Important Note: There is consultation fee and ritual service charge when You seek help. The consultation fee & service charge are quite expensive and not anybody can afford it, or interested to pay for it. Kindly ask how much is the consultation service and ritual service fee when You seek help.

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Can't get a Taoist Version Ghost Kid - Gui-Kia (茅山鬼仔) ? Then keep a Kumantong

(Click The Image Above To Enlarge)

In Taoist Sorcery, such as Southern Mao-Shan Sect (南传茅山派) and Gui Shan Sect (鬼山派), the most powerful type of ghosts (and only type) to be Kept are those people who died from unnatural death such as commiting suicide, murdered, accident etc and must be below 40 years old.

In modern days society, these type of souls are hard to come by as no one is there to immediately and secretly inform You who just died from unnatural death (and the location of death).. so You can't immediately turn up to do a soul-capturing ritual.

Another problem is Taoist Sorcery does not have the practice of having a shop for You to rent (or buy) a ghost. The ghosts captured are for personal use by the Taoist Master / Sorcerer.

The best alternative / solution is to keep a Kumantong but make sure it is genuine (The child figurine contains a spirit).

Thai / Cambodian Spiritual Masters are continiously doing rituals to welcome the dead child souls to become Kumantongs so that can be worshipped and help human folks.

Kumantongs can be rent (or bought) from the Spiritual Master directly or from a spiritual shop.

Later on, You can use Your own spiritual skills, or Taoist Sorcery Ritual to train the Kumantongs for Your own benefits (such as Ask Kumantongs to predict the upcoming Lottery Numbers). -  Taoist Sorcery Ghost Capturing Talismans

To keep a genuine well-trained Kumantong for Yourself can check out >> How to Order, Keep and Pray A Genuine, Well-Trained Powerful Kumantong (Take note: It is very expensive).

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Winning Lottery is not difficult but need help from Gods and Ghosts..

Winning Lottery (4D / Pick 4 / Pick 3 etc ) is not difficult but You need the support of gods and ghosts. Gods and Ghosts are always ready to help You, only humans make ownselves unlucky by not believing in them. There are few folks who actually recovered from their financial woes from the help of genuine Taoist Sorcery Masters (茅山法术) to invoke gods and ghosts for support.


Related Website / Blog:
Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

The hidden secrets in Jack Ma's Tai Chi Kung Fu Movie - "功守道" (GSD - Gong Shou Dao)

This article is not about Taoist Black Magic.. but on an important topic of Taoist Philosophy, Zen Buddhism, Confucionism and Traditional Chinese Culture.. so You just bare with it for a while. Someone will find this topic very important and interesting, which they can't get the knowledge from somewhere else.

The reasons fo Jack Ma & Jet Li to shoot a Tai Chi Quan Video - "功守道" (Gong Shou Dao) :

1) To promote / spread the practice of Tai Chi Quan to the whole world

2) To promote & share Traditional Chinese Culture / Wisdom to the whole world

3) To indirectly reveal the philosophy of Taoism / Zen Buddhism / Confucionism which guide Jack Ma's daily life and his way of doing business

4) It is the prelude for the competitive sport to be known as “Gong Shou Dao” - "功守道", based on Tai Chi Quan. Jet Li has been named the founder of the sport.

5) Jet Li’s dream is for Tai Chi to become an official event at the Olympic Games, while Jack Ma’s vision is for everyone to practise Tai Chi.

Few millions people all over the world had watched 功守道" (Gong Shou Dao) but seems like only less than 0.1 percent of the viewers were interested in the Chinese Quotes shown near the end of the video clip. The Chinese Quotes are the hidden gems and most important part of the video, which shows the philosophy of Taoism , Zen Buddhism and Confusionism that guide Jack Ma in his daily life and his way of doing business.

But instead, millions of the viewers are laughing at how ugly Jack Ma looks and what a terrible Kung Fu Actor he is in the video and  just because with lots of money, he can become whatever he wants to be  and other actors must kow-tow to him (Willing to act as the loser by accepting money) - Take note that the actors WERE NOT PAID A SINGLE CENT for shooting in the movie .  The reason for the actors and the back-end helpers to produce the Short Movie - "功守道" (Gong Shou Dao)  is to pay respect to Chinese Culture and Chinese Kung Fu.

I (Taoist Sorcery Master) had been waiting and hoping for few kind souls, who are Bilingual (English & Chinese) to help translate the meaning of the Chinese Quotes shown on 功守道 (Gong Shou Dao) Video clip but nobody have done that. Instead the English Educated Chinese folks only look at the surface level (The fighting moves of Jack Ma), and not able to pick up the hidden meaning from the Movie.

This is the reason, I've (Taoist Sorcery Master) to take up the duty to have this article written and post here.. to share with the folks out there who are searching high and low for the meaning of these Chinese Quotes found in "功守道" (Gong Shou Dao) .

功守道 - 拳无影, 脚无形. 无门无派, 随心从缘, 天下万物, 日月行天. 勇而不敢, 拈花微笑. 得之则少, 失之称多. 人刚我柔, 随心从缘. 心中无敌, 无敌天下. 舍己从人, 归去来兮. 用功..守住有形, 用心..融入无形.

The Title of "功守道" (Gong Shou Dao)

功守道 (Gong Shou Dao) - The Tao (Way / Method) Of Using skills (through hard work / prolong practices) to safeguard / protect ownself (homeland / people).

Jet Li and Jack Ma were discussing about the Title to be used for the movie and called it “攻守道” to correspond with the meaning of Yin & Yang of Tai Chi Quan. Later on, due to a slip of a stroke, the “攻" (Gong - Attack) was written as "功" (Gong - work, achievement, accomplishment). Jack Ma noticed it and indeed felt that "功守道" have closer meaning with Chinese Culture, thus "功守道" (Gong Shou Dao) as the title is used.

“攻守道” means The Tao (The Way / The Art) of Attack & Defence. In every Chinese Kung Fu Styles, the unique individual fighting styles have their own philosophy of attacks and defensive moves .

"功守道" was used because it is Chinese Culture to use skills (through hard work) to safeguard and protect own homeland, instead of being offensive to attack other people / countries. Chinese Kung Fu is NOT about attacking the opponents as the main motive but using martial art skills (achieve great skills through prolong practices) to protect ownself / homeland. The title is to pass on the Chinese Culture mindset to the future generation and the world.

拳无影, 脚无形

拳无影 - Fists without Shadow (Shadowless Boxing), 脚无形 - Legs witout forms / methods (Formless Leg Kicking Styles). There is no fix form of fighting moves, so opponents / enemies unable to predict Your next moves, thereby they won't  be able to counter attack nor defence. Thus, 拳无影, 脚无形 means.. Being Formless.

无门无派, 随心从缘

无门无派 - Without specfic schools of thoughts / sects of fighting style
随心从缘 - Follow along what is coming

天下万物, 日月行天

天下万物 - Everything on earth,
日月行天 - Sun & Moon following the path set in heaven. The full sentence is actually 日月行天,来去分明. The hidden sentence , "来去分明" - coming & going are clear, representing a Chinese Character - "明" meaning Brightness.

天下万物, 日月行天 means everything on earth have it's own clear path.

勇而不敢, 拈花微笑

勇而不敢 - Brave yet dare not (rush)

This sentence is derived on Tao Te Ching, Chapter 73

【道德经】七三卷 勇于敢,则杀,勇于不敢,则活。此两者,或利或害。

He who is brave and unscrupulous will meet his death.
He who is brave and cautious will stay alive.
Of these both, one leads to good, the other leads to harm.
Everyone hates the bad - the reason is clear.
That is why the sage is always cautious.
The Tao of Heaven does not fight but wins,
does not speak but is answered,
is not summoned but appears,
does not plan but consults.
The net of Heaven is widely cast;
the mesh is loose, yet nothing slips through.

拈花微笑 - Pick up flower, subtle smile

This sentence is derived from Zen Buddhism

The Flower Sermon is a story of the origin of Zen Buddhism in which Śākyamuni Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) transmits direct prajñā (wisdom) to the disciple Mahākāśyapa. In the original Chinese, the story is Niān huá wéi xiào (拈花微笑, literally "Pick up flower, subtle smile").

In the story, Śākyamuni gives a wordless sermon to his disciples (sangha) by holding up a white flower. No one in the audience understands the Flower Sermon except Mahākāśyapa, who smiles. Within Zen, the Flower Sermon communicates the ineffable nature of tathātā (suchness) and Mahākāśyapa's smile signifies the direct transmission of wisdom without words. Śākyamuni affirmed this by saying: I possess the true Dharma eye, the marvelous mind of Nirvana, the true form of the formless, the subtle [D]harma [G]ate that does not rest on words or letters but is a special transmission outside of the scriptures. This I entrust to Mahākāśyapa.

得之则少, 失之称多

得之则少 - Gaining more and becomes lesser
失之称多 - Getting Lesser and becomes more
Therefore 得之则少, 失之称多 means "Less is more, More is less".

This is derived from Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 22

Yield and overcome;
Bend and be straight;
Empty and be full;
Wear out and be new;
Have little and gain;
Have much and be confused.

Therefore wise men embrace the one
And set an example to all.
Not putting on a display,
They shine forth.
Not justifying themselves,
They are distinguished.
Not boasting,
They receive recognition.
Not bragging,
They never falter.
They do not quarrel,
So no one quarrels with them.
Therefore the ancients say, 'Yield and overcome.'
Is that an empty saying?
Be really whole,
And all things will come to you.

《老子》第二十二章 曲则全,枉则直,洼则盈,敝则新,少则得,多则惑
【原文】 曲则全,枉则直,洼则盈,敝则新,少则得,多则惑。

人刚我柔, 随心从缘

人刚我柔 - Others use hardness / strength, I use softness / yielding (Tai Chi Quan Philosophy)
随心从缘 - Follow along what is coming

心中无敌, 无敌天下

心中无敌 - Heart without Enemies / competitors
无敌天下 - No enemies / competitors in the world / Matchless

The above quotes derived from Meng-Zi Sayings:

《公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I》- 无敌于天下者,天吏也。 战国·邹·孟轲《孟子·公孙丑上》

Meng Zi's student, Gong Sun Chou ask Meng Zi how can a country be strong and prosperous and without enemies?


Meng Zi replied: 1st is to show repect, appoint men with good characters and capable men (scholars) to lead the people to serve the country, next is to provide places / premises for merchants to do business wihtout collecting taxes, no collection of duties / taxes from the guests / tourists between borders of the countries. No collection of taxes of farms from the farmers and remove forced labours.



Give up one's own opinion and accept the widely-accepted one

This sentence derived from..

1) Shujing (书经) - Counsels of the Great Yu (大禹謨): "Giving up own opinion and follow that of others"


Counsels of the Great Yu:
Di said, 'Yes; let this really be the case, and good words will nowhere lie hidden; no men of virtue and talents will be left neglected, away from court, and the myriad states will all enjoy repose. (But) to obtain the views of all; to give tip one's opinion and follow that of others; to keep from oppressing the helpless, and not to neglect the straitened and poor - it was only the (former) Di who could attain to this.'

大禹谟 - 帝曰:「俞!允若兹,嘉言罔攸伏,野无遗贤,万邦咸宁。稽于众,舍己从人,不虐无告,不废困穷,惟帝时克。」

2) 《公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I》 - 孟子.公孙丑上:「大舜有大焉,乐取于人以为善。」

Mencius said, 'When any one told Zi Lu that he had a fault, he rejoiced. when yu heard good words, he bowed to the speaker. the great shun had a still greater delight in what was good. he regarded virtue as the common property of himself and others, giving up his own way to follow that of others, and delighting to learn from others to practise what was good. from the time when he ploughed and sowed, exercised the potter's art, and was a fisherman, to the time when he became emperor, he was continually learning from others. to take example from others to practise virtue, is to help them in the same practice. therefore, there is no attribute of the superior man greater than his helping men to practise virtue.'

【原文】 孟子曰:“子路,人告之以有过,则喜。禹闻善言,则拜。大舜有大焉,善与人同,舍己从人,乐取于人以为善。自耕稼、陶、渔以至为帝,无非取于人者。取诸人以为善,是与人为善者也故君于莫大乎与人为善。”


Go back / Return (Back to home / village / countryside)  - Homeward Bound

This sentence is derived from.. Eastern Jin Dynasty - Tao Yuan Ming (Poet) 《归去来辞》 - "Return (Back to home / village / countryside)! It is overgrown with weeds, why haven't You return?"

Tao Yuanming's poems can be found superlative examples of the theme which urges its audience to drop out of official life, move to the country, and take up a cultivated life of wine, poetry, and avoiding people with whom friendship would be unsuitable, but in Tao's case this went along with actually engaging in farming. Tao's poetry also shows an inclination to fulfillment of duty, such as feeding his family. Tao's simple and plain style of expression, reflecting his back-to-basics lifestyle, first became better known as he achieved local fame as a hermit.

Overe here, 归去来兮 means returns back to simplicity / basic

用功.. 守住有形

Use skills (through hard work / prolong practices) to Guard / Protect that (those things) with forms

用心.. 融入无形

Use heart (Be attentive / Focus) to Blend into the formless.

风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang)

风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang) is the song title played in "功守道" (GSD - Gong Shou Dao)

There were 3 stations that Jack Ma fought in the movie. The 1st station was 伍堂 (Feng Wu Tang), 2nd Station was 和冢 (Qing He Zhong) and 3rd Station was 芳池 (Yang Fang Chi). If You combine  the 1st Chinese Characters of the names of the the 3 stations together, You will notice it is 风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang).

Who is  风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang) ?

风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang) is a fictional character as the highest level martial art expert found in the 武侠 Wu-Xia ("martial arts and chivalry" / Vagabond Martial Artists) Novel called 笑傲江湖 (Xiao Ao Jiang Hu) - "The Smiling, Proud Wanderer" , written by Jin Yong (A Chinese Wu-Xia novelist). 风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang) belonged to Hua Shan Pai Kung Fu Sect.

Jack Ma loves this fictional character 风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang) very much and give himself this Nick Name - 风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang) in his business office.  He imagine himself as the real 风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang)  in reality.

风清扬 (Feng Qing Yang) is someone who is unpredictable and aggressive. He has a  special martial art skill  known as 独孤九剑 (Aloneness Lonely Nine Swords) , which the sword style has only attacks and no defendsive moves, because attacking is a form of defence by itself in this martial art style. He uses no styles to  win opponents with styles (无招胜有招) . He has the ability to see through the upcoming moves of his opponents and  therefore he always attacks 1st (料敌先机) . He reached the state of  just attacking without guarding ,  because any attacking moves is also  naturally a form of on-guarding by itself,  therefore no need to worry about guarding. With these methods, no enemies can win him.



1) To understand, follow and learn from Jack Ma,  read up 道德经(Tao De Jing)and 笑傲江湖 (Xiao Ao Jiang Hu) - "The Smiling, Proud Wanderer" (especially take note of the character 风清扬 [Feng Qing Yang]).

2) Practice Tai Chi Quan  for health and self-defence.

3) Apply Tai Chi Philosophy on everyday issues and business.

    "Is there a way to compel HIM to make love with me ONLY?" - Gay Guy

    "My guy friend and I are much closer now! Anyway, he is still abit skeptical on male-male (homosexual) relationship so, sometimes he will wander off and "test" it with someone else (both guys and girls), which confuses me. I wonder is there a way to compel him to just cross the line one time to make love with me ONLY? How far can one get after "Gay Love" ritual is done? How long will it last? How do one judge that the things is going too far or not yet? How to value if such deeds will hurt one's karma or not? Don't really get what would happen if a person Karma is hurt." - Gay Guy

    After using spell / ritual to influence a straight guy to  be sexually attracted to You (Guy), he wanders off to "test" it with both the males and females. This is considered normal. The person has his 1st taste of male-male relationship with You, therefore he is too excited and overwelmed with the new found experience.  He is comparing the 2 different sexual feelings. It may takes few weeks for him to settle down his mind. His new behaviour is showing that the "gay love" ritual is taking effect.

    When a ritual show positive sign, You can let the future takes it own timing. If you want to fast forward the results, You can request for a booster ritual. A boosting ritual shall be executed only if the previous ritual  show positive signs. 

    If a ritual show positive signs of working well, it may last forever.

    Do take note that Spells / Rituals to influence a stright guy to become a gay, or attract to guys, may not always work.  It still depends on his own fate.

    Rituals pertaining to Love / Lust / Sex Issues can be either "Hope it can come true" or "Force it to come true".

    Using rituals to hope for it to come true doesn't need to worry about karma. Using ritual to force it to come true, meaning controlling someone's mind to love you, or have sex with You (by controlling ghosts and demons, insect spirits ec to take over someone's mind), will have to face the retribution in future.

    Rituals by Taoist Sorcery Master  is to seek help from the deities, ghosts / spirits and HOPE that Your desires will come true but doesn't mean 100% will come true, therefore You don't have to worry about Your karma / retribution. However, there is still a high chance that Your DEESIRE WILL COME TRUE.

    Take Note: After ritual is done, if there is no sign of positive results,  there is no refund of fee.

    Related Articles:

    I'm a Gay - Do you have a ritual that can make another or any man I desire to be my sex slave?

    "I'm gay (Man like Man), May I know since i am a homosexual, do you have a ritual that can make another or any man i desire to be my slave? The target may or may not be homosexual (uncertain of his sexual orientation) ,or / and , Do you have a very extremely powerful ritual for sex that can be seen effective in a short time? Something that will make the guy (uncertain of his sexual orientation) want to have and think about having sex with me only. Please let me know what is needed for the above Rituals / Spells / Talismans. What is the price / fee to pay to use such rituals / Spells / Talismans and how much is it to engage such services?" - Gay Guy

    The cheapest available solution for Gay Love Issue is to keep a "Gay Love" Talisman.

    A "Gay Love" Talisman can..
    1) Attract other gays to like You
    2) Improve fate to meet other gays in Your life
    3) Instant Sexual Attraction with other gays

    A "Gay Love" Ritual is need to be done if a specific guy is involved.  "Gay Love" Ritual is to invoke Gay Love Deity (Taoist Rabbit God) to help bind a gay guy with another guy together for love or for sex, or both.

    The specific targeted guy might be a gay or straight. Using Taoist Sorcery rituals / spells to influence a straight guy to become a gay, or don't mind a guy-guy relationship, will takes awhile to take effect. Sometime, it might not work out, which still depend on the fate of the guy.  This is a special ritual by itself. After going through "Turn a straight person into gay" Ritual, it will then follow up by a "Gay Love Bonding" Ritual.  Usually, 2 rituals can be done concurrently.

    Taoist Sorcery of the Left Path are always ready to adapt, create and change spells accordingly to handle any unique issues. There is no limit to invoke / call-upon any types of deities , ghosts or demons to work on socially accepted norms or morally incorrect matters.

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    The Best Way To Strike The Lottery Is To Seek Help From Gods & Ghosts

    To Strike / Win the Lottery (4D , Pick 4, Pick 3, Toto , Lotto, Bingo , Mega Millions etc), the best way is to seek help from gods & ghosts. There is no sure / confirm strike. However, if You never strike, usually is miss by only 1 digit, 90% accurate, often on TOP 3 Prizes.

    Gods and ghosts will test Your faith. All You need to do is to keep on praying and keep on seeking numbers from them, very soon You will strike big time. Once You strike for the very 1st time, You will start to strike the lottery non-stop.

    If You (Chinese) know how to use Chinese Metaphysics or Chinese / Taoist Sorcery to seek lottery numbers / predictions that will be beneficial. Most importantly, the lottery prediction method must be fast and accurate.

    For example, seeking numbers from ghosts or ghosts..
    Do a ritual prayer, chant magical verses, few minutes later, numbers are ready and 90% accurate.

    Either You miss by just 1 digit, or You Strike TOP 3 Prize. Yes, it is that easy.



    如果你会用中华玄学方式测万字那也很好, 最重要是快和准。

    比如, 跟鬼神讨号码,拜拜。。作法。。念咒。。 几分中就搞定。 给的号码90%准。不是差一个号码,不然就是中头二三奖。就是那么简单。

    All Feng Shui Masters Are Fake And Money Suckers?

    "If the Feng Shui Master really got the magical power, still need to sell amulets for a living?"

    "Why still got people believe in amulets that could change their life for the better? Are they stupid or what?"

    "If amulets give luck, why the sellers don't keep for himself but to sell his luck away?"

    "If amulets can help people to be rich, then nobody will be poor already"

    Many people thought that a Feng Shui Master is the same as Taoist Master / Taoist Sorcerer or Thai Amulet Seller, and any Taoist Master / Taoist Sorcerer or Thai Amulets Seller is confirmed a Feng Shui Expert, which is wrong.

    The truth is Feng Shui and Taoist Magic / Sorcery are 2 different schools of knowledge. Most Feng Shui Masters (especially from the Western Countries) don't know anything about Taoist Magic / Sorcery but Taoist Masters / Taoist Sorcerers might be an expert in Feng Shui as well.

    Taoist Sorcery includes magical rituals / talismans/ spiritual items to improve or destroy Feng Shui. Spiritually-Activated Objects to destroy Good Feng Shui or create Bad Feng Shui is known as Gong Tau (降头), which are often use for revenge purposes, such as making enemies' life miserable (sicknesses and accidents) or destroy rivals' family / businesses.

    "Feng Shui" Items Sellers & Thai Amulets Sellers are neither Feng Shui Masters, nor Taoist Masters / Sorcerers.

    Many people don't understand what is Feng Shui

    Many people think that Feng Shui is simply about buying "Feng Shui" Items and then place them on display at certain locations in the house, or office and immediately wealth will follow and become rich the next day.

    Many people thought "Feng Shui" Items are the same like any other Spiritual Items, just like Thai Amulets and Taoist Talismans, which contain magical power, which is not.

    Some people open "Feng Shui" Shops to sell "Feng Shui" Items and then self-proclaim he / she is a Feng-Shui Master. Likewise, many people thought "Feng Shui" Items Sellers are Feng Shui Masters.

    "Feng Shui" Items are not Spiritual Objects

    Spiritual Objects, such as Thai Amulets and Taoist Talismans may be used for improving or destroying Feng Shui purpose. However, "Feng Shui" Items (that are not spiritually activated) are just ordinary objects put on display to make You feel good.

    Ordinary folks always keen to listen to Free advice from "Feng Shui" Shop Owners / Assistants to keep on buying more and more "Feng Shui" Items to decorate their home and office, which don't serve any purpose.

    Most of the time, 'Feng Shui' Products Sellers and Thai Amulets Sellers are just sales people / shop assistants. They are never trained in any spiritual / sorcery skills, nor Feng Shui.

    "Feng Shui" Items need to be spiritually activated by Taoist Master / Sorcerer before it has magical power to improve or destroy Feng Shui.

    Real Feng Shui, Real Feng Shui Disciples & Real Feng Shui Masters

    A Real Feng Shui Disciple, before becoming a Master himself, usually spends about 10 years or more study under a Feng Shui Master to learn and study ancient Feng Shui Texts (written by the ancient Feng Shui Masters) and follow a Feng Shui Master by his side, while doing Feng Shui Audits to gain real-life experiences.

    From the very beginner level, a Feng Shui Student needs to understand every details of a Feng Shui Compass (罗盘 - Luo Pan) and learn how to operate it.

    The complexity of a Feng Shui Compass (罗盘 - Luo Pan) will already scare away most people from learning Real Feng Shui.

    Imagine having to spend 10 to 20 years learning Real Feng Shui without earning a single cent, how many people have the time to wait so long to become a Real Feng Shui Master, which then qualify him / her to charge money for Feng Shui Audit?

    Examples of Feng Shui Classics
    • 青囊经 (Qing Nang Jing) - The Green Sachet
    • 雪心赋 (Xue Xing Fu) - Snow Heart
    • 入地眼 (Ru Di Yan) - Entering Earth Eye
    • 地理五诀 (Di Li Wu Jue) - Earthly Principles 5 Verses
    • 撼龙经 (Han Long Jing) - The Classic of Challenging the Dragon
    • 疑龙经 (Yi Long Jing) - The Classic of Spying the Dragon
    • 葬经 (Zang Jing) - The Burial Book
    • 天玉经 (Tian Yu Jing) - The Heavenly Jade Classic
    • 青囊序 (Qing Nang Xu) - Preface to the Green Satchel Classic
    • 青囊奥语 (Qing Nang Ao Yu) - Delving into the Green Satchel Classic
    • 玄空秘旨 (Xuan Kong Mi Zhi) - Secrets of Time and Space
    • 玄机赋 (Xuan Ji Fu) - Ode to Mysiticism
    • 都天宝照经 (Du Tian Bao Zhao Jing) - A Treatise of Form and Formula
    • 沈氏玄空学 (Shen's Xuan Kong Xue) - Master Shen's Time-Space Feng Shui School
    • 紫白诀 (Zi Bai Jue) - The Secret of the Purple and White Stars
    • 飞星赋 (Fei Xing Fu) - Ode to Flying Stars
    • etc
    Now You understand why some people take the easier route to quickly make money by selling "Feng Shui" Items (which are not spiritually activated) instead. A lot of Feng Shui Magazines from the western countries are about buying "Feng Shui" Items.

    Not many people are able to afford the service fee (or willing to pay the high fee) of a Real Feng Shui Master, who spend 10 to 20 years to learn and master his trade. The fee for Feng Shui Audit by a Real Feng Shui Master on a construction site for a Business Building , can easily between USD$20,000 and USD$50,000 or above.

    The Rich Chinese Magnates know the importance of good Feng Shui and they are willing to pay super high fee to engage Professional Feng Shui Experts to do Feng Shui Audits on their business buildings , own homes and ancestors' graves.

    The mindset of a typical ordinary folk who bought a "Feng Shui" Item and then nothing happen

    He / She bought a "Feng Shui" Item (thinking that it is a spiritual item) and place it in the house and expect to win the Lottery the next day and everyday, but then nothing happen.

    Life never change for the better and he / she starts blaming that all Feng Shui is crap, all Feng Shui Masters are fake who are out there to suck people's money and feel that people who believe in Feng Shui or seek Feng Shui Masters for help are stupid, just because he / she simply has no clue of what Real Feng Shui is.

    Some folks think that the more expensive a "Feng Shui" item is, the more powerful the object is magically. Some people paid few thousands over dollars for a single "Feng Shui" Item but still.. nothing positive happen.

    Remember: A "Feng Shui" Item is not a Spiritual Item, so don't expect it to work in a magical way.

    In fact, if You just want to STRIKE THE LOTTERY ( 4D , Toto, Pick 3, Pick 4, Lotto, Bingo etc), You don't need Feng Shui, You need Taoist Sorcery. Feng Shui can help but takes time. If You are desperate, You should ask Gods or Ghosts directly for help (through a ritual, keep a wealth talisman, or ghost kid) and usually, results are immediate.

    Related Sites:
    People still need their skills and expertise

    When people don't need (or not yet need) the service of a Feng Shui Master, or even a Taoist Master / Sorcerer , people will think all of them are charlatans trying to make some quick bucks by bluffing people. These non-believers will advise You not to believe in these "charlatans".. but when they personally face serious problems themselves which no human efforts can help, they will go around begging Feng Shui Masters / Taoist Masters / Taoist Sorcerers or any spiritual masters for help and worship them as Gods.

    Genuine Feng-Shui Masters, Taoist Masters, Taoist Sorcerers or any other Spirtitual Masters still exist because many people still need and believe in their spiritual skills and expertise and willing to pay for it.

    Related Articles:

    If wealth amulets / talismans work, then nobody needs to work already? - That's a Possibility

    "Why still got people believe in amulets that could change their life for the better? Are they stupid or what?"

    "If amulets give luck, why the sellers don't keep for himself but to sell his luck away?"

    "If amulets can help people to be rich, then nobody will be poor already"

    People who don't believe in spiritual power are usually:
    1. In their early 20s 
    2. Still studying full time and no need to work
    3. Still in National Service and no need to work
    4. Still depends on parents  for money and no need to work
    5. They are already doing very well with their life  - High Paid Job
    6. They only believe in working hard to earn money
    7. They never personally experienced spiritual help before
    8. Even if they happened to know some people achieved financial success through spiritual means, they will not dare to try out themselves and prefer to call it "By Luck Only"
    The true facts about Real Thai Amulets  and Taoist Talismans 

    Yes, indeed there are folks who keep Spiritual items or seek help from spirit entities have been winning the Lottery constantly but they keep their winnings a secret, never go around boasting to their friends.

    There are even folks who keep on striking lottery almost every week until they are so scared and quickly return the spiritual items back to the spiritual masters, or send off the spirit entities away.

    Will non-believers ever get to experience the same feeling?


    Not everyone can be blessed

    To receive help from spirit entities / spiritual items, firstly, the person must be fated with them.

    Folks who never need to worry about money problems, relationship problems or whatever problems and living on earth is like living in heaven, or treat own-self as god, therefore will never be fated with spirit entities or spiritual items.

    People belong to the next group are those who prefer to depend on themselves to work hard, even if there are short-cuts to financial riches through spiritual means. Even if they face serious troubles / problems with money / love etc and when no humans can help them, they choose to commit suicide and still never believe or never think of such thing as "spiritual guidance".

    Some people believe in the occult but never dare to dabble with it. They are worried about the "Pay Back" Issue.

    The Lucky Few

    These are the folks who readily believe in spiritual entities  and fall in love with spiritual items. They always seek help and support from the spirit entities on whatever endeavors they partake.

    Very often, folks of this group receive financial windfalls through lottery winnings , have an easier life through spiritual means but prefer to keep a low-profile, or act the opposite (act poor).  They don't go around blowing trumpets.

    These blessed folks keep spiritual items (amulets / talismans) secretly , pray to spirit entities secretly and seek help from spiritual masters secretly, because they know people will bad-mouth them or feel jealous.

    The late comers..

    Late comers are people who use to condemn spiritual items and look down on people who believe in them. Unluckily, now they have to face serious problems, be it money or love issues.

    Typical Cases:
    • Fired / Retrenched from their jobs. Throw resumes and after 1 year or 2 , still can't get a job. Savings running dry, or already borrow money from family members, friends and even loans-sharks.
    • Owe credit card debts and no money to pay even the minimum sum  
    • Wish to start business but no money to begin with
    • Business not doing well
    • Suddenly own-self fall sick, or family members fall sick, need to stay in hospital and can't pay hospital bills.
    • Need to pay housing loan, not enough money to pay, need to stay on the street soon
    • Can't get the man / woman he / she likes / loves 
    • Boyfriend / Girlfriend wants to break up
    • Husband / Wife cheating
    • Husband / Wife seeking divorce
    • Wish to Strike Lottery but never strike before
    • etc

    They ask family members, relatives and friends for help but they themselves also have money problems, so can't help. Before they decided to commit-suicide, they realize maybe gods and ghosts are real and they might help.

    This is the time, they let go of their ego / pride and seek help from the other side. True enough, their prayers are answered and from then on they will forever believe in spiritual  entities (deities , ghosts, spirits etc ) and spiritual items.

    Important Note: The worst type of problem is financial problem. When You seek help from a Spiritual Master, You still need to pay money to have the master help You create and empower a spiritual item, or pay money to do ritual for You but at this time, You can't afford to even pay for his / her service.

    The spiritual master doesn't need your money to survive but will still charge You money for his time, energy, his skills & expertise to do ritual or create spiritual items (Amulets / Talismans) for You.

    Spiritual Masters don't need You, You need them.

    How will a person be blessed immediately?

    People who are blessed immediately are those who fall in love with their spiritual items (amulets / talismans) with 100% faith and trust. They never question whether the spiritual items will ever fail to work. From their hearts, they already know it will definitely work.

    The minute they see an amulet / talisman, they immediately feel the immense magical power in it and wanted it badly and willingly pay money to own it, or request the spiritual master to create and empower the same type of amulet or talisman for him / her.

    How will I be blessed?

    When You face serious financial problems and genuinely need help from the spiritual side (deities, ghosts, spirits etc) by keeping amulets / talismans / ghost kids, or go through a wealth ritual, or consult a Taoist Spirit Medium, You will be amazed that Your prayers keep coming true, such as keep winning the Lottery (4D / Toto etc) at least 2 to 3 times per month, always striking on TOP 3 Prizes. You will be cursing yourself why You never start keeping /using/ playing with spiritual items earlier but only now, or else You would have reached Your financial goals many years ago.

    The money You gain from winning the lottery are able to help You clear off Your debts and still have a lot of money left in Your bank, which You use it to re-invest, such as setting up other streams of incomes.

    Why the  wealth spirit entities or spiritual items ( amulets / talismans) have stop helping me to strike the Lottery?

    At some point of time, gradually You may realized You have not been striking lottery as much as last time. By then, You already have money coming from many other sources.

    You don't need to depend on lottery to help You survive anymore. Even if You strike Lottery again, You feel numb about it already. The spirit entities will move on to focus their help to improve Your multiple streams of incomes and help You think of new ideas to generate more new sources of incomes.

    "If  Thai Amulets & Taoist Talismans are so good why the sellers never buy lottery for themselves and strike for themselves..." 

    Taoist Masters / Sorcerers , or other spiritual masters indeed have been striking Lottery for themselves but not interested to show off.  Therefore, non-believers never know the truth.

    Some Amulets Sellers, who also keep their own personal wealth amulets, have been striking lottery constantly for themselves.

    Only non-believers never get to know and never experience the truth.

    "If the amulets are good, why don't the sellers keep for themselves but to sell away their luck?" 

    Because there are unlimited supply of amulets and good things must share. Thai Spiritual Masters will continue to create and empower new supply of amulets, so that other believers can be blessed as well.

    A Taoist Master / Taoist Sorcerer will create and empower a Wealth Talisman when a  believer needs one. There is no limit.

    "If everybody keep amulets / talismans and become rich, then nobody needs to work already" 

    Most people will never believe in spirit entities and spiritual items, therefore they will forever work hard for money on the job they dislike.

    If  everybody believes in amulets / talismans, indeed everybody will strike the lottery easily to help them pay off debts and have a lot more money to be able to start investing and start several businesses, instead of working in a miserable job.

    There are folks who have depended on spirit entities and spiritual items to win the lottery many times, which help them to pay off their huge debts and after that keep on winning to accumulate a lot more cash, which enable them to bring own families for holidays and  also for investment, or setup businesses.

    Gods and Ghosts want to help You badly

    Gods and Ghosts are always on standby and ready to help You. Helping You to solve Your predicaments are their duties in the spiritual realm, which help them to gain merits and good karma.

    The problem is far too many people don't believe in spiritual guidance.  If You deny the existence of gods and ghosts and never seek their help, they will feel worthless.

    You just need to know where to seek help and how to pray. If not, engage a spiritual master (Taoist Sorcery Master) to do for You.

    Related Sites:

    They say Spiritual Items & Spiritual Entities are all bullshit..Why?

    People who tell You not to believe in spiritual items and spiritual entities are the ones who never personally experience the true power of spiritual help themselves.

    These people are not facing any problems in their life and need no help from the spiritual side. Therefore, saying is easy.."Don't believe in such things". Don't let them stop you from Your own short cut to success. The best way is to experience the positive results yourself.

    Don't let the negative stories of the unlucky ones who had received or bought fake spiritual items from fake masters which never bring in any positive results, stop You from searching the real ones who will help You short cut your time to reach your hopes and dreams faster.

    To the non-believers...

    While Your life is smooth right now and don't need help,  don't immediately condemn such things as fake. Someday when You have to face serious problems (money, love, health etc)  yourself and  then NO human efforts (family members, friends and the public etc) can help You, You might need spiritual help.

    It is better to keep an open mind. When Your life is smooth, it is the best time to search for genuine spiritual masters, spiritual items and pray to spiritual entities. By the time You need spiritual help, You will able to get it immediately.

    Remember: Deities and ghosts are always ready to help You. You just need to know where and how to seek help.

    You can do it for Free yourself if You know how. If You need  personal attention / consultation from a spiritual master to do prayer / ritual  and create spiritual items for You personally, of course You need to pay for their time, energy and expertise to do ritual for Your , or create and empower a talisman for You (Not mass-printing ones).

    If You want FREE service, You may check out Chinese Temples with spirit medium consultation. You just do a small donation at the donation box.

    Taoist Sorcery Master.. How To Pray To Greate Jade Emperor? Can You Help Me?

    "Good afternoon Taoist Sorcery Master. I read on your website that you provide ritual service to pray to Great Jade Emperor on certain specific dates. I will be very grateful if You can help me! I live in Russia but  my faith is Chinese Religion. If you can also send  me a Greate Jade Emperor Mantra in Chinese - I'm very grateful to you."

    The Great Jade Emperor ( 玉皇大帝 - Yu Huang Da Di) is revered as:

    1) The 'Most Venerable Jade Emperor of the Heavenly Golden Palace' (昊天金闕至尊玉皇大帝 - Hao Tian Jin Que Zhi Zun Yu Huang Da Di)

    2) The 'Lofty Jade Emperor of the Mysterious Heaven" (玄穹高上玉皇大帝 Xuan Qong Gao Shang Da Di).

    His complete Title in Taoist Scriptures is:

    Hao Tian Jin Que Wu Shang Zhi Zun Zi Ran Miao You Mi Luo Zhi Zun Yu Huang Da Di.
    'Most Venerable Highest Jade Emperor of All-Embracing Sublime Spontaneous Existence of the Heavenly Golden Palace'

    The Great Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝 - Yu Huang Da Di) is the emperor of all heavens, king of all Immortals, lord of saints, the highest divinity of the ten thousand spirits in the three realms and of all Immortals of the Three Grottoes (三洞仙真 - San Dong Xian Zhen). He has the power to order the Immortals of the Nine Heavens and to invoke the spirits of the four seas and five sacred mountains. All the spirits follow and attend to him in queue, just like the emperor and his ministers in the human world.

    Base on the Taoist Scripture of Original Deeds of the Lofty Jade Emperor (《高上玉皇本行經》 Gao Shang Yu Huang Ben Xing Jing):

    The Great Jade Emperor is the son of the King of the Pure Blissful Kingdom of Lofty Heavenly Lights and Ornaments (光嚴淨樂國王 - Guang Lian Jing Le Guo Wang) and of the Empress of Precious Moonlight (寶月光皇后 - Bao Yue Guang Huang Hou). At birth, the precious light of his glorious flames filled the country. He was smart and wise when young, and kind and benevolent when grown up.

    He devoted the entire state treasury to all sentient beings, the poor and suffering, the deserted and single, the hungry and disabled. After the death of the King of Pure Bliss (淨樂王 - Jing Le Wang), he ruled ably as crown prince and told his ministers that, feeling merciful for all sentient beings, he would abandon the throne and cultivate Dao on the Mountain of Universal Light and Fragrant Rocks ( 普明香嚴 - Pu Ming Xiang Yan).

    After 3200 aeons, he attained to the station of Golden Immortality (金仙 - Jin Xian) and was called 'Emperor of Spontaneous Enlightenment" (自然覺皇 - Zi Ran Jue Huang).

    He taught various Buddhas to understand the orthodox Great Vehicle and approach the empty sublime Tao. After cultivating for another 100 million kalpas, he ascended to the status of the Jade Emperor.

    In Charge of the Tao of Heavens:

    The Jade Emperor is an avatar of the Three Pristine Ones. The relationship between them is like Emptiness (虛無 - Xu Wu) preceding Subtle Being (妙有 - Miao You), Infinity (無極 - Wu Ji) preceding the Supreme Ultimate (太極 - Tai Ji), Non-Interference ( 無為 - Wu Wei) preceding Interfering Action (有為 You Wei). Therefore, the Jade Emperor is the master of the three fundamentals and in charge of the pivot of Heaven, Earth and Man.

    The Greate Jade Emperor sends...

    1) The Great Emperor of the North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety (紫微北極大帝 Zi Wei Bei Ji Da Di ) to administer the longitudes and latitudes of Heaven and Earth

    2) The Great Emperor of the Highest Palace of Polaris (勾陳上宮大帝 Gou Chen Shang Gong Da Di) to administer the Three Powers of Heaven, Earth, and Man and to control wars;

    3) The Imperial God of Earth (后土皇地祇 - Hou Tu Huang Di Qi) to administer births, land, and rivers.

    In general, all things, Heaven, Earth, Yin and Yang, and creation, are in the charge of the Jade Emperor.

    The Festivals Of Great Jade Emperor

    The manifestation day / birthday of the Jade Emperor is the 9th of the 1st lunar month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

    On this day, Daoist temples hold a Golden Register Ritual Offering (金籙齋儀 - Jin Lu Zhai Yi) called 'Jade Emperor Ritual' (玉皇會 -Yu Huang Hui).

    The attendants, Daoist or laymen, worship the Jade Emperor with the "Offering to Heaven" ( 齋天大禮 - Qi Tian Da Li) rite, to pray for Luck and Longevity.

    Chinese Folks in Fujian part of China, Taiwan and also South East Asia, calling the Jade Emperor "Heavenly Grandpa" ( 天公 Tiangong ), worship him on the 9th of the first lunar month.

    In north China, sacrifices to the Jade Emperor were held in the past, where an image of the Jade Emperor was paraded around the village.

    The 25th of the 12th month is the legendary day when the Jade Emperor descends and inspects the human world. Chinese Folks and temples all welcome the Jade Emperor by burning incense and reciting scriptures.

    Ranking & Position of Great Jade Emperor

    In Pure/Orthodox Taoism, the Great Jade Emperor is ranked between the Three Pristine Ones (三清 - San Qing) and the Four Heavenly Ministers (四御 - Si Yu). To the Chinese Folks, Jade Emperor is worshiped as the Ultimate Supreme Deity of Heaven and Earth and Entire Universe.

    The 3 Pristine / Supreme Ones are

    玉清元始天尊 (Yu Qing Palace – Yuan Shi Tian Zun)
    上清灵宝天尊 (Shang Qing Palace – Ling Bao Tian Zun)
    太清道德天尊(俗稱:太上老君,老子) (Tai Qing Palace – Dao De Tian Zun, aka Tai Shang Lao Jun/Lao Zi)

    The Jade Emperor (Leader of all Immortals/Living Kinds) - 玉皇上帝 (Jade Emperor - Yu Huang Shang Di)

    The Four Royal Emperors of Heaven (四御大帝) – There’s a few sets

    1st Set:

    中天北极紫微大帝 (Central Heavenly Realm Emperor Zi Wei)
    玉皇上帝 (Jade Emperor - included)
    勾成上宫(太极) 天皇大帝 (Palace Gou Cheng Heavenly Emperor Tai Ji)
    承天效法后土皇地 (Hou Tu – Earthly Deity)

    2nd Set:

    中天北极紫微大帝(Central Heavenly Realm Emperor Zi Wei)
    南极长生大帝 (Southern Heaven Hemisphere Emperor of Longevity )
    勾成上宫(太极) 天皇大帝(Palace Gou Cheng Heavenly Emperor Tai Ji)
    承天效法 后土皇地(Hou Tu – Earthly Deity)

    3rd Set:

    中天北极紫微大帝(Central Heavenly Realm Emperor Zi Wei)
    青華東極宮太乙救苦天尊 (Qing Hua Dong Ji Palace Souls Salvaging Sage Tai Yi)
    勾成上宫(太极) 天皇大帝(Palace Gou Cheng Heavenly Emperor Tai Ji)
    承天效法 后土皇地(Hou Tu – Earthly Deity)

    Important Chant to worship Great Jade Emperor during Taoist Rituals/ Ceremonies/ Festivals:

    玉皇大天尊宝诰 (弥罗宝诰)
    Yu Huang Bao Gao (Praise Mantra)

    Zhi Xin Gui Ming Li

    Tai Shang Mi Luo Wu Shang Tian 

    Miao You Xuan Zhen Jing

    Miao Miao Zi Jin Que

    Tai Wei Yu Qing Gong

    Wu Ji Wu Shang Sheng

    Huo Luo Fa Guang Ming

    Ji Ji Hao Wu Zong

    Xuan Fan Zhong Shi Fang

    Kan Ji Zhen Chang Dao

    Hui Mo Da Shen Tong 

    Yu Huang Da Tian Zun

    Xuan Qiong Gao Shang Di

    You can't find / get any Taoist Sorcery Talismans from any Popular Public Chinese Temples

    An article found online, written by a 'Feng-Shui' Practitioner...

    He wrote:
    "Are you interested on how to activate your Third Eye then? Head down to your nearest Taoist temple and request for it. Rumours being that they will actually burn the talisman and mix the ash into a bowl of water, while chanting the Yin Yang Eyes Mantra. You would then need to drink the water and rub a small amount of those onto your eyes. After the ritual is completed, your vision of the spiritual realm would be clear and you would then be able to see all kinds of spirits right in front of you. Well… are you still interested then?"

    Taoist Sorcery Master wants to say this..


    Other than his Feng Shui Skills, perhaps that Feng Shui Guy has never trained in Taoist Magic, or Taoist Sorcery before, and never help out in any Taoist Temples, which is why he thought all kinds of Taoist Talismans can be easily found in any Chinese Temples.

    No genuine talismans from Popular Public Chinese Temples...

    Popular Public Chinese Temples are those type of temples that You just pay money to buy a bundle of candles, joss sticks and joss papers, or the temple provides 'free' incense sticks for You to pray. They don't provide Tang-Ki Worship (Taoist Spirit Mediums Consultation) and no Taoist Priests / Masters / Sorcerers to do prayer for You. You just go in and pray yourself , then do donation, and get lost.

    Popular Public Chinese Temples may provide "FREE" mass-printed-version of just 1 type of  talisman - 'Safety / Protection' Talisman (平安符) that have never gone through consecrating / empowering / activating ritual. You can't find any other variety of Taoist Sorcery Talismans either, be it genuine or fake.

    Even though folks are not aware that they are keeping a Fake Talisman, at least they feel peaceful while carrying a fake one.

    Getting a Genuine Protection-Talisman From Taoist Spirit Medium...

    A Tang-Ki Worship Temple, be it a public one or in a private house, is a temple that provides Spirit Medium Consultation. You may get a genuine 'Protection' Talisman (平安符 - Safety Talisman) for 'FREE'. The 'Protection' Talismans are consecrated / empowered / activated by the Tang-Ki (Taoist Spirit Medium) during spiritual possession.

    Usually the talisman is consecrated / empowered / activated with blood oozed out from the tongue of the tang-ki by slicing his tongue with ritual sword, or signing the talismans with vermilion ink... ACTIVATING / EMPOWERING ONE BY ONE... ONE TALISMAN AT A TIME.

    Very often, there is only 1 universal talisman being used in the tang-ki temple. During consultation, folks facing different problems in their life, are provided with the same 1 type of talismans (but activated / empowered differently for different purposes) by the deity.

    Different talismans for different purposes from a Taoist Master / Taoist Sorcerer...

    The only way You can find many variety (few hundreds to few thousands types) of genuine, powerful Taoist Talismans for different purposes is to consult a Taoist Master / Taoist Sorcerer.

    A Taoist Master normally provide his service in a private temple, or private office.

    A Taoist Sorcerer usually doesn't reveal that he is one and blend in with the commoners. Folks only able to seek him out through word of mouth.

    Both will charge fees for their services. Some are cheap and some are very expensive.

    How To Keep & Use Gods Of Wealth Talisman?

    "If I were to keep Gods Of Wealth Talisman somewhere not openly visible or if I keep it hanging in a closed cabinet, would it be okay and not offend the deities or anything? "

    Yes, it is OK to keep in a closed cabinet or drawer, and hide away from public view. You won't offend the deities.

    "You mentioned before that all will be blessed if left hanging at home, does that mean it will be blessing all of us whenever we're away from home as well?"

    If it is framed up and hang on the main hall, the deities will bless the family members staying in the house.

    "If in a situation where a family member is going to have a job interview, would you advise they physically take the talisman with them or just keep at home as is enough?"

    If the talisman is already framed up and hang on the main hall, just pray to it before going for the job interview. If the talisman is kept aside in the drawer or cabinet, then bring it out and pass it to Your family member and let him / her carry along when he /she goes for job interview.

    "When using the Gods of Wealth Talisman for lottery numbers, can I use candles instead of the incense sticks you mentioned? or are there any other alternatives I might be able to use?"

    You can use candles, instead of incense sticks. But lighting up either one is important. It is informing the deities that You are preparing a formal meeting with them. Just like when a spiritual master going to perfom sorcery or black magic, he will need to light up incense sticks, or candles to perform the ritual.

    "Lastly, when picking the numbers from the cup, it said the numbers are flung out. Is that similar to shaking the cup till one of the numbers drop out? When trying to shake it out it seems more than one number keeps popping out. Can I just stick my hand in the cup and randomly pick one out? "

    If You are playing Pick 4 / Pick 3 Lottery...

    Remember to light up  candles, or incense sticks while praying to the gods , or ghosts for help.

    Fill a cup with 10 pieces of tiny pieces of paper  written 0 to 9, and roll up. Then use the cup as a "Shake Cup".  Shaking the cup till 1 number drop out. Record the number and put it back. Repeat the same process until You have a Pick 3 or Pick 4 Set.

    If more than 1 number come out, put them back again, and re-shake it for that particular number.

    Video below shows "Shake A Cup" Method for numbers with Kumantongs...

    The same way, You can pray to Gods Of Wealth Talisman and seek Potential Winning Pick 3 / Pick 4 Numbers. You will be amazed that You can achieve 90% accuracy in this method of prediction. If You win a Prize, You will always win on the TOP 3 Prizes (Direct & Permutation).

    "The Lotto I am betting on has between 1- 49 numbers to choose, how should I ask for the winning numbers?"

    Remember to light up  candles, or incense sticks while praying to the gods , or ghosts for help.

    Folks who are playing Toto, Lotto, Bingo, USA Mega, Powerball, Mega Millions etc or any similar type of Lottery, can use a Bingo Toy, battery operated one. Just press one button and the balls will start to roll.

    This is what You do...

    If You have framed up the talisman, place the bingo toy set in front of it , then do Your prayer. Then start to press the button to get a set of Lottery Numbers.

    If You have not framed up the talisman, then put the talisman (folded up on the zip-log bag or container) on a tray, and pray to it, then press the bingo toy to get the numbers.

    Words Of Wisdom...

    There is no fix way to pray and seek help from the divine spiritual entities. If You have new ideas, You can improvise and implement new ways to communicate with them, as long as the results turn out to be positive.