"Do You provide "Tai Sui" Ritual service for the beginning of a new year? Is it possible to have it done, which does not require carrying / wearing any talismans?"
You only need to provide Your Full Name (Chinese Name if You are a Chinese) and Your Date Of Birth.
The Tai-Sui Ritual does not need You to wear anything, if You do not want it. Tai-Sui paper talismans are created to be used during the Tai-Sui Ritual. The ritual fee is not cheap.
Not everyone needs to the Tai-Sui Prayer / Ritual
On the beginning of a new year, there will be 4 types of conflicts between the Tai-Sui Of the Year (Dang Nian Tai Sui -当年太岁) - and some of the 12 Earth branches (12 Chinese Zodiacs).
The 4 conflicts are:
刑太岁 - Punishment Of Tai-Sui
沖太岁 - Opposing The Taisui
破太岁 - Destruction Of The Taisui
害太岁 - Harming The Taisui
Only people belongs to the 4 specific groups of Chinese Zodiacs that have conflicts with Tai-Sui, need to do prayer / ritual. If Tai-Sui (太岁) of that year crosses Your zodiac path, then You will have bad luck , then You need to do prayer / ritual.
A proper "Tai-Sui" Ritual includes specific hand-written Tai-Sui Talismans , filled with Your Date Of Birth and Full Name, and chanting of the "Tai-Sui" Secret Verses during Tai-Sui Ritual. Specific Joss papers for praying to the Tai-Sui are included during the ritual.
A person with very low budget, may go to a Big Chinese Temple and buy incense sticks and Joss Papers and pray to the Statue of that particular Tai-Sui in charge of that specific year. This method will at least still gives an individual a peace of mind for one year but actually doesn't benefit much.
Related Post: Origin of Tai-Sui (太岁) & How To Pray

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