Important Note: There is consultation fee and ritual service charge when You seek help. The consultation fee & service charge are quite expensive and not anybody can afford it, or interested to pay for it. Kindly ask how much is the consultation service and ritual service fee when You seek help.

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Are you one of those guys who get possessed or were you a Taoist Priest?

Some folks mistook that Taoist Master / Sorcerer is also a Taoist Spirit Medium or a Taoist Priest. They also thought Taoist Spirit Medium, or a Taoist Priest can also perform Taoist Magic - Fa-Shu (法术).

After reading this article, You will have a clear understanding the different expertise of these 3 groups of Taoists and their relation with one another.

Expertise of Tang-Ki (童乩)
Folks that are possessed by Taoist Deities are known as Tang-Ki (童乩) in Hokkien and Teochew Dialect , meaning Taoist Spirit Mediums. Taoist Tang-Ki Worship is a ritual to invite Deities to possess the spirit mediums. 

Taoist Spirit Mediums and their helpers are only trained in the proper procedure to let  the Deities possess their bodies. Helpers in Taoist Tang-Ki Worship, are only trained in creating Talismans needed for Tang-Ki Ritual and the incantations needed for 3 purposes: 1) Inviting Deities to possess the mediums, 2) Send off the Deities and 3) Wake the Taoist Spirit Medium up after the trance.

When they are in trance, Deities would give consultation, draw and consecrate the talismans for the devotees. Most of the Taoist Mediums and Helpers know nothing more than the standard talismans and the incantations  needed for Taoist Tang-Ki Worship.

Related Article: Taoist Spirit Medium

Video On Tang-Ki Worship

Expertise of Taoist Priests
Taoist Priests focus their time on major events like reciting Taoist Scriptures in the Taoist temples during important Taoist Festivals. Taoist Priests make their appearance in a big crowd of devotees, wearing Beautiful Taoist Robes.

Taoist Priests do have the knowledge of creating Taoist Talismans to handle human issues but folks seldom consult them for personal problems, or seek their help for spell-casting purposes. Their main task is focused on reciting Taoist Scriptures during Taoist Festivals. They hold very high ranking during Taoist Ceremonies.

During Taoist Tang-Ki Worship in the Temple, when the Taoist Spirit Mediums are already possessed by Taoist Deities, Taoist Priests are still engaged to do the major important ritual (Example: Paying respect to the Great Jade Emporer)  and the Deities (Possessed Taoist Spirit Mediums) will lead the Devotees to follow the command given by the Taoist Priests during prayers.

Expertise of Taoist Magic Masters / Sorcerers
Taoist Magic Practitioners fall into 2 categories:

1) The Taoist Masters
Taoist Masters only follow the "Right" Path and Do No Evil. The spells they cast and rituals they do are only to help the folks to solve their problems and help them achieve their wishes to come through and also to get rid of black magic and evil forces. They mainly invoke deities from heavenly realm and earth realm to work on their spells / rituals.  Taoist Masters enjoy the popularity and fame in the public. They walk around with the title  "I Am A Taoist Master".

2) The Taoist Sorcerers
Taoist  Sorcerers practice both the "Right" Path and "Left path".  They help folks to solve their problems and help them achieve their wishes BUT they also can harm and destroy their own enemies or  help the folks to seek revenge / punish / get even with their enemies.  They invoke Deities from Heavenly Realm, Earth Realm and also seek support from 5 Ghosts, Demons from the Underworld and Ghosts , Animal Spirits , Insect Spirits from Earth Realm.  They are often trained in the lineage of 茅山派 (Mao-Shan Sect) ,阴山派 (Yin-Shan Sect),鬼山派 (Gui-Shan Sect) etc.

In olden days, a Taoist Sorcerer is an important figure in the village. Folks in the Village will seek his help regarding all kind of  spiritual matters, including revenge magic on the outsiders who bullied or wronged someone from the Village, example: a girl from the village was cheated by a man from other place.

In this modern era, due to majority of modern folks who are non-believers in spiritual matters / black magic,   Taoist Sorcerer often shy away from the public , or at least blend in with the public, therefore no one in the public knows he is in fact a Taoist Sorcerer (Black Magician). Being Secretive, he is often a loner, like a Taoist Wanderer. He casts spell and performs magic ritual alone, when no one is around. He mainly applies his magical knowledge for his own well-being, own benefits, personal spiritual protection and punish his own enemies. He provides the same help to his own family members and close friends. Outsiders mostly come to him /her only through word of mouth and they have to pay very high fee for his help.

Difference between Taoist Holy Masters and Taoist Sorcerers
Taoist Masters do good and give the image of "helping" the public and love the publicity. Taoist Sorcerers do good /evil for his own benefit and always low profile.

Additional Information
Taoist Magic Practitioners / Taoist Masters / Taoist Sorcerers are neither Taoist Spirits Mediums, nor  Taoist Priests.  In Taiwan, Taoist Masters do support and train folks who want to become Taoist Spirit Mediums. Some Taoist Masters (The Holy Ones) might want to train to become Taoist Priests someday.

Related Article: Where To Learn Taoist Sorcery?

Do Your Taoist Spells 100% Confirm Work? How Fast Will The Result Show?

Taoist Sorcerers are always bombarded with these 2 questions:
1) Do Your Taoist Spells 100% Confirm Work?
2) How Fast Will The Result Show?

This article will answer these 2 questions.

Remember This: Taoist Sorcerer is not a God / Deity/ Saint / Sage / Angel.

Taoist Sorcerer, who is a normal human being, does not personally, possess supernatural power to do wonders by himself. His only  expertise is that he is able to Create Talismans and Cast Spells / Do Rituals to invoke particular Deity or Deities, to handle the human affairs and also able to summon Spirits/ Ghosts to do his bidding (Revenge, Disturb Enemy, Checking out On Someone).

Taoist Sorcery In Handling "Proper" Issues
When come to handling "Proper" Issues / Wishes, Taoist Sorcerer Creates Talismans to Cast Spells / Do Rituals to seek help from the Heavenly Deities to handle the matters. How things work out will  depend entirely on the Heavenly Deities.

When You ask a Taoist Sorcerer whether his spell or ritual is going to confirm 100% work for You and how fast the result will show, he doesn't have a specific answer. The truth is that there is a high chance that  the spell / ritual MIGHT work and hope that it will work fast.

Each and every individuals is special and unique in his/her own destiny, therefore folks who have sought help from a Taoist Sorcerer will achieve different results at different timing. In some cases, there won't be any sign of success at all, partly due to the type of requests / wishes they make.

When a Taoist Sorcerer is being engaged to help You cast spell and do ritual, the chance of getting Your problem solved is high but then, there is still a slight chance that Your requests / wishes might not come true.

Most Important is that the Taoist Sorcerer  put in the effort  and completes the whole ritual for You who seek his help, and not just take the Money from You and then do nothing.

A Taiwan Sorcery Master explains the difficulty to predict when the result of a spell/ritual will show..

Taoist Sorcery In Handling "Improper" Issues (Revenge, Disturb Enemy, Hexing etc)

Taoist Sorcerers, especially those from Mao-Shan Sect (茅山派)and related Sects, can perform Black Magic to command and dispatch 5 GHOSTS, ghosts in the wild, demons of the underworld, jinns,  animal spirits, insect spirits etc  to harm and destroy the victim if he wants to. Taoist Black Magic is fast and furious.

By right, Taoist Black Magic is only use to Punish (or Get Even) with someone who wronged You. Before Black Magic  is performed, Taoist Sorcerer will beforehand, reports the matter to Cheng Huang Ye (城隍爷) - Judiciary God, and seek his permission 1st. However, there are ruthless Taoist Sorcerers who use Black Magic to harm and destroy their enemies at their own liking, without going through proper channel (report to to Cheng Huang Ye (城隍爷).

Genuine Taoist Sorcerer will not help outsiders to harm their enemies, unless good amount of valid reasons are provided. The reason is due to.. FEAR OF RETRIBUTION. Not only will the Client be affected by Retribution, the Taoist Sorcerer who performs the Black Magic might be affected as well. If the Taoist Sorcerer and/or the Client is not affected by the Retribution, their descendents will. Retribution is serious matter and scary.

A Taiwan Mao-Shan Master explains the reason why Genuine Taoist Sorcerers seldom use Black Magic to harm their enemies..

Now You understand that Taoist Sorcerer is just a Human. His expertise is creating talismans to cast spells / do rituals to report Your problems / Express Your Wishes to Heavenly Deities and get them to handle Your personal issues. He is also capable to command the spirit entities to do evil (or good) for him, if he wants to.

When You engage the service of a Taoist Sorcerer...
When You engage the service of a Taoist Sorcerer, just let him do what he should be doing (Casting Spells / Doing Rituals for You) and You HOPE FOR THE BEST. Whatever the outcome is, You have to accept it.

Please do not think that by JUST PAYING MONEY to the Taoist Sorcerer, You can now demand Your Problems to be Solved / Wishes Must Come True,  and then blame him if things don't work out.  The duty of a Taoist Sorcerer is only to Cast Spell / Do Ritual for You, in order to invoke particular Deity or selected few of Deities to guide You  Solve Your problems / Hopefully You Wishes Will Come True. Whether Your personal issues can be solved, Taoist Sorcerer has no say because he is just a middle-man between You and the deities.

Words Of Wisdom will be sent to You by the Deities through Gut Feeling

While the Taoist Sorcerer is still casting spell / working on a ritual for You, let Your mind be free. When the time is right, Words Of Wisdom will be sent to You by the Deities through Gut Feeling. Trust the feeling, Execute Your moves and go with the flow, at the same time, let go of the worries of the outcome.

 Taoist Sorcerer is NOT a Master Of All Trades...

Many Folks have greatly mistaken that a Taoist Sorcerer is a Master Of All Trades.

While the Taoist Sorcerer is still working hard on an on-going ritual for his client, He is often bombarded by the Clients with typical questions like:
  • "What step should I do now to win the girl's/guy's heart?"
  • "What can I do now to bring my husband/wife back?"
  • "Do You think I should call that girl/guy now?"
  • "Should I ask the girl/guy out tomorrow?"
  • "What is the sure win Lottery Number for Tomorrow?" etc...
By right, Taoist Sorcerer  is not in the position to spoon-feed You  on every moves on every matters.

Some Taoist Sorcerers are trained in Chinese Divination...

However,  there are few Taoist Sorcerers who wear several hats. Other than Casting Spells / Doing Rituals,  some of these Taoist Sorcerers are also well-trained in Chinese Divination such as  I-Ching (易经), Qi Men Dun Jia  (奇门遁甲) etc and well-read in Chinese Strategies Books (Sun Tzu's Art Of War , 36 Stratagems etc). Wearing another hat as a Divination Expert / or Master Strategist, he may able to suggest the best moves for You to execute to solve Your problems / Make Your Wish Come True.

If You engaged a Taoist Sorcerer to Casting Spell / Do Ritual for You and  then also need him to guide You on executing every moves to solve Your Issues, most probably he will charge You 2 different fees - One Fee for Casting Spell / Do Ritual and another fee for needing to answer Your questions on "What Should I Do Now?".



If You don't have the trust and faith in a Taoist Sorcerer...

Alternatively, if You don't have the trust and faith in a Taoist Sorcerer, You can still seek help directly from a Deity (while in trance by a Taoist Spirit Medium). Taoist Temples that have Tang-Ki Worship are easily available in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan. Once again, depending on the problems You faced and the request You make, Deity (In trance of a Taoist Tang-Ki) will either:
  1. Willing to help 
  2. Unwilling to help 
  3. Able to help 
  4. Unable to help
If You still have no trust and faith in Taoist Sorcerer, Taoist Spirit Medium or any person, the best thing to do is to TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR OWN LIFE by Yourself.

Why you don't strike the lottery yourself, instead of selling Talismans to others?

"I'm curious and wonder why you don't strike the lottery yourself , instead of selling talismans to others?"

The Website:  is the exact place that has been showing off the 4D Prediction Numbers given by Kumantongs and the actual Winning Results that shoot out.

Singapore Pools 4D Prediction by Oil Bottle Kumantong is what the Blog Owner bet  on  for himself on every 4D Draw Days. He is a Man of Integrity, who buys the same exact 4D numbers given to the Kumantong 4D Followers. Not like other 4D Masters who vomit out a lists of 4D numbers to buy for Yourself and they don't buy any.

Kumantong 4D Power was started out as Free 4D Prediction to the public but later on   Cheapskates and Trouble Makers complain why never hit Direct Top 3 Prizes when they already Hit Ibet Top 3 Prizes. After hitting Direct TOP 3 Prizes, the Cheapskates and Trouble Makers keep quiet and act blur, and never send "Kopi Money" or at least say "Thank You". From that time onwards, anyone who wants to follow Kumantong 4D Power must pay a  fee for me to seek 4D Numbers / Toto Numbers.


"Strike 1st Prize" Talisman and related Wealth Talisman being introduced, are cheaper alternatives to a Kumantong Statue for folks who can't afford the price to obtain  a  Super Powerful Kumantong Statue (personally trained by the Blog Owner of Kumantong 4D Power), but still want to gain the same superb high level of chances to Strike TOP 3 Prizes of 4D Lottery consistently.


Folks should be grateful that someone out there is helping them to gain the same superb high level of chances to Strike Lottery (4D/ Pick 4) from tapping into the same spiritual power. All they have to do is just to pay a 1 TIME FEE (Might consider very expensive to the Cheapos) to have a Win Lottery Talisman created for them.

Don't expect "free lunch" either. If You can't create it, just pay someone to create it. Stop Whining Start Winning. 

Most Followers of "Kumantong 4D Power" Method seek 4D Prediction Numbers by combining Kumantong Statue (personally trained by the Blog Owner of Kumantong 4D Power) and "Strike Lottery" Talisman to Strike 4D Lottery non-stop.

Are there Taoist sorcerers who can Shape Shift?

"Are there Taoist sorcerers who can Shape Shift (transform into animals) like the bomohs of Malaysia and Indonesia?"

The term "Shape Shifting" encompasses a wide variety of Magical Transformation Skills and techniques practiced throughout ancient China. This type of magic was originally used by Sorcerers either to play tricks on unsuspecting individuals or hide from certain individuals.

Methods Of Shape-Shifting
There are numerous methods used in order to accomplish the magical transformation of Shape-Shifting. Each method will vary according the specific function and and goal of the magical transformation.

Shape-Shifting With Talisman
One popular ancient method of Shape-Shifting required the use of Shape-Shifting Talisman.

A Taoist Master Zheng said:" Take the Talisman for Becoming Invisible ( 《大隱符》 Dayinfu ) for ten days, you may turn left if you want to vanish, and turn right if you want to appear. Or cover your body with Jade Balls ( 玉丸 Yuwan ) or Snake Foot Power ( 蛇足散 Shezusan ). Or put Limu Grass in your bosom and pick some Green Dragon Grass, lying prostrate below the direction of the Six Ding ( 六丁 Liu Ding ). Or go into a bamboo garden, with the Land of the Heavenly Pivot in your hands. Or build a River Dragon Stone House ( 河龍石室 Helong Shishi ) and hide in the shade of the clouds. The magical talisman will also allow You to turn yourself into a little kid or an old man, a bird, an animal, a blade of grass, a tree, or a head of livestock. Transform yourself into a tree if you are near a tree, into the fire if you are close to fire, into water if you are by the water. This is the skill of transforming one's shapes or changing one's appearance, by which you cannot be completely invisible".

Assistance Based Shape-Shifting
Certain Deities are summoned to assist the sorcerer with the desired type of physical metamorphoses.

Low Level Shape-Shifting
In order to master Shape-Shifting, the ancient Taoist Sorcerers would begin their training with "Lower Level" Shape Shifting Techniques - transformation of facial features. In low level Shape-Shifting, it was important for the Daoist Sorcerer to be able to absorb and utilize the environmental Qi. This magical skills also refers to the sorcerer's ability to absorb and use the energy of all the individuals in the surrounding area.

Upper Level (Advanced) Shape-Shifting
After mastering the Low Level Shape-Shifting, the Sorcerer will move on to magical art of metamorphosis of the body, it's shape and it's features. In the most advanced levels of Shape-Shifting, the powerful talismans used to perform this magical skill are no longer needed as the sorcerer has embodied the esoteric magical skill.

Shape-Shift into Animals
There are several common types of animal transformations used in the art of Animal Shape-Shifting, depending on the sorcerer's needs. Shape-Shifting into a Warrior Animal is sometime used for acquiring supernatural power for survival. Shape-Shifting into a Celestial Animal is sometime used for acquiring supernatural power for intuition and healing.

Shape-Shift into a Deity
Because each deity resonates with a specific vibrational formula,specific spells and incantations are used in order to activate certain seed syllables and magical symbols inside the sorcerer's body. This type of vibrational resonance is needed in order to attract the deity.

Records of  Shape-Shifting in Ancient Taoist Texts

In the Book "Baopuzi" (抱朴子 Master Who Embraces Simplicity), written by the Jin Dynasty scholar Ge Hong 葛洪 (283-343), it stated " The most important Magical Transformation Skills of change are kept in the five volumes of the Mohist Records of the Five Agents ( 《墨子五行記 》 Mozi Wuxing Ji ). In the past, Liu An copied the essential points into one volume of his book before he passed away. With the aid of a certain medicine and talisman, the man with such a skill was able to fly up and down, hiding himself with different transformed shapes. With a smile on his face, he became a woman, and with her face wrinkled, she became an old man. As he bent his knees, he became a little kid. If he held a stick, it could be turned into wood. If he grew plants, they became melons or fruits, ripe and eatable at once. If he drew a line on the ground, it became a river. If he piled up the soil, it could become a mountain. As he sat there, delicious food of various kinds would appear in front of him. He could do whatever he wanted, such as arousing the clouds or fire.

The White Tiger Skills of the Seven Changes ( 白虎七變法 Baihu Qibian Fa ) recorded that on the 3rd of March one must compose a mixture of all the elements listed below. They are the head skin of a white tiger killed on that day, the blood of a camel and of a tiger, as well as a purple ribbon, the flowers on a pair of shoes, and some duckweed. The duckweed sprouts must look like sesame that will produce seeds after growing ripe. Having gotten those seeds, he must grow it again and again seven times. There will be something different in the seeds each time. Finally mix the seeds with another drug, the mixture of which can transform one's shape and change the features of one's face. Then you can fly anywhere or dive into the waters as you like. The effect is quite similar to what the Mohist Records of the Five Agents and the Hidden Subtlety of the Jade Maiden recorded. There is no skill beyond these two books."

Are Taoist Sorcerers able to Teleport?

"Are Taoist Sorcerers able to teleport, as in disappear and then re-appear almost instantly at another place, with the help of spirits?"

Teleportation is the transfer of matter from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them.

Nowadays, no stories news about Taoist Sorcerers doing Teleportation on themselves or even if they do, they do it secretly. However, Taoist Sorcerers are still seen performing teleportation on other matters, with the help of  their ghost servants, for the purpose of entertainment shows -  Street Magick Shows.

Stories about Teleportation was recorded in ancient Chinese Texts before modern science discuss about Quantum Physics. One of the text about Teleportation is found in the Book "The Baopuzi" (抱朴子 Master Who Embraces Simplicity), written by the Jin Dynasty scholar Ge Hong 葛洪 (283-343).

Ge Hong wrote:"There were five types of strange magical skills, including invisibility. (e.g., a man was seen when sitting there, but vanished as he stood up). But if he shows off his ability to do so in this mortal world, it might cause some unfavorable consequences. Since the skills cannot benefit his health, he should not conduct them casually except in order to avoid disaster in critical situations or during the chaos of war.

According to ancient Taoist Texts, Teleportation is divided into 2 categories:

1) True Teleportation
After many years of meditation and training, a sorcerer's physical matter can eventually transformed into energy and then be transported as vibrating light particles to a new location.

2) Assistance-Based Teleportation
Assistance-Based Teleportation is accomplished through invoking the magical power of various spiritual beings, deities or ghosts. In this type of magical skill, it is the summoned spirit entity's power that provides assistance for the sorcerer to teleport. Taoist Sorcerers in these modern days can only perform  Assistance-Based Teleportation of matters  (not on themselves) , as their personal spiritual cultivation is not high enough to do True Teleportation.

Real Accounts of  Teleportation of Gold Fishes, seen with my own eyes:  

A Taoist Sorcery Master ( 七星剑仙大法师 Seven Stars Swords Master) in Singapore used to perform very often on one of  his magical skills by placing gold fish in-between his lips and then blew it into a coconut husk,  through a tiny hole (about the diameter of a straw) , created from digging  one of the 3 "eyes" of the coconut husk. 

5 gold fishes,  about 10 times bigger size than the hole on the coconut husk, were blown into the coconut one by one in few seconds. 

When he cracked open the coconut husk  , all 5 gold fishes were found inside the coconut husk. He claimed that he was only able to do that with the support of his 2 child ghost servants.

Other than Teleportation, which is disappearing from one location and then appear at another location, there is also a magical skill, known as Bilocation.

Bilocation is the magical skill in which a sorcerer can choose to appear at two location at the same time. In ancient time, sorcerers who were able to perform Bilocation were regarded as immortals. In Bilocation, the spirit body is projected to a second location. It then materializes, become dense, and can interact with the physical world and be seen by others. The magical phenomenon that happens during Bilocation occurs due to the spirit body's ability to be trained to exit the physical body.

In order to perform the magical skill of Bilocation, it is essential for the sorcerer to have cultivated enough Qi and Shen to sustain two life forces.

In the five volumes of the Mohist Records of the Five Agents ( 《墨子五行記 》 Mozi Wuxing Ji ) , there was a volume of the Hidden Subtlety of the Jade Maiden ( 《玉女隱微》 Yunü Yinwei ) which recorded that the man with such a skill could give himself the appearance of birds or animals, and the appearance of gold, wood, or jade. He could arouse the clouds, the thunder, and the rain over hundreds of miles as well. Furthermore, he could cross rivers without using a boat or a bridge, and could separate himself into different parts and turn up at thousands of places simultaneously.

Story of Teleportation in Ancient China

Zuo Ci is a legendary personage of the late Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms periods of Chinese history. Though he is known as a local of Lujiang, the years of his birth and death are unknown. It is believed that he had existed before the collapse of the Han Dynasty, and it is claimed that he lived until the age of 300. He learned his magics and path to longevity from the Taoist sage Feng Heng (封衡), and eventually passed his arts to Ge Xuan.

Zuo Ci studied atop Mount Tianzhu, practiced medicinal alchemy and nourished his vital essence by controlled breathing and Taoist sexual practices. It is said that he could live for long periods without eating. He was also learned in the Confucian classics and in astrology.

At some time before 200, the local warlord Sun Ce, who was a strict Confucian, wanted to kill Zuo Ci and chased him on horseback. Zuo Ci, unmounted, still managed to escape by seemingly walking slowly.

Later, Zuo Ci went to Cao Cao, who granted him a pension to do his magics. Cao Cao may have shown an interest in the Taoist approach to longevity by doing this, but his son Cao Zhi wrote that the pensions are only intended to keep the magicians and their wild teachings under control. Zuo Ci performed a number of magic acts in Cao Cao's court, such as catching an exotic fish from an empty copper pan, and teleporting far away to buy ginger. Zuo Ci once fed a whole court assembly with food and wine, but Cao Cao soon found out that Zuo Ci had emptied every wine shop in the region with his magic for this purpose. Cao Cao tried to execute Zuo Ci, but he escaped by walking through walls.

When someone reported that Zuo Ci had been sighted in the market, everyone in the market became identical to Zuo's appearance. Another report said Zuo Ci went to the mountaintop, so Cao Cao and his men went, and realized Zuo was concealed among a flock of sheep. Knowing he could not find him, Cao Cao announced to the flock of sheep that he was merely trying to test Zuo Ci's skill, and had no intention to kill him.

At the moment, a goat stood on its hind legs and spoke. Cao Cao's men rushed to the goat, only to find the rest of the flock also turned into goats and started standing and speaking like humans. Zuo Ci was never found by Cao Cao's men again.

Zuo Ci eventually retired from the world to practice his arts in the mountains.

Taoist Black Magic or Gong Tau ? - Which one more Powerful?

In South East Asia, Chinese Folks have also refer Black Magic done by a Chinese as Gong Tau, 降头 (Black Magic of South East Asia).

Taoist Black Magic

The term "Taoist Black Magic" means using Black Magic Talismans( In Chinese Characters) and Chinese Spells to summon the ghosts and spirits on earth, the 5 ghosts (Of Taoist Folk Religion) and spiritual soldiers from the nether worlds to do evil or seek revenge on enemies.

Taoist Black Magicians can simply cast Black Magic onto a person by just using Paper Talismans (Usually Yellow Colour or Green Colour Paper is used for Black Magic) and chanting magical spells to call upon the animal spirits , ghosts, spiritual soldiers to attack the enemies/victims.

Taoist Sorcery does includes the knowledge of Ghosts Keeping as Spiritual Servants to do good and evil. However, ghosts keeping is not necessary in order to be able to cast black magic spells.

In Taoist Black Magic, the popular "5 ghosts" are very often engaged. "5 ghosts" in Taoist Sorcery don't need to be captured , pray or fed all the time. They are called upon (by paper talisman and magic spells) when in need of them for help and then send off when the Black Magic Ritual is over.

In Malaysia and Indonesia, Black Magic is known as ILMU HITAM.

Gong Tau Magic (降头术)
Gong Tau Magic (降头术) is what the Chinese call it, which is referring to a unique type of Black Magic , originated from Yunan China and spread to the natives folks in South East Asia such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia etc. Native Folks from Malaysia and Indonesia call it SANTAU.

In Gong Tau Magic (降头术) or SHANTAU, very often the use of a concoction of deadly poisons, extracted from animals,insects and plants, as a form of Sorcery. The deadly poison concoction is usually added to food or drink to be consumed by the Victim. The Black Magician, who is spiritually powerful, can send the black magic potion from thin air and enter the victim.

During exorcism of these unlucky victims, they would often vomit worms or insects from their mouths. When Bomohs ( Whitch Doctors) use Chicken Eggs to rub onto the bodies of the victims, the eggs will reveal worms / insects when the egg shells are cracked open. Know-It-All Kids and Adults non-believers always consider these scenes as sleight-of-hands.

In Indonesia, they also have the practice of raising ghosts or spirits called "Batara Karang" literally translated the word "Batara" is deity, "Karang" is fossilized coral. It is believed to be the fossilized, shrunken mummy of a Shaman who practiced a certain Javanese cultivation called "BATARA KARANG".

Bomohs (Malay and Indonesian Witch Doctors /Shamahs) of Malaysia and Indonesia also have their own way to invoke and command genie, demons, or ghosts and spirits to attack or hurt the victim or enemies.

Chinese Taoist Masters, who settled down in South East Asia, have also combined the knowledge of "Gong Tau" (降头术),which they learned in their new home ground and these combination of Taoist Sorcery with Gong Tau (降头) is now, widely being called MAO SHAN GONG TAU (茅山降头). The reason is because most Chinese who have no deep knowledge on Chinese Black Magic will generalize all kind of Black Magic done by a Chinese, using Taoist Style Talismans and Chinese spells as "Mao Shan Magic"(茅山术). With the combination of Black Magic of South East Asia , known as Gong Tau (降头) , they simply combine the name and call it MAO SHAN GONG TAU (茅山降头).

Different races and cultures have shown the similarity of the types of Black Magic. The only difference is the language used in the spells and their specific ways of invoking and commanding the spirits/ghosts/demons. Therefore, all are powerful in their own ways.

In Taoist Sorcery, simplicity is the key.
If someone is offended or being "wronged" by another person, a Taoist Sorcerer can immediately draw a Talisman and quickly chant a spell and call upon the "5 ghosts" to follow and enter the house of the target or enemy and disturb him or the whole family.

Can I put spiritual items from different religions together on my Altar?

Asians like to pray to as many deities as possible. They have the freedom to pray  to whatever or whoever they like. The idea is to receive as many blessings from different deities from all religions that can be found on earth. - 有神就拜 (Is Deity - Will Pray).

The same question that often pop-up is whether an individual can worship different deities or place their images or statues of different religions together. To a Taoist, Buddhist or Hindu, the answer is YES. To the Christians, the answer is NO.

The beauty of Taoism , Buddhism and Hinduism is they respect all religions and able to blend with one another easily. Nowadays, spiritual items, such as talismans and amulets, can be found to have combination of  spiritual wordings originated from different religions.

Tips to place and arrange deities of different religions together..

Place the deity statues according to their ranking in heaven, follow by Earth and Hell.

Heavenly Deities should always be placed at the highest level and then follow by the other Earth Bound Deities and so on.

Hell Deities such as Dua-Di-Ya-Peh and other ghost kids such as Kumantongs , shall be placed  lower or at the far end of  the heavenly deities or create another altar just for them, such as by placing below the altar of heavenly deities or create another altar separate away from heavenly deities.

Inside many Chinese Temples in Philippines, not only Chinese Deities Statues are to be seen, even Christian Cross, the Statue of Jesus and also Mother Mary  are being worshiped in  the typical Chinese Style, by using the Joss Sticks.

In the homes of Hindus in Singapore and Malaysia, Taoist and Buddhist Deity Statues can also be found and worshiped together with  their Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

If You are multi-religion person and like to pray to deities of different religions, You may also create different altars to worship different deities base on the religions. Examples: 1 altar for Taoist Deities, 1 altar for Thai Buddhist Deities ,  1 altar for Tibetan Buddhism and 1 altar for Hindu Deities etc.

Below is example of Prayer Altar  of mix religions , which contains Taoist Talismans (Taoism), Buddhist Statues (Taoism and Buddhism) , Kumantong (Thai Animism) and Lup Yongs (Thai Animism) ...

Prayer Altar with Spiritual Items of different religions

Guan Yin Statue, a heavenly deity, is placed in the middle of the altar.

"Protection All In One" Talisman -

a) Make sure the Ba-Gua Symbol hanging on the wall is above the head of  Deity Statue located in front.

b) If the Deity Statue or Statues on the altar have not been consecrated ( empowered - 开光) by a Taoist Master, hanging the "Protection All In One" Talisman on the altar will automatically empower the whole altar with spiritual energy. The Talisman itself contains the power of 36 heavenly deities ( Guan Yin , Guan Di, Xuan Tian Shan Di, Monkey God ( Qi Tian Da Shen) , Ne-Zha Shan Tai Zi etc).

c) It can also be kept inside wallet or pouch and carry with You wherever You go. This method is best for sales people who are always on the move.

"Gods Of Wealth Of All Direction"  Talisman -

a) It can be framed up and hang on the altar or on the wall in the office, or shop, or in the main hall in the house. If the Wealth Talisman is already hang on the wall of the altar, simply seek 4D numbers by shaking the cup of numbers facing the talisman ,after lighting up incense sticks or aroma cones.

b) It can be wrapped around a cup of numbers (written on papers and rolled up) to seek Lottery Numbers.

c) It can be kept inside wallet or pouch and carry with You wherever You go.  This method is best for sales people who are always on the move.

Kumantong Statue ( In Oil Wrapped in Thick Plastic) -

a)  Take note that Kumantong Statue must be below or place lower than, or place beside the  heavenly deity.

b) Kumantong Statue Wrapped in Thick Plastic , can be put on altar permanently, or hide away from views by hiding inside cupboard or drawer, or keep inside bag, pouch and bring out wherever You go. 

Lup Yong Mini Oil Bottle and Kumantong Mini Oil Bottle -

a)  Lup Yong  are two spiritual kids in a mini oil bottle. Kumantong is one spiritual kid in a mini oil bottle.

b) Mini Oil Bottle Spiritual Kids only protect and help the immediate keeper. Kumantong Statue has huge power to protect and  help the people in the whole family, whole company, whole shop.

I am going NS. What shall I carry to protect myself from ghosts and dangers in Army Training?

Very often, You get to hear / read from the news that NS Man ( National Service Man) / Sign-On Regular just died or is permanently disabled during their training. There are far more similar cases not reported in the news.

Many Young Folks never know they can actually tap into the power of spiritual beings any time when they need. The "Modern Educated" Parents have no clue as well ,therefore their children has no knowledge about it too.

All kind of accidents can be prevented if You always carried a Taoist "Protection" Talisman during Your Army Training or if You are participating in any dangerous sports ( Rock Climbing, Mountain Expedition, Jungle Tracking etc) and if You are working in dangerous Environment ( Shipping, Airplane, Construction Sites, Oil Rigging etc).

A Genuine Taoist Talisman, created by a Taoist Master, will have deities inform You through Your gut feeling that danger is near and leave the place immediately and also the Taoist Talisman will protect You from injury.

A Thai Buddhist Takrut ( Or Tang-Kar), usually copper material, will turn hot and notify You that danger is near and You need to leave the place immediately. The Takrut or Tang-Kar will protect You from injury.

Many kids (with westernized education and know-it-all syndrome) will say such "spiritual-stuffs" are mere superstition. Someday when You become disabled, or Your love one died from an accident then You will regret not knowing the power of a talisman or amulet.

Some "Know-It-All" Adults will say "Insurance is enough".
The truth is.. In term of Protection, Spiritual Protection is more important than Insurance. What is so great about having money from insurance policy to pay for hospital bills and initial survival money, when You become disabled?

If You are going for NS, already in NS or already a Regular, or You are working in dangerous environment ( shipping, oil rigging) , don't be stubborn.. protect Yourself with a Genuine Powerful Talisman or Genuine Powerful Amulet created by a Genuine Spiritual Master.

If You are school going Kids and Teenagers, going for rock climbing, mountain expedition , jungle tracking or any dangerous sports... ask the parents or older folks in Your family to get You a Powerful Taoist Talisman or Powerful Buddhist Amulet.

One problem is... most Paper Talismans You get from Big Temples in Singapore are printed version and has no spiritual power at all. Not like in Taiwan and Malaysia, Genuine Powerful Taoist Talismans are widely available.

Getting a Genuine Powerful Taoist Talisman is hard to come by nowadays in Singapore. Most Taoist Spiritual Masters have passed away and their secret knowledge is not passed down to the next generation, either because the new generations don't believe in Spiritual Power or totally not interested to learn Taoist Magic.


You can be very stubborn and say it is OK to be physically disabled and that talisman and amulet is mere superstition and there is no such thing as Spiritual Power ...but don't laugh yet.... WHAT IF IT REALLY HAPPENED TO YOU? Don't forget, Who will take care of Your family members when You are permanently disabled or died in the accident?



Never Offend The Wrong People

There is a Chinese Saying :"病从口进,祸从口出". (Bing Cong Kou Jing, Huo Cong Kou Chu).
It means: Sickness Come from Eating Rubbish, Disaster Starts From Careless Talk.

In the olden days, folks know how to speak carefully and to prevent offending anybody or any strangers.

In this modern era, the Younger Folks,especially Singaporean Kids, going through Westernized thoughts and English Medium Education are told to look down upon anything spiritual and to condemn such practice as superstition. The worst are the Modernized Parents , who are Christians and never warn their kids about the danger of being attack by Black Magic.

Modern Day Kids are trained to think "I Am God" - " I Know Everything" type of behavior and go around mocking people as if they are the greatest sent from god.

With the advancement of Technology, people don't just communicate with mouth to talk and paper to write. With Social Media such as Facebook , Youtube , Twitter etc... one person can offend somebody or stranger or the masses unknowingly at the speed of light.

Many people think.. Getting Beating Up is the worst outcome for bad-mouthing or teasing someone. but it is not. The person who beat up someone will have to face the law and getting into jail. The most dangerous revenge when You offended someone is...... You will know the answer below..

The truth is...  When You Tease or Insult Someone whom You think is a weakling.. may keep quiet and walk away.. but You will be in for a Biggest Surprise later . You may not even know what has happened . When You realised  what has happened, You don't know where to seek help.

A Powerful Black Magic Practitioner can do damage on You from afar, even ocean apart, by just needing either:

1) Your Photo and Address
2) Your Photo, Your Name and Date of Birth
3) Your Home Address - to disturb the whole family members

Your hair and finger nails are not needed. Not like what You see on Hong Kong Or Thailand Ghost Movies.

When a person is beaten up, he will either die or physically healed later.

When a Black Magic Master is to seek revenge or engaged by someone to seek revenge, here are things that they normally do:

A) He doesn't want you to die but  to "Play You" by inviting ghosts to disturb You and Your family.  

In Taoist Sorcery, revenge and punishment magic is usually done by engaging the ghost servants kept by the master or “5 ghosts" of Taoist Sorcery - 5 ghosts [Yao Bi Song (中央姚碧松),Lin Jing Zhong (北方林敬忠), Cai Zi Liang (西方蔡子良), Zhang Zi Gui (南方张子贵), Chen Gui Xian(東方陈贵先)].

These are the typical paranormal havoc done  by the ghosts invited by Black Magic Master to enter Your house:

1) Things that You put on the desk will be relocated on it's own somewhere.
2) Things suddenly gone missing and appear again later at the same location.
3) Eggs or Food from the fridge will appear on the dining table placed neatly when no one brought them out.
4) Hearing Voice calling Your name but no one is around You.
5) Things dropping when no one around.
6) The switch to turn on TV, Hi-Fi , Lights are turned on by itself when no one around.
7) Self-Slapping by Your Own Hand or being slapped or pinched from unknown force.
and many more...

B) Make You Fall Sick
C)  Make You Die By Meeting an Accident
D) Make You feel Suicidal and You Commit Suicide Yourself
E) Self-Talking or Turn Crazy
F) To destroy Your Business and Make You go Bankrupt

Black Magic Practitioner will "Play" You and yet You cannot turn to police for help because You cannot complain to police that someone is using BLACK MAGIC to destroy You.

The only way to stop  is:
1) To engage another Taoist Sorcerer, Bomoh etc to get rid of the ghosts or destroy the spell.
2) When the Taoist Black Magic Practitioner feels that he has play You enough and have given You a good lesson.

The lesson from this article is to tell You 
1) Not to be Cocky
2) Not to be Arrogant
3) Be Humble and Never offend anyone when You speak to people or messaging online
4) Black Magic is still alive and is real

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