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What are the Problems with Modern Days Feng Shui Enthusiasts and Practitioners?

 *Sometime when a Feng Shui Master needs to change the Date or Time on Feng Shui Audit or doing Ground-Walking to do "Dragon Spot" Dotting, the Client is not-happy (make noise / grumble) about it because he /she  doesn't know that period is unfavourable to the Feng Shui Master, due to 'Killing Master Days' or 'Killing Master Time'. Sometime Feng Shui Master will leave the Feng Shui Spot immediately or suddenly freak out, because he finally found the "Dragon Spot" but it is also a "Killing Master Ground"*

Importamt: To understand what are Killing Master Days , Killing Master Time and Killing Master Ground , Go To >>  The Deadly Feng Shui Taboos Of Feng Shui Masters

        Common-folks and Feng Shui Clients or Enthusiasts , who don't have basic understanding of Classical Feng Shui, only will visualise a picture of glittering bright future after "Applying Feng Shui" into their life, but they never know the other side of Feng Shui, that is, the danger faced by the person or master , who is welled-trained in Classical Feng Shui, who  "Divulge The Will Of Heaven" (泄漏天机).

        When Feng Shui Enthusiasts become interested to learn the Genuine Classical Feng Shui, then realise that there are too many Classical Feng Shui Taboos to memorised for becoming a Genuine Classical Feng Shui Master, many of the Feng Shui Enthusiasts will end up losing interest and quit.

        Some Feng Shui Enthusiasts, whose motive is to quickly learn some basic "Feng Shui" (regardless of genuine or fake) and then quickly package themselves as "Feng Shui Masters", in order to sell "Feng Shui Items" and "Feng Shui Cures Products" to make money, realise that Classical Feng Shui is too complicated  and too many Taboos to memorised and then still need to spend several years to walk-the-ground with their Genuine Classical Feng Shui Masters to do Feng Shui Audit and do "Dragon Spot" Dotting, before ownself become proficient enough to ownself become yet another Classical Feng Shui Master,  will stay away immiedately from Genuine Classical Feng Shui.

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