Talismans which You are going to carry or keep, need no particulars of You to be added in them. This way, You may pass on the talismans to Your love ones or descendents in future.
If You were to have the talismans done with Your Full Name and Date Of Birth added, then only You can carry / keep the talisman ,and it is not transferable.
If You need to have spells cast or rituals done on a specific person or group of people, then the particulars, such as full names, date of birth are needed. In some cases, photos of the specific person , or group of people involved are needed.
If You want to have a ritual done to bring back (or break up) Your own lover..
The particulars needed will be You and his / her Full Name , Date of Birth and Photos of You 2 together , or 1 photo of each person.
If You want Your lover to break up with the 3rd party..
The particulars needed will be Your lover's and the 3rd party's Full Name , Date of Birth and Photos of them together , or 1 photo of each person.
If You want Your lover to come back to You and get rid of the 3rd party..
Then the particulars of 3 persons are needed.
What if not enough information given?
Deities / Ghosts are like the Invisible Private Investigators.
To have an easier way to understand what particulars are needed is to imagine You are engaging an invisible private detective to work on Your issues.
Example, You engage a P.I to track someone down. The P.I needs to have a photo of that person and the place he /she frequents or hang out.
Deities / Ghosts are much more powerful than a Private Investigator
Taoist Deities only need to know the Full Name and Date Of Birth, to immediately know who is the specific person You are referring to, in order to work on the issue for You.
If You can't provide Full Name and Date Of Birth of the person, then a photo of him / her and the partial address of his / her whereabouts are needed , in order to trace him / her down.
If You can only provide Full / Partial Name, and no Date Of Birth, and not even a Photo, it is almost impossible for the spiritual entities to seek out the person, because there are thousands of people who have the same names in this world.
However, there is still chance to track down other parties involved. As long as one person is tracked down successfully, the other person or group of people involved will be able to be track down easily, so that the deities invoked or ghosts commanded can work on Your issue immediately.

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