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Which deities are included in the Protection All In One Talisman?

Some folks ask which deities are included in the Protection All In One Talisman (a.k.a 36 Heavenly Warriors Talisman).

 "Hi, I was wondering which deities are included in your Protection All In One Talisman? I can’t find this information on your site. Thank you." - Jodan W.

"I find that I can pray and connect to the deities better and get better effect when I know their names and locations on the Talisman. Could you let me know the names of the 36 Warriors Talismans starting from the top in a clockwise direction? (So I can know all the deities who are helping me and I am praying to). Thank you for spending time to educate me on the Talismans!" - Client N.E, Singapore

Previously, the deities' names were not listed in English, therefore the Westerners and English-Educated Chinese Folks can't read the Chinese Characters of the Deity Names on the Talisman. Now, here they are..

Listed here are the 11 Main Deities in the Protection All In One Talisman:
  1. Zhang Gong Sheng Jun (张公圣君) 
  2. 5 Thunder Gods (五雷将军)
  3. Qi Tian Da Sheng (齐天大圣) - Monkey God
  4. Shan Chai Tong Zi (善財童子)
  5. Guan Yin Niang Niang (观音娘娘)
  6. Lian Hua  (San)Tai Zi (蓮花(三)太子)
  7. Da-Mo Zu Shi(达摩祖师)- Bodhidharma
  8. He He Er Xian / He He Tong Zi (和合二仙 / 和合童子)  - Two child immortals of Harmony and Union
  9. Xuan Tian Shang Di (玄天上帝)
  10. Nezha (哪吒) 
- The rest of other 25 talismans are seeking support from the heavenly spiritual servants, officers, soldiers & warriors to handle different types of issues You might face.