"Depending on human efforts on safety precaution alone is not enough. During my NS (National Service) & Reservist days, I always made sure my Taoist Protection Talisman was always together with my FAD (First Aid Dressing) in my shirt pocket. The talisman was to protect me from being disturbed by ghosts and accidents in the camp and during army training. If I die die need to serve the Army, then I die die need to seek some form of spiritual protection to guard my own life." - Taoist Sorcery Master
For a very long time , I've been wanting to write about this 'Died during army training' issue but was too lazy to begin. This time, my blood is boiling and I need to have it written.
Lately, every few weeks (especially in a tiny red dot country down south), there will be news about army boys died from accidents during their Army Training, so it prompted me to write it and share my views. Soldiers from other countries, as well as folks who are working in other kinds of dangerous environment shall be interested to read this article as well.
Belief it or not is up to You: Depending on human efforts on safety precaution alone is not enough. Always remind Yourself or Your son to carry a Taoist Protection Talisman whenever he goes back to camp and during army training. A Thai /Cambodian 'Buddhist' Yant Amulet /Talisman is a good alternative as well.
For those who believe in other religions, they should also go to their respective places for worship before embarking on any dangerous missions.
During my days of National Dervice (NS) & Reservist days, I always made sure my Taoist Protection Talisman was always together with my FAD (Field Aid Dressing) on my shirt pocket. However, I end up needing to give the talisman to my indian bunk mate because he said a fat indian female aunty ghost always appeared in front of him in the bunk when we were not around (went out field training), and then I need to create and empower another Talisman for myself again.
Don't underestimate the magical power of a talisman. A genuine Taoist Protection Talisman will give You gut feeling that something is not right or in danger, in order for You stay away, stop what You are doing, or get lost from that place immediately. Better still, notify Your army buddies to get lost together immediately.
A 'Yant' copper amulet will turn hot to notify You if the place is 'dirty' or 'dangerous' and You know to get lost immediately.
If any accident were to happen too fast too sudden, at least You will be able to claw out alive and suffer some minor cuts or totally free from any form of injuries and be alive to tell Your tale. You can thank Yourself for being 'superstitious' later.
You can request for a genuine Taoist Protection Talisman for free by visiting a Taoist Temple that has spirit medium worship (The type of talisman empowered by spirit medium with the blood ooze out from the tongue or by using red ink - vermillion 朱砂), or pay a fee to seek help from a Taoist Master to create and empower a genuine talisman for You.
A Thai / Cambodian 'Yant' Amulet / Talisman is available at any Thai 'Buddhist' Amulet Shops.
I repeat again, make sure Your Taoist Talisman is genuine one. Far too many popular Chinese Temples with no spirit medium worships are vomitting printed version of paper talismans, which has no spiritual power at all. No use being a 'cheapo' for getting a free fake talisman, which can't work it's magic.
Don't wait until You or Your son keep on being disturbed by ghosts in the camp and during army training, or suffer from disability or death from accident, then regret for not carrying any spiritual protection item.
In the olden days, grand parents and parents will know how to automatic do their part to offer a talisman / amulet as a gift to their son, or some folks.. to the extend of forcing their sons / grandsons to carry them. If You are dead worried about Your son / grandson who is going to enter the Army, or embarking in any types of dangerous job / career, then getting him a Protection Talisman is a right choice. Not only will the spiritual item protects him, it will also calm down Your mind.
Don't know why now a days, parents become too "scientific" until simply forgotten about the spiritual power of the divine entities.
If You 'die die' need to serve National Service, then 'die die' seek some form of spiritual protection to protect your own life. Staying alive and being safe and sound, is more important than Your insurance claim.
Take Note: Taoist Protection Talismans and Yant Design Talismans, or a combination of both (Taoist combine with Yant Design), and other customization of specialized talismans by me (Taoist Sorcery Master) are available. The fee is not cheap, which can be few hundred to few thousand dollars.
Folks from Singapore, Malaysia and other South East Asian countries might want to visit a Taoist Temple with Spirit Medium Worship and request for a Taoist Protection Talisman for free. If not, You might engage a Taoist Master to create and empower a talisman for You at a fee.
Related Website: Talisman For You
Related Talisman: 'Protection All In One' Talisman

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How an Average American Guy end up choosing the Taoist Magical Path
Hi Shifu (Taoist Sorcery Master),
Let me tell You a bit about myself and how I end up choosing the Taoist Magical Path.
I’m an average white american guy. I had a standard upbringing but then, I’ve always been drawn to, and interested in all things spiritual and magical and have always enjoyed learning about different cultures and practices. My favorite part of New York City (NYC) is to walk around in Manhattan’s Chinatown.
I have a little bit of what you would call 'Yin Yang Eyes', nothing serious as in, I will know that something is lurking in a corner, or see for a split second a ghost, or see white or black shapes zip by, and the occasional dream containing a message or warning, or showing something that comes true later.
How I get to know about Taoist Magical Path?
3 years ago, I was in a bad situation, involving with a false mentor ( spiritual stuff, lots of stuff in NYC via the carribean) and was researching stuff online and stumbled upon your Web Sites. I found it very interesting and kept reading.
Aside from your websites, I really know nothing about Taoist sorcery. Your websites seems to be the only legit source of info in English on the internet.
If I'am able to speak/write Cantonese or Mandarin and could afford it, I would have made my way out east in a split second to try and find a teacher.
Finally, I have decided that whenever I could afford Your talismans (NOT CHEAP), I will order Your talismans. Yes, indeed, I had ordered two Taoist Talismans from you and now a third one.
The 3 talismans ordered were:
- 'Protection All In One' Talisman
- 'Ultimate Attraction 3 In 1' (Playboy) Talisman
- Five Directions 'Noblemen come desperately helping' Talisman
Over here, in America, everyone mocks spiritual stuff, but unseenly, many people still do something evil onto others... really. Example: the woman who goes to church every sunday, may be paying someone to try and kill someone, so that she gets all of an inheritance.
In the US, it is best to keep such things to oneself, though I have told a few friends about the talismans I got from you.
Your Websites are full of information on Taoist Magic, not found elsewhere in the West..
I've been intensely reading your blog for a while, which is chock full of some very interesting information on Taoist Magic. So many thanks for putting that info out there.
Fascinating and in depth stuff that those of us in the west in general don't usually see much of, and what we see we know next to nothing about.
The closest I've encountered any Thai amulets is a store in NYC that sells all sorts of items from all over the world (African Masks, Central American Saint and Devil statues, statues of Burmese Nats etc) and they have a whole section of Thai Amulets... but these are being sold as house decorations etc... some seem to give off a 'vibe', some don't, and I imagine those that are real probably don't like being treated as a house decoration by hippies or yuppies.
Aside from that in a shop in NYC Chinatown I've seen a few of what look like Kuman Tongs in oil, but may not be. Other than that not much.
Thanks very much for spending Your time and energy to share with us the knowledge and information on Taoist Magic and Kumantongs, and hope all is well on your side.
- Sun-Ray,
An Average American Guy, USA
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