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Does occult and magick practices violate the essence of Dao (not Daoism) as preached by Laozi or Zhuangzi?

        Question like this is often due to the limitation information / texts about "Tao" (道) and "Taoism" (道家 - Taoist Philosophy / 道教 - Taoist Religion)in English Language. Westerners who are interested to understand "Taoism", usually end up only knowing about "Tao" (道) through Philosophical Taoism.

"道" is written as Tao or Dao.

Laozi (老子) and Zhuang Zi (庄子) are two of the earliest representative thinkers of Daoism, and their teachings are recognized as Daoist philosophical classics. Philosophical Taoism has nothing to do with Occult and magick practices, therefore You can't get an answer whether it violates the essence of "道" (Tao / Dao).

You may stop reading here if "Taoism" is just Chinese Philosophy for You. If You want to explore deeper to find out whether  occult and magick practices are part of Religious Taoism, then continue reading.

        It is due to the lack of information on Religious Taoism (and also Chinese Folk Religion) and it's practice and lack of English Translated Texts of Religious Taoism,  sauch as the Dao-Zang (道藏) - Taoist Canon, which is why majority of the Western Folks only know about Laozi, Zhuang Zi and maybe also Liezi of Philosophical Taoism.

*Philosophical Taoism is just one part of Religious Taoism*

Dao-Zang (道藏) - Daoist Canon is large collection of Taoist classics and related books. Dao-Zang contains a wide range of classics, including Taoist classics, scientific rites and alchemy, talismans and magical methods, the history of immortal preaching, medicine and health preservation, astronomy, history and geography, books of various schools of thought, and many works about ancient Chinese science and technology . The classic basis of Taoism is also a precious material for studying traditional Chinese culture . 

        Only through Religious Taoism, then You will find the answer to a better question :"Does Occult and Magick practices violate the essence of Dao?" (omitting Laozi and Zhuang Zi)

        In Taoist religious activities, The  符箓法术 (Fu Lu Fa Shu) - Talismanic Magical Method plays an important role. The so-called Talismanic Magic and Rituals refer to the methods of summoning ghosts and gods and causing supernatural changes. It is customary to call Tao-Shu (道术) , Tao-Fa (道法) in Taoist books, sometimes it is called the  秘法 (Mi Fa)- "Secret Methods", which means that its mystery is unknown to outsiders. Tao-Fa (道法)  is the main religious practice of Taoism, so it has a very important position in it.

Fa-Shu(法术)  means Magick, Spells, Sorcery, Occult.

        In theory,  Fa-Shu(法术) is the embodiment of Tao, and Tao is the basis of  Fa-Shu(法术) . This idea is called "Tao,  Methods/Ways  and Use" (道体法用) in Taoism. It means that Dao is the essence of Fa (法) -  Method / Way, and  Fa (法) -  Method / Way is the function and effect of Dao. 

        Volume 1 of " Tao Fa Hui Yuan " 《道法会元》 says: "Tao is the body and source, and magic is its application. The Tao is invisible, and the law is tangible and elusive. The Tao is subtle and invisible, and the law is revealed. Therefore The effect is not rooted in the specific method used, but in the ontology of Dao. Tangible things do not come from the tangible but from the intangible Tao. What is displayed does not originate from the revealed things but It starts from the subtle and invisible."  Therefore, magic is not only an operating system based on mysterious means to control ghosts and foreign objects, but also is connected with the entire belief of Taoism, which ultimately depends on a certain line holding magic The sorcerers are successful in cultivating Taoism and have high morals.

"Tao Fa Hui Yuan"《道法会元》 is a compilation of Taoist materials, and it is also a very important part of "Orthodox Dao Zang" (正統道藏) It was written around the Ming Dynasty, and the 268 volumes in this book contain important materials of Taoism that existed from the Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty. The book is full of pictures and texts, explaining and assembling images used in many genres. The symbol is a very important part. Talisman is a very important symbol in the study of Taoism. It is an important symbol to distinguish Taoist sects. Many Taoist researchers are devoted to the study of  Talismans (符 - Fu). 

        The function of  Fa-Shu (法术) - Magick is to be able to control external objects and even ghosts and gods, so it is believed that it can be used to break the shackles of natural or social forces on people, especially when people have disasters and confusion. It gets rid of or fundamentally solves it.  In the different sects / schools of  Taoism (道门), they believe: "Tao is the pure body of nothingness, and Shu ()  - Way / Method / Technique refers to the mysterious method that can cause various changes. Tao is invisible, and it can help people through Fa-Shu (法术). Human beings have spirituality and can be in harmony with Tao through practice. If People can learn Tao , they can control changes naturally.” 

        The spell caters to some people in the society who attribute disasters and illnesses to supernatural power and their confusion, fear and eagerness to get rid of this mysterious power influence. Therefore, Fa-Shu (法术) is also one of the main ways for Taoist priests to provide religious services to the society. In ancient times, ordinary people often learned about Taoism through Fa-Shu (法术), and they were in awe of Taoists because of the legend of  their  Supernatural Power. Some of these spells are supported by the rulers, and they are used to " Shen Dao She Jiao " (神道设教) - as a tool to regulate society when disasters are imminent and people's hearts are unstable.

        Volume 45 of Yun Ji Qi Qian 《云笈七签》 - "The Seven Bamboo Tablets of the Cloudy Satchel" states: "The Man Of Tao (道者) is the ultimate truth of nothingness, and The Man of Methods (术者) is also the mysterious trickster of change. The Tao is invisible, because of the magical skills of spiritual masters,  they helps people, and people have spirits (animating essence), and because of cultivation, they know the Tao. People if you can learn the Tao, you will able to create transformation naturally.” 《云笈七签》卷四十五:“(道者,虚无之至真也,术者变化之玄伎也。道无形,因术以济人,人有灵,因修以会道。人能学道,则变化自然。”

The Yun Ji Qi Qian 《云笈七签》 is a (c. 1029) anthology of the (1016) Taoist Canon, which the Taoist scholar-official Zhang Junfang compiled for Emperor Zhenzong of Song. 

        道教法术 (Dao Jiao Fa Shu)- Taoist Magick/Sorcery   has complex and various contents, forming a huge system. This system has been formed and continuously developed and changed in history, but in general, Taoist Magick (Sorcery) is based on the Tao, using talismans , mantras , pinching formulas , and stepping fighting as the basic means, supplemented by swords, seals, magic water and other magical instruments , as well as medicinal materials, etc.; its content can be attributed to several major categories, such as praying for blessings and disasters , exorcising evil spirits , curing diseases and sending plagues , super-duping and breaking the secluded, and various fortune-telling spells . 

        Generally speaking, only one or two means and methods are used to perform small rituals, but to perform major rituals, one must Set Up a Spiritual altar, comprehensively use various methods of practice, and perform rituals according to certain procedures. Therefore, the more important spells have certain rituals when they are performed, which is called the practice of performing rituals.

        Conclusion: "Taoism" is beyond Chinese Philosophy. Dive into the lesser known path  of Religious Taoism to experience "Tao" (道)  through Taoist Magick / Sorcery, and also Chinese Metaphysics

Learn the Chinese Language if You can, in order to break through the barrier of limited resources Of "Taoism" (in English Language) in order to understand / experience  "道" (Tao / Dao) further.

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