Important Note: There is consultation fee and ritual service charge when You seek help. The consultation fee & service charge are quite expensive and not anybody can afford it, or interested to pay for it. Kindly ask how much is the consultation service and ritual service fee when You seek help.

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Lam Ching Ying & His Taoist Talismans - Are those REAL?

Folks who have watched Hong Kong Ghosts / Chinese Vampires Movies of the 80s & 90s will remember Lam Ching Ying, who often acted as the Taoist Priest. Many people would watch the movies, had some laughters and then fogotten  about them.

However, there would be some folks who were curious about the yellow paper talismans shown in the movies that were used  to subdue the ghosts, stop the vampires from hopping etc. Many people would think that those were just nonsensical props for the movies and never pay much attention to them.

Even to many Chinese Folks,  majority of them have no Taoist Magic Training, will never able to differentiate whether those Taoist Talismans shown on the movies are Real or Fake. Anyway, in actual fact, they also don't bother.

Up until now, there is no one, in English medium websites, ever write or discuss about the Taoist Talismans used in Hong Kong Horror Movies, especially those shown on movies featuring Lam Ching Ying, the Ghost-Busting Priest. This becomes my duty.

This article is written to bring to light and share with You folks, who are curious and interested to know the truth about those Ghost-Busting Talismans used by Lam Ching Ying.

Deciphering the Talismans:

After spending many hours re-watching and gathering several 'Taoist-Talismans' Props from the Hong Kong 'Ghost / Vampires' Movies acted by Lam Ching Ying and studying them, it can be concluded that most of the Talisman Props are indeed base on Real Talismans.

It can be said that the Hong Kong Movie Directors must had spent long hours of reseach on Taoist Talismans before using them on movies.

The irony is... some of the talisman props used to fight the ghosts /paste on the zombies's forehead,  have their own specific proper usages in real life, but are nothing to deal with ghosts and zombies!

Below will explain further..

The talismans props used, some are based on Zheng Yi Sect Talismans and some are very common talismans available used by the commoners in Hong Kong.

Example 1 - From the Movie -"Crazy Safari" , noticed the yellow talisman pasted on the Chinese Vampire's Face. This talisman is actually used for resolving one of the 'Children & Their Demon Gates' (小儿关煞). Nothing to do with subduing Vampires.

Extra Information: 

Example 2 - From the TV Series - "Vampire Expert II", the big Taoist  Talisman Banners shown were copied from "The Heavenly King's Magic Talismans for Alleviating Disasters" (天王镇宅符法秘诀) , originated from Celestial Master Zhang Daoling.  The talismans have nothing to deal with ghosts / vampires.

The actual usage of these 12 talismans are to be kept by folks to prevent sickness, which are caused by spirit entities, being offended by individuals at certain times and certain places, pertaining  to their month of birth. There are 12 talismans altogether, which each specific talisman is to be carried, based on each individual's month of birth.

Example 3 - From the TV Series - "Vampire Expert II", the big Taoist Talisman Banners shown, on another scene.. The big talisman-banners used for the props were copied from Zhang Daoling's Books of Talismans. The one on the left is actually used for spiritual-cleansing on water. The 2 of the same talismans on the right are used to expell strange-beings (spirits, ghosts creatures of human forms).

The 2 of the same talismans on the right are taken from the Zao Daoling's Book Of Talismans ,  from the Chapter, known as 'Talismans to subdue strange-entities of various types of creatures' (张天师镇诸煞神符)

Example 4 - From the Movie - "Mr. Vampire 2" (僵尸先生 2), The talisman pasted on the female vampire's forehead is actually based on a Taoist Sorcery Book, written during 1936 (民国二十五年) , known as '茅山治邪秘本' (The Mao-Shan Secret Magic Book of handling Evil Spirits) .The talisman is called '镇尸符’(Talisman to subdue Vampire).

It was stated on the Talisman book that '镇尸符’(Talisman to subdue Vampire) was created by Zhong Kui (钟馗) (a celestial deity of busting evil spirits) while he reached enlightenment (realised the Tao). (此符乃钟馗得道时所画).

Notice that Taoist Talismans to handle Evil Entities , such as Ghosts, Vampires, Demons etc were already existed few thousand years ago, way before Hong Kong started making Chinese-Vampires / Ghosts Movies in the 1980s.

However, if any Taoist-Wannabes were to copy blindly, without knowing the specific usage of  the different  talismans shown on the Hong Kong Movies, thinking everyone of them are actual talismans to bust against evil entities, the real ghosts who happened to see the talismans, will be laughing.

Even if the correct talismans were copied blindly, hoping to try to scare  away ghosts, but without going through the proper steps of creation and ritual,  the talismans still won't work.

- Article shall be continued as time goes -

4D Scammers or Real Spiritual 4D Masters - How to differentiate & What to do?

Not long ago, there were news about several people being cheated off few hundred thousands in 4D Lottery Scams. The victims were contacted via social media platforms such as Facebook, or through private messages and asked to buy an amulet that came with a winning 4D ticket. The scammer told the victim to pay a sum of money to "Invite the God of Fortune" to provide winning 4D numbers. The victims were then told that someone who helped them buy their 4D numbers in Malaysia had won and they would be given a portion of their winnings. However, victims had to first transfer a token sum to Thailand for the deities to bless the money before they could receive it. The scammers became uncontactable after the money was transferred.

The Modus Operandi of the scam

The Modus Operandi of the scam is somewhat the same as Email Scams, or other similar scam tactics. It goes like this: That particular person (due to a certain reason) has a lot of money to give You, or You are told that You have won a lot of money (from somewhere), but You need to give them some money 1st (for certain reason), before they are able to send You over even more money. After sending them money, they dissappear and uncontactable.

Because of the scammers, people become paranoid

Because of the scammers out there, this will cause many people into thinking that 4D can never be predicted (even with the help from Gods and Ghosts), and all types of spiritual items are fake and is just superstition, which in turn, stop them from experiencing the truth of Winning 4D with Spiritual Intervention.

It also cause those folks who might have the chance to be blessed with Winning The Lottery With Spiritual Intervention, end up not trying and exploring further, and therefore, miss the chance forever.

If I can Win 4D, Why can't You?

I (Taoist Sorcery Master) am here using myself as example, to reveal the truth, so people can differentiate between what are considered "The Real Deal" and what are considered "Scams".

I've the rights to share my views because I'm  one of those who "walk his talk" and personally depend on Gods and Ghosts from the usage of Taoist Talismans & Rituals and also Kumantongs to seek 4D Numbers, in order to Strike 4D for myself. If I can Win, so can You.

Showing Off The Truth

1) Images of Genuine Winning 4D Tickets of Kumantong 4D Power of pass months and past years since 2009 until now:

2) My (Kumantongs 4D Master) personal 4D Winnings' write-up:

3) Testimonials from folks who follow the same methods of praying to gods and ghosts (from using Taoist Talismans & Kumantongs) to Win 4D for themselves:

After showing off the real proves of  Winning 4D through spiritual intervention, the non-believers can stop saying: "This is Fake", "No such thing as ghosts", "4D cannot be predicted".

What I have to say?

1) 4D definitely can be won by spiritual intervention with the help from gods and ghosts, but not everytime on every draws. However, You will win more often than the odds of  Winning 4D. My personal experiences >> Gods and Ghosts have never let me down by making a loss while betting on 4D. I win more than what I spent on betting on 4D.

2) If there is no spiritual intervention, You better not bet 4D at all, because the odds of winning are against You - YOU WILL NEVER STRIKE.

3) The best way to protect Yourself against the Fake 4D Masters & Scammers, is to be able to do rituals by yourself to seek numbers from gods or ghosts  to Win 4D on your own. To achieve this, You need to find a Genuine Spiritual Master (example: Taoist Sorcerer) who is willing to teach You the secret knowledge and he is also using the same method he preaches to You to Win 4D for himself.

How to differentiate between Real Spiritual 4D   Masters and 4D Scammers / Fake 4D Masters ?

Real Spiritual 4D Masters

Real Spiritual 4D Experts Strike 4D for themselves and don't need to sell You their numbers to make a living. They  can Win Money for themselves by themselves. You are the one who need their experties to help You Strike 4D. You look for them, they don't need to come and look for You. You are willing to pay a fee for their help, not that they need to sell You their numbers to earn Your money.

A Spiritual 4D Expert will tell you straight that he won't know whether his number given by the god or ghost will strike or not. Whether will win or not, depend on the god's or ghost's good-will.  Only after consistantly, genuinely (Real Winning Tickets - Not Photoshopped) Striking TOP 3 Prizes frequently, then You will notice indeed he is a Master level.

You should learn from him:

1) Learn how to use Taoist Talismans, to seek help from deities to Strike 4D on Your own.

2) Learn how to keep a genuine Kumantong, or keep a ghost servant (Taoist Gui-Kia), or Malay Toyol and use it to Strike 4D on Your own.

3) You might want to spend several years to learn Taoist Sorcery from a Taoist Sorcery Master (if he is willing to teach) and in future, create Your own Taoist Talismans or catch ghosts to be Your own spirit servants to Strike 4D and provide genuine services to other people.

Alternative method: 

Some good places to seek help for 4D Numbers are Chinese Temples that have Tang-Ki (Taoist Spirit Medium) Worship. Usually during the celebration festival of a certain particular deity, the deity (in trance by a spirit medium) will predict a high potential winning number for followers to buy.  During consultation service, if You genuinely have money problem, the deity-in-charge might give You a potential winning number for You to buy and hopefully You win the number and able to clear Your debts, or short cut to achieve Your dreams.  The problem is..  Deities (in trance of spirit mediums) only provide 4D Numbers occasionally during major prayer events and during consultation services.  Further more, not all deities can provide 4D Numbers.  Only certain deities have the ability to predict 4D Winning Numbers.

4D Scammers

4D Scammers will come and look for You and tell You that You have won a lot of money (from somewhere), but You need to give them some money 1st (for certain reason), before they able to send You over even more money. After sending them money, they dissappear and uncontactable.

Fake 4D Masters

Another type of 4D Scammers are Fake 4D Masters. Usually they are from Indonesia and some are from Malaysia. The expertise of these idiots is using photo-editing software to change the numbers (into winning numbers) on images of 4D Tickets, stolen from the internet. After showing You the images of  many "Winning" Tickets (usually Direct 1st Prize) , making You into believing that they indeed  have won 4D DIRECT 1ST Prize on every draws and You desperately willing to pay few hundred dollars for his "SURE STRIKE" numbers. After You found out that the number given never strike, he is already uncontactable.

Conclusion:  4D certainly can be won through Spiritual Intervention. You just need to find a Genuine Spiritual 4D Master to teach You the same methods he uses to Strike 4D for himself. Don't let the  non-believers stop You from Winning 4D frequently with the help of  gods and ghosts by Yourself,  because I (Taoist Sorcery Master / Kumantong 4D Master) can Win, so can You.

The Lucky Cat - Since Tang Dynasty

"Lucky Cat" (招财猫) is popularly called "Maneki-Neko" (招き猫).

When people think or see a "Lucky Cat" Figurine, most of them will immediately think those are "Japanese Stuffs". Maneki-Neko first appeared in Japan, during the later part of the Edo period (1603 – 1868) in Japan. However, the idea of a "Lucky Cat" dated back 1000 years earlier in China. It was 1st recorded in an Ancient Chinese Book during Tang Dynasty, known as 'The Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang' (酉阳杂俎 - You Yang Za Zu).

**The Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang (酉阳杂俎, You Yang Za Zu) is a miscellany of Chinese and foreign legends and hearsay, reports on natural phenomena, short anecdotes, and tales of the wondrous and mundane, as well as notes on such topics as medicinal herbs and tattoos. The book was written by Duan Cheng Shi (段成式) in the 9th century, and is divided into 30 volumes, containing unusually varied content in over thirteen hundred entries that describe the world that Duan Cheng Shi heard about, read of, or personally observed.

**Duan Cheng Shi (段成式, Duan Cheng Shi) (died 863) was a Chinese writer of the Tang Dynasty.

Below is the original Chinese Text Record of the idea of the "Lucky Cat" in 'The Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang' - Beyond the Western Regions (酉陽雜俎-出西域)

貓目睛暮圓及午豎斂如綖其鼻端常冷唯夏至一日暖其毛不容蚤虱黑者暗中逆循其毛即若火星俗言貓洗面過耳則客至. 楚州謝陽出貓有褐花者靈武紅叱撥及青騘色者貓一名𫎇貴一名烏員平陵城古潭國也城中有一貓常帶金鎻有錢飛若蛺蝶士人徃徃見之.

Explanation of the text in Chinese


猫,瞳孔傍晚会圆,到了中午竖立收敛如线。它的鼻子端头经常是凉的,唯有夏至那一天是暖的。它的毛不容许有跳蚤虱子, 黑猫暗中用手逆循它的毛,当时就会像起火星。俗话说猫洗面爪捋过耳朵就会有客人来。楚州射阳出产的猫,有毛色褐花的。灵武的猫有红叱拨及青骢色的。猫一个名叫蒙贵,另一名叫乌员。在平陵城-就是春秋时的谭国-城中有一只猫,花纹就像带着金锁,钱一样的斑纹就像蛱蝶在飞,当地人往往会看见这只猫。


Explanation of the text in English

酉阳杂俎-出西域 (The Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang - Beyond the Western Regions)

猫,目睛旦暮圆,及午竖敛如线。其鼻端常冷,唯夏至一日暖。其毛不容蚤虱。黑者, 暗中逆循其毛,即若火星。俗言"猫洗面过耳。则客至"。

The eyes of a cat are round in the morning and becomes a vertical line during afteroon. It's nose is usally cold. Only during summer time, the nose becomes warm. It doesn't allow its fur to be infested with fleas and lice. When the black cats stroke it's fur, it looks like Sparkling Stars. There is a common saying:"When a cat washes it's face over it's ear, that means guests are coming".


At Chu-Zhou (楚州) Xie-Yang (谢阳) area, there are brownish cats (褐花者). Over at Ling Wu (灵武) area, there are Reddish Cats (红叱拨) and Greenish Cats (青騘色), One cat is called "Meng Gui-𫎇贵", another one is called "乌员-Wu Yuan". At Ping Ling Wall (平陵城) of the Tan State (潭国), inside the city, there is one cat, the patterns on it's body look like golden chains. The Money-like markings are like flying butterflies. The locals have seen it with their eyes.

How the idea of "Lucky Cat" end up in Japan?

During around Tang Dynasty period, between 607 and 838, Japan sent 19 missions to China, known as Japanese missions to Tang China (遣唐使, Kentōshi). The reason was for the importation of Chinese culture, knowledge of sciences and technology. This was probably the period that the "Lucky Cat" Idea was brought back to Japan.

Chinese loves them

It is during the 19th century (Edo Period) that Japan began to create "Lucky Cat" Figurines. No doubt, the modern days 'Lucky Cats' figurines are made popular by Japanese. Due to the Cuteness of the "Lucky Cats" the Chinese put them on display on the counters of their shops and is immensly popular in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan.

**Important Note:

I (Taoist Sorcery Master / Kumantong 4D Master) still prefer to keep a real ghost, such as The Kumantong. Many people think "Lucky Cat" is a "Feng Shui' money-magnet. To me, Maneki-Neko, the Luck Cat, is just a cute toy to put as display that serve no real purpose. Some Kumantong figurines have the design of 1 or 2 hands raised up in "hi, please come in" posture just like the "Lucky Cats" but Kumantongs are real spiritual entities. Another type of figurine that has the 1 or 2 hands raising is called "Nam-Kwat" (Thai Wealth Goddess) - which is also a real spiritual entity.

However, remember keeping a Kumantong or Nam-Kwat, You are seriously dabbling with the occult. If You don't have the guts to "play" with the other side, it is better to just keep a "Lucky Cat" for fun.

Related Websites:

Help! My father threatens to use black magic on my husband! What can we do?

"Help! My father threatens to use black magic on my husband and to use his kumantong to attack him. How can we prevent anything bad from happening to my husband?" - Married Woman, SG

The straight-forward answer to the above question is to quickly keeps a Protection Talisman / Amulet that is related to Your faith or religion. (Example: Protection All In One Talisman)

There are spirits residing in nature and usually if You don't offend  or disturb them, they won't harm You.  If You have unintentially offended them, saying sorry and do offerings with prayer, can easily be settled.

Now, the reason for writing this article is to explain about the spirits that are being controlled by spiritual masters / black magicians to disturb or harm You.

In many of the South East Asian countries, the use of black magic is still very common in this modern days. The problem is nowadays,  people are becoming too "highly educated , modern and scientific" and they choose to ignore it, which is why they never carry any spiritual items for self-protection.

Until they are afflicted by black magic for a very long time, then  they realised it, which might be too late. Some victims of black magic never fully recover, even after seeking help from a spiritual master, because they took too long time to seek help.

So why will anyone want to use black magic, or engage a black magician to destroy You?
The reason is due to jealousy of the perpetrator , or You have been verbally offending someone or many people.

Some people don't want to let You die but want to give You a long term mental & physical torture, therefore they engaged a black magician to play You slowly.

In Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, the term for Black Magic among the Chinese is called "Gong Tau" (降头 - "Jiang Tou" in Mandarin). In the early 50s and 60s, until the late 80s, many children would hear stories from their parents, grand-parents, other adults and friends about so-and-so being attacked by Gong-Tau. Some folks even get to personally see with their own eyes how a victim suffered horribly from black magic, or  get to watch a spiritual cleansing ritual on a victim by the spiritual masters. The victim would be screaming hysterically while the spirtual masters did prayer chanting on him / her.

Nowadays, the "highly educated" parents never talk and warn their children about black magic and the modern kids are too "high-tech" to even heard about it. This is the reason why black magic is much easier to attack on the modern folks now than last time, because they have no spiritual protection of any forms.

Unluckily, these folks will end up with only one choice, which is to send the victims to mad-people hospital. There are also few religions which forbid their folks to seek help from other  faiths or religions.

Some common symptons of black magic:
  • Sudden unexplained ongoing bad lucks one after another
  • Sudden unexplained prolong sickness or bodily pain one after another
  • A normal person who suddenly turns low moral (moody and suicidal) for no reason
  • A normal person who suddenly turns crazy (self-talking or laughing) for no reason
A typical scenario of a black magic victim is that he / she always feels unbearable pain on the same area of the body at always the same time of the night, or a person always scream hysterically at the exact same time of the night (and have to end up staying in mad-people hospital forever).

If You are living in a country where black magic is commonly practised, or Your job or business needs You to move and stay in a black-magic infested country,  always carry a spiritual item for protection.

The best practice is to also set up a spiritual altar in Your home and also  on Your business office (if the company belongs to You), if not keep a spiritual item on Your office desk or drawer. By the way, Do You know...  usually Your colleagues, or subordinates, or Your workers are the ones who harm You with black magic. Yes.. by people who know You.

When You are on Your way for holiday trip / business trip , always remember to bring 2 things - Your passport and also.. Your protection spiritual item.

Luckily, there are still spiritual masters who can be of help to get rid of the black magic attack. Their service sometime can be very expensive.

However, there are free services which You just do donation in any amount You like at the donation box, which is to seek help at a Chinese Temple that has spirit medium (Tang-ki - 乩童) worship.

When You keep a spiritual item, example: a Taoist Talisman , make sure it is consecrated properly and not a photo-copied one, which has not gone through proper spiritual activation. A powerful talisman or amulet done by a spiritual master can be charged few hundred to few thousand dollars. You may also get a "free" (Do Your donation at the donation box - don't be a cheapskate , free-loader) genuine powerful talisman activated by a deity (while in trance of a spirit medium) in a Chinese Temple.

Important note: There are some famous public Chinese temples that give free "photo-copied" non-empowered  talismans, which many folks still think they are real.  Always get Your talismans spiritually empowered by a spiritual master , or activated by a deity (while in trance by a spirit medium).

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Peeing on the ghosts and lessons learned

This ghost story was told by my father.

This is real incidence happened in the 1950s in Singapore.

Last time in the 1950s, father knew one uncle who had a Bagua (8 Trigram) being Tattooed on his belly. His nick name was Uncle 'Ba Gua'.

This Uncle 'Bagua' had a super natural ability, which was the ability to see ghosts. He was borned with Yin Yang Eyes - Clairvoyant eyes (3rd Eyes) that can see ghosts.

One unlucky night, while he was walking along the track towards his kampong (village) house, he happened to see 2 ghost children on the side of the track.

The 2 ghost children noticed that he was able to see them and were scared. They glided away and hide inside the bushes .. Dad's friend gave chase after the 2 ghosts.

Uncle 'Bagua' able to spot them . He moved toward the 2 ghosts and purposely PEE'ed on the ghosts as entertainment. The ghosts cried and he laughed.

On the same night, while he was sleeping, he suddenly had a high fever. The high fever didn't dissapear after 1 month and his health continue to deteriorate, even after taking medicine.

He felt something was not right and might be caused by being 'attacked by dirty things'. He decided to visit a Chinese Temple and consult a Taoist Spirit Medium.

After providing his name and date of birth etc, the deity (in trance of a spirit medium) did some calculation with his fingers and said to him "Heaven was punishing You. For no reason, You went to PEE'ed on 2 little ghosts for what?".

Deity told him to go back to apologise to the 2 ghosts and do prayer offering at the same spot where he PEED'ed on them.  After doing prayer offering, he recovered from his physical suffering.

Lessons learned from the story:

  • Ghosts can be scared of humans, not just humans can be scared of ghosts
  • Do not bully ghosts, if they do You no wrong
  • Heaven is watching Your every moves (举头三尺有神明, 人在做天在看)

Different Taoist Love Magic Rituals for different Love Issues

In Taoist Sorcery, there are different types of Love Talismans / Rituals to work on different love problems. Different deities or spirit entities are invoked to seek help to deal with different type of love issues.

'Love Bonding' Ritual

When a couple are still in a romantic relationship, it is the best time to do a Love Bonding Ritual. This is to prevent Your darling suddenly drift apart and stop loving You. Usually,  loving couples never ever think that  someday sooner or later, they  are going to break up or later one of them is going to leave You for another person.  Often time, if someone recommend them to do a Love Binding Ritual, they will tell You... "Love Magic is BULLSHIT" ,  see how lovey-dovey they are, why is there a need for a Love Magic Bullshit? Until Your lover has left You for another person, then You come crying for help.

'Lover Returns' Ritual

Very often, when someone come begging Taoist Sorcery Master for help, it is because his / her lover suddenly lost interest in him / her, or already left him / her.  'Lover Returning' Ritual is done to help Your ex-lover returns back to You once again.

If there is 3rd Party involved, then there might be a need to do a 'Break Up Couple' Ritual. If don't want to do 'Break Up Couple' Ritual and only do 'Lover Returns' Ritual, Your man / woman might return back to You and yet having another lover on the other side , meaning 2 timing.

'Break Up Couple' Ritual / 'Break up Husband and Wife' Ritual

'Break Up Couple' Ritual can be either a Right Path Magic (White Magic) or Left Path Magic (Black Magic).

Normally, 'Break Up Couple' Ritual is done before or after 'Lover Returns' Ritual, or at the same time. If do 'Break Up Couple' Ritual alone without 'Lover Returns' Ritual, Your man / woman might break up with the 3rd party but may not come back to You.

Examples of using Right Path Version of 'Break Up Couple' Ritual: 

1) Someone took away Your boyfriend / girlfriend, or took away Your  husband / wife. You want them to break up. For this type of situation, Right Path Version of  'Break Up Couple' Ritual is executed.

2) If  You are in an abusive / violent relationship and wish to get out from the relationship but the other party doesn't want to leave You,  Right Path Version of  'Break Up Couple' Ritual is executed.

3) If You (as a parent), notice that You son / daughter is suffering  from an abusive / violent relationship and wish to see them break apart for good, then it is highly recommend to do Right Path Version of 'Break Up Couple' Ritual.

When 'Break Up Couple' Ritual is considered Left Path ( Black Magic Version)

You love someone who is already someone else's  girlfriend / boyfriend, or is already someone's husband / wife. You want them to break up and that man / woman end up becoming Your  lover, then do a Left Path Version of 'Break Up Couple' Ritual. It can be done but the fee to do such Left Path Ritual (Black Magic Version) is very expensive.

Usually  Taoist Sorcery Master is unwilling to do 'Break up Couple' Ritual , unless Your man / woman have mentioned that they don't have feeling for that other person anymore, or is in an abusive / violent relationship and wish to get rid of that boyfriend / girlfriend / husband / wife  to be with You.

When 'Break Up Couple' Ritual is successful - Do 'Lover Returns' Ritual

When 'Break Up Couple' Ritual is successful, meaning the couples indeed have broken up and left each other, it is time to do 'Love Returning' Ritual and also 'Love Bonding' Ritual. If not, after they broken up, Your man / woman might not return back to You but proceed to another new relationship, which is not with YOU.

'Break Up Couple' Ritual and 'Love Returns' Ritual can be done together at the same time.

Enhancing Love Bonding Ritual / Speeding Up + Add On Power Ritual

When the lover is back to Your arms and You still want to "upsize" , "upgrade" , "add on", then You may do Extreme Love Bonding Ritual. This  will depend on individual's own financial budget. Some rich folks want to do as many rituals as possible to safeguard own lover from seperating.

Some rich folks will go for the extreme, having several types of  love rituals to be done at the same time to speed up the positive outcome.


Right Path Love Magic Ritual is mostly seeking help from heavenly deities and the fee is cheaper compare to Left Path  Love Magic Ritual. Left Path  Love Magic Ritual is very expensive and often seek help from spirit entities , such as "5 ghosts" of Taoist Sorcery.

Do a 'Love Bonding' Ritual early when  You and Your lover are still in love right now to prevent Your lover from leaving You later on. This way, You don'y have to end up having to do 'Love Returning Ritual, 'Break Up Couple' Ritual  and then the ' Love Bonding' Ritual later on.

Take note:  Different people have different unique love problems. Kindly, email Taoist Sorcery Master for consultation and let him do a study on Your love issues and check whether You can afford the fee for the recommended rituals.  Short inquiries is free. Long discussion will be charged consultation fee.

How to properly send off deities and ghosts from spiritual items - takruts / amulets / talismans?

"Hi Master, I need some advice from you. Previously, I bought some Thailand Takrut and amulet from a local dealer by postage, but seriously I do not know if they were spiritually activated. And I do not remember who I got them from because I couldn't find them on Facebook anymore.

Let's assume they were spiritually activated, I would like to send them away since I already got Your powerful Kumantong and God of Wealth Talisman from you.  Is there anyway I can send them away without offending them? Thank you."

Taoist Sorcery Master (a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master):

1) For takruts / amulets / metal types of spiritual items -
Light up incense sticks and thank them for their help, then cast them onto the flowing river or sea. You can stick the Joss Sticks on the sand or grass patch, burn few pieces of Kim Zua (Joss Papers for the deities level) at the spot.

2)  For cloth / paper talismans -
You can send off the deities / ghosts by burning the spiritual items together with some Kim Zua (Gold Joss Papers for the deities level  / Silver Joss Papers for ghosts level )  on a joss paper burner and then toss the ashes into the flowing river or sea.

3) Sending off Kumantongs -
Light up incense sticks / joss sticks or komiyan, put the Kumantong on both palm in prayer manner, and thank them for their help and pray that they can have a good rebirth in next life, then cast them onto the flowing river or sea. You can stick the Joss Sticks on the sand or grass patch.

4) Sending off  Taoist Sorcery Ghosts and Ghosts Kids -
This one need special ritual for sending them off  by Taoist Sorcery Master.

Irony of life - Stupid Low Class People Strike Lottery, Smart High Class People Work Hard For Money ?

15th Feb 2018 - Chinese New Year Eve, 8am

While I was waiting to collect my 4D 2nd Prize ($9000) at the Singapore Pools Main Branch at 210 Middle Road (people go there to collect money if win lottery above $5000 on a winning ticket) , there were 10 over people lining up together. They dressed like nobody and look like nobody.. T-shirt , short pants, sandals. They look like those typical aunties, uncles working in low class jobs and look like those who always go to Chinese Temples to pray for luck.

To high class people (or act high class people), sure will look down on them behind their back, thinking they are the good-for-nothings to the society.

Only one uncle dressed in long sleeve and long pant, came in his Silver Mercedes with his wife. This uncle look like those rich uneducated Towkays (Bosses) doing building-construction projects type, who will always frequent Chinese Temples. I predict his winning should be few hundred thousands dollars because I have seen many times the way uneducated rich Chinese towkays buy 4D. They buy 4D like example: 100 big 100 small.

Got one aunty in her 50s, wearing t-shirt & Jean, look like those aunties working in coffee-shops as cleaner, operators in factories. Her winning is... SGD$35,000.

Irony of the opposite

Earlier on, while on the journey to collect money... I saw many people wearing nice nice ( office wear), rushing to work. It is Chinese New Year Eve some more and these high class , look smart people are still rushing to work.

What am I trying to say? - Don't judge a book by its cover.

Don't think a person is poor if he / she looks like a Nobody. Don't think a person is rich if he / she dresses well. Usually, the opposite is true.

A lot of things in life, what you heard, learn from schools and society is BULLSHIT. Example: Job consultants telling You that You must wear nice nice for job interview and be an obedient dog, behave, listen to command and wiggle your tail.

Heavenly Grandpa blesses the stupid fools

While you think you very high class who never believe in gods and ghosts and prefer to work hard for money, don't forget... those " stupid, low class, uneducated" aunties and uncles, who frequent Chinese Temples to pray, who will readily believe in spiritual power or luck, are the ones laughing at themselves to the BANK.

There is a Hokkien / Teochew saying - Ti Gong Tia Gong Kia (天公疼憨仔)- Heavenly Grandpa protects / pities / shower love on the "stupid" fools. So.. I guess.. Being a "Stupid Fool" who believes in spiritual power and luck is a good thing.

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Improvising A Mini Taoist Altar & Burning Of Joss Papers - For Western Folks

"Taoist Sorcery Master... Regarding burning Joss Papers and Joss sticks to the deities of these talismans... I don't have a Taoist Altar set up (though I plan on that at some point in the future)... I have been to the Joss Paper store in New York's chinatown, but unfortunately I don't speak any dialect of Chinese, and the women who run it doesn't speak English.

I've attached photos of the Joss papers that I THINK might work in terms of burning Joss papers to the Dieties of the Taoist Talismans that You had done for me. All are gold and red (though one I think is only for the three Immortals). Of what I have posted, do they work for burning joss papers for the Dieties of the Talismans? Also, on one of your pages, if I am not mistaken, burning 3 Joss sticks is the way to go, but how many Joss papers should I burn for each of the talismans?

Thanks very much for any insights you can give me in this matter, as I would like to do it as correctly as possible." - Taoist New Yorker

Taoist Sorcery Master's Reply: Burning joss papers for deities level, You will never go wrong by burning the gold color square and Fu-Lu-Shou (3 old men on the joss papers). You tell the joss paper shop assistant that You want joss papers to pray to deity level.

As how many joss papers to burn, usually for we Chinese burn 1 small stack on 1st and 15th of lunar month. For major festival, we burn by cartons. You can actually just burn a few pieces just to thank the dieties in Your heart. Say... in odd numbers.. 1 piece, 3 pieces... , 5 pieces.

This is what You can do. You place the talismans (folded) on a clean tray and then beside.. light up mini joss sticks or aroma cones, then have a metal or glass container... just big enough to burn 1 or few pieces of joss papers.

Feedback From Taoist New Yorker: 

"Thanks very much Taoist Sorcerer, I did it on the day of the full moon. 

My set up wasn't the best ( pic attached... I used tinfoil to make a container for the joss papers ) . When I said the Chinese Prayers (Taoist 10 Important Chants)  while holding the mini Joss Sticks and burn the Joss Papers, I basically said thank you to the Dieties for their help, and asked for continued help etc.

A few interesting sensations while I was doing this: As my eyes were closed and I was saying the prayers, I could feel being surrounded by very large figures, and could see a few with my eyes closed (all Male) , they looked like Chinese governmental officials would look like from few hundred years ago...  like some of the Dieties represented in Taoist statues and images... except I saw them as made of different colored lines... like glowing line drawings. 

After I burned the joss papers, I went to another room, and promptly felt a goos-bump chill feeling wash over me, but it wasn't unpleasant , it was sort of shocking but felt good.

I'm going to do this every 1st and 15th of the Chinese calendar that I can".

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