroad between Chinese Culture and Western Culture. On one side, kids were forced to stick to Chinese Cultural Mindset but the media and society have mold them to follow the Western Cultural Mindset.

When the young men get married, they are expecting their wives to behave like their mothers and grandmothers - Go to work, come back and do the house work and also take care of the kids. When the young women get married, they suddenly realized they got tied down in the family commitment and they were influenced by the western media, that women can also enjoy total freedom and success, without commitment and best is to be on her own.

Spiritual Master of the Left or Right Path are able to do ritual to tame and bring the wives back .

2) Single or Married Men seeking help from a Spiritual Master because they want to attract more ladies / women into their lives. Some men can never be satisfied with just one lady / woman in his life. No matter he is single, has a girlfriend, or already married, he might be targeting one specific lady / woman , or wanting to attract many more ladies / women into his life.

A Spiritual Master of the Left or Right Path may help a single man to improve his "Peach Blossom" Luck in order to attract a lady into his life to get married. 

Only a Spiritual Master of the Left Path will be able to do ritual / create talisman / amulet to help a man (single or married) attract many ladies / women for sexual gains.

Important Note: When a Man seeks help from a Spiritual Master, it is either he wants to find a girl to love, or bring back his wife, or attract many ladies / women into his life.

Taoist Love Ritual - Is it Black or White Magic?

Taoist Magic  can be black or white, depends on the situation.

If You seek a Taoist Master to do a ritual to bring back Your wife from the 3rd party guy, the love ritual performed will be considered White Magic Love Ritual.

If You seek a Taoist Sorcerer, to make a girl breaks away from her husband , so that You can own the girl , then  the love ritual performed will be considered Black Magic Love Ritual.

One special example: One man has been abusing his wife physically for very long time and wife wants to get away from her husband and file for divorce, but the husband disagree. At this situation, if a sorcery spell is cast on the husband to influence him to agree to divorce and separate from his wife, then it can be considered as White Magic.

Taoist Masters  perform White Magic
Taoist Masters can only perform White Taoist Magic, as they are only trained in White Taoist Magic,
which invoke Heavenly Deities. Heavenly Deities can only handle proper moral  issues.

Tang-Ki Consultation Service to the public by Taoist Spirit Mediums, known as Tang-Ki (乩童), who are being possessed by Taoist Deities, can only advise You with proper moral values, perform white magic spells and guide You to the proper path. You can't tell the deities that You are seeking help to bed certain girls, or planning to take away some other men's wives.

Taoist Masters  perform White Magic & Black Magic
Taoist Sorcerers can perform White Taoist Magic and Black Taoist Magic. Taoist Sorcerers are trained in both white and black magic, as they can invoke Heavenly Deities and Hell King, Hell Deities, Hell Demons & command ghosts , animal spirits to do evil.

Taoist  Sorcerers are usually trained in  Folk / Southern Mao-Shan Pai (民间/南传 茅山派), Yin Shan Pai (阴山派) , or Gui Shan Pai (鬼山派)。

When Black Magic Is Not Black
Seeking help from Hell King, Hell Deities and Hell Soldiers does not mean it is confirmed Black Magic either. It depends on the situation. If Hell King, Hell Deities and Hell Soldiers are sought after to get rid of the 3rd party guy away from Your wife, it is still considered White Magic.

If You like a girl...
If You like a girl, it is not wise to use Black Magic to force a girl to love you, or else she will possessed by a ghost and turns into zombie-like, with no real feeling on her own.

It is better to use White Magic to influence her to love you naturally.

Final Note:
Taoist Sorcery can do anything, it depends on the heart.

How To Do Feng Shui To Strike The Lottery (4D /Toto) ?

During the festive seasons, many folks are hoping to strike the lottery (4D / Toto) and get a windfall for the New Year.

You are going to approach , or have approached a Feng Shui Master to seek help in Striking The Lottery. They will tell You , or have told You right in front of Your face :"Sorry.. Feng Shui can only enhance LUCK but there is NO WAY to predict 4D / Toto numbers".

You should approach a Taoist Master / Sorcerer , or a Tang-Ki (Spirit Medium) , and not a Modern Day Feng Shui Master.


Most of  the modern days Feng Shui Masters will tell You, or have told You, Feng Shui can only enhance your luck and there is no way to predict what numbers to bet on every Lottery Draws. The reason is because they don't know Taoist Sorcery, therefore they have no clues and no answers to keep winning the lottery.

Modern days English Educated Feng-Shui Masters  chose to study Feng-Shui,  because they realized there are many modernized English Educated Chinese (especially Chinese Singaporeans)  still believe in Feng Shui , and more and more Western Folks are also interested in Feng Shui, which means a lot of  money to be made if they are able to include a Title:"Feng Shui Master". They can do Feng-Shui Audit and charge a lot more money by carrying a Luo-Pan and give advise by looking around the premises.

These Modern Days English educated Feng-Shui Masters, learned some basic Feng-Shui  (from a short Feng-Shui Course created for Feng-Shui Master -Wannabes to get a Certificate In Feng Shui )  at a later period of their life, usually in their late 20s or 30s. Most of these modern days Feng-Shui Masters  are folks who have completed westernized education of a Diploma or Degree in Architectural Engineering, or interior design, and later on add on another Certificate of Feng Shui , to become a "Feng Shui Master".

To be proficient in Feng Shui, they should have studied ancient Chinese Classic School of House Building /Construction, or Lu Ban Jing (鲁班经) "Lu Ban's Classic".

Modern Feng Shui Courses are restructured, by getting rid of the Taoist Sorcery knowledge , such as Taoist Talismans Drawing for Feng Shui uses, Taoist Incantations, Exorcism, Consecrating Deity Statues, Empowering Feng Shui Products,  Setting Up Altars,  Specific Way To Pray To Deities etc, which take many years to learn by following a Taoist Master.

Modern Feng Shui is packaged to make it look "Scientific" and not Superstitious, to be able to sell to the modern English educated Chinese and Western Folks.

An Old School Feng Shui Master started out from a very young age by being an apprentice or helper to an Old Age, Seasoned, Taoist Sorcery cum Feng Shui Master to master both Taoist Sorcery & Feng Shui Skills. Old  School Feng Shui Master have the full knowledge in Taoist Sorcery & Feng Shui, without needing a Certificate / Diploma In Feng Shui.


Feng Shui can enhance wealth later on, but what if You want to keep on Striking The Lottery now? Or maybe You are very desperate to pay off debts , or any other reasons which You need money fast, and there is no time to wait  to improve Feng Shui for Home or Office, and no money to pay a Feng Shui Master for Feng Shui Audit?

You just need to know how to ask for Numbers directly from the Deities or Ghosts. Even with Bad Ba-Zi in Your Birth Chart, You will also Strike The Lottery.


Isn't it good if You can spend money on a holiday trip, or buy whatever You desire by using the hundreds and thousands of spare cashes that come from winning the lottery , instead of having to spend the hard earn money You earn from a miserable Job? Imagine having a pile of cashes to pump into an investment , or put as down payment to own a new house?

You can achieve Your dreams and desires, by just asking the Deities or Ghosts for Numbers.

The beauty of seeking help from Deities and Ghosts is that the 4D Numbers given are at least 90% accurate. You will often Strike 4D on TOP 3 Prizes, or if You miss, You only miss by 1 digit in the TOP 3 Prize.

>>Link to Images of Past Winning Tickets<< 

  Seek Help From Deities

To keep striking The Lottery, all You need is to have the ability to seek Lottery Numbers (4D / Toto) directly from Deities or Ghosts. Not even having to waste time using a 4D Software.

To seek help from Taoist Deities, You can approach a Wealth-Deity, directly when a Tang-Ki (Taoist Spirit Medium) is in trance.

The best way is to keep a Powerful Wealth-Bringing Talisman, which You can use it to seek Lottery Numbers anytime You want, or as many times as You want for every 4D Draws.

 Powerful Wealth-Bringing Talismans:

Seek Help From Ghosts

To seek help from Ghosts, You may engage a Taoist Master to bring You to the graveyard and get Lottery Numbers from the dead. Spirits / Ghosts from the wild / jungle / forest are also good to ask for accurate winning numbers, example: Banana Spirit.  During Chinese 7th Lunar  Month, there are temples that have Tua Di Ya Peh to bring devotees to graveyards to seek Lottery Numbers.

The best way is to keep a Kumantong at home, so that You can always ask 4D Numbers anytime You want. Make sure the Kumantong You keep is well-trained in providing Lottery Numbers.
Well-Trained Powerful Kumantongs & Kumantong 4D Prediction:
Important Point:

Even with good Feng Shui, if  You are going to keep buying the same exact personal numbers day in day out,You will never strike 4D.

To strike 4D, You just need to know what are the upcoming numbers on the TOP 3 Prizes and buy those Numbers. In order to gain this 4D Prediction Power, You just need a Taoist Wealth Talisman, or a Kumantong that is well-trained in Lottery Prediction.

To win the Lottery..
Related Article: The Origin, History & Different Schools Of Feng Shui (风水)

    What Are The Particulars You Need To Create Talismans Or Cast Spells For Me?

    Talismans which You are going to carry or keep, need no particulars of You to be added in them. This way, You may pass on the talismans to Your love ones or descendents in future.

    If You were to have the talismans done with Your Full Name and Date Of Birth added, then only You can carry / keep the talisman ,and it is not transferable.

    If You need to have spells cast or rituals done on a specific person or group of people, then the particulars, such as full names, date of birth are needed. In some cases, photos of the specific person , or group of people involved are needed.


    If You want to have a ritual done to bring back (or break up) Your own lover..
    The particulars needed will be You and his / her Full Name , Date of Birth and Photos of You 2 together , or 1 photo of each person.

    If You want Your lover to break up with the 3rd party..
    The particulars needed will be Your lover's and the 3rd party's Full Name , Date of Birth and Photos of them together , or 1 photo of each person.

    If You want Your lover to come back to You and get rid of the 3rd party..
    Then the particulars of 3 persons are needed.

    What if not enough information given?

    Deities / Ghosts are like the Invisible Private Investigators.

    To have an easier way to understand what particulars are needed is to imagine You are engaging an invisible private detective to work on Your issues.

    Example, You engage a P.I to track someone down. The P.I needs to have a photo of that person and the place he /she frequents or hang out.

    Deities / Ghosts are much more powerful than a Private Investigator

    Taoist Deities only need to know the Full Name and Date Of Birth, to immediately know who is the specific person You are referring to, in order to work on the issue for You.

    If You can't provide Full Name and Date Of Birth of the person, then a photo of him / her and the partial address of his / her whereabouts are needed , in order to trace him / her down.

    If You can only provide Full / Partial Name, and no Date Of Birth, and not even a Photo, it is almost impossible for the spiritual entities to seek out the person, because there are thousands of people who have the same names in this world.

    However, there is still chance to track down other parties involved.  As long as one person is tracked down successfully, the other person or group of people involved will be able to be track down easily, so that the deities invoked or ghosts commanded can work on Your issue immediately.



    What are the Problems with Modern Days Feng Shui Enthusiasts and Practitioners?

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    A Very Powerful Wealth / Career / Money Luck Taoist Talisman for Retrenched (Laid Off) Professionals >> Ex-Directors / Ex-Managers / Ex-Executives / Ex-Engineers

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    What the hack is "Salt Water Cure" - 'An Ren Water' (安忍水) in Feng Shui & it's Origin ?

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    Which Taoist Deities do you pray to for the health of animals?

    The Detailed Explanation of the 7 Talismans in 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman

    Men & Women seek relationship rituals / spells differently - What You find out will SHOCK YOU

    Applying Taoist Sorcery In Your Daily Life - By Striking 4D / Lottery Continuously? (A Case Study to learn so You can Strike 4D For Yourself)

    Which deities are included in the Protection All In One Talisman?

    Can I request to replace one talisman with another talisman?

    The Landlord God(s) - 地主 (Di Zhu) - Don't pray wrongly

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    Secret Talismans of San Shan Jiu Hou Xian Shi (三山九侯仙师) to support him in his spiritual training

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    I'm confuse about Taoist Religion and Chinese Folk Religion.. Guide Me

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    Taoist Talisman for Career to change Boss or change Job?

    A Brazil guy seeking the Tao to guide his life..

    What happens if I lost the Taoist Talisman or will it cause me bad luck if handled incorrectly?

    She went to Taoist Temples to ask for 4D numbers and got scolded terribly... Here is why

    When a ghost wants You to die for 'it'..

    Putting "Lucky" items for display is NOT Feng Shui? and more..

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    Q&As on using 'Ultimate 5 Ghosts Multi-Purpose' Talisman

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    Who are 文判官 (Wen Pan Guan) & 武判官 (Wu Pan Guan) ? - The Prosecutors of the Taoist Netherworld

    Why Taoists need and must burn Joss Sticks and Joss Papers? AND WHY SHOULD YOU?

    Be Protected Against Ghosts & Accidents In The Army - With A Talisman

    How an Average American Guy end up choosing the Taoist Magical Path

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    4D Scammers or Real Spiritual 4D Masters - How to differentiate & What to do?

    The Lucky Cat - Since Tang Dynasty

    Help! My father threatens to use black magic on my husband! What can we do?

    Peeing on the ghosts and lessons learned

    Different Taoist Love Magic Rituals for different Love Issues

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    "Is there a way to compel HIM to make love with me ONLY?" - Gay Guy

    I'm a Gay - Do you have a ritual that can make another or any man I desire to be my sex slave?

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    Do You have talisman or do ritual to have a baby?

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    Is There Any Taoist Ritual Or Prayer To Hope For A Baby?

    Why My Wealth Talisman Hasn't Let Me Strike 4D Lottery?!

    How do I know the talisman works?

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    Do you provide "Tai Sui" Ritual Service?

    Why this child ghost is behind me and how do I stop it from following me?

    Bring Back Your Lover With The Power Of Kumantongs

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    Can I Print Out a Taoist Talisman?

    This Is Not Pure Taoism?

    I 'm a Gay and I want to attract another Gay. Can You help me?

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    Why Must Pay Money For Sorcery Service When There Is No Guarantee?

    Can You Teach Me How To Make Taoist Talismans?

    I have been buying 4d for a long time and never strike the top 3 prizes,why I don't have such luck?

    Do You have very extremely powerful ritual to make someone want to have sex with Me?

    Are you one of those guys who get possessed or were you a Taoist Priest?

    Do Your Taoist Spells 100% Confirm Work? How Fast Will The Result Show?

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    Are there Taoist sorcerers who can Shape Shift?

    Are Taoist Sorcerers able to Teleport?

    Taoist Black Magic or Gong Tau ? - Which one more Powerful?

    Can I put spiritual items from different religions together on my Altar?

    I am going NS. What shall I carry to protect myself from ghosts and dangers in Army Training?

    Never Offend The Wrong People