"Hello Master,
I've been having difficulty working with my boss for the past year and thing has'nt been easy for me.
I've tried looking for new jobs but I still have'nt gotten an offer yet even though I've been to a few interviews.
I would like to seek your advice what can I do to help me to either change a different boss or get a new job that pays me as well as the current job or make things easier for me at my current job.
The company is good just that my direct boss is very hard to get along with and very judgemental. Thank you." - Best regards, Miss J.
After reading her problems, I know all she needs is to have support from people to open up opportunities for her or lead her to the top. The best remedy is to keep the Five Directions 'Noblemen come desperately helping' (7 In 1) Talisman (五方贵人符). Therefore she is advised to keep 1.
Below is the talisman created and empowered for Miss J. Altough the service fee to create and empower this talisman is very expensive, she is willing to pay for it because previously she had ordered other talismans and she knows the efficacy of the talismans created and empowered by me (Taoist Sorcery Master - Email: super.kumantong@gmail.com).
The purpose of Five Directions 'Noblemen come desperately helping' Talisman (五方贵人符) is to help a person achieve his / her life goals in the shortest period of time.
With the support of deities, spiritual boys and human supporters and a direct path without blockages, success is confirm confirmed.
With this talisman, You don't need to do the 'Hit The Little Man' (打小人) Prayer in front of Tiger God either, as it contains a talisman of 2 'Wealth- Bringing Spiritual Boys help prevent blockages' Talisman (招财童子 / 进宝童郎 符) - 2 Wealth-Bringing Spiritual Boys help opening up & prevent blockages from the negative people in Your life.
Related articles & links:
Five Directions 'Noblemen come desperately helping' (7 in 1) Talisman (五方贵人符)

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