Important Note: There is consultation fee and ritual service charge when You seek help. The consultation fee & service charge are quite expensive and not anybody can afford it, or interested to pay for it. Kindly ask how much is the consultation service and ritual service fee when You seek help.

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Do you provide "Tai Sui" Ritual Service?

"Do You provide "Tai Sui" Ritual service for the beginning of a new year? Is it possible to have it done, which does not require carrying / wearing any talismans?"

You only need to provide Your Full Name (Chinese Name if You are a Chinese) and Your Date Of Birth.

The Tai-Sui Ritual does not need You to wear anything, if You do not want it. Tai-Sui paper talismans are created to be used during the Tai-Sui Ritual. The ritual fee is not cheap.

Not everyone needs to the Tai-Sui Prayer / Ritual

On the beginning of a new year, there will be 4 types of conflicts between the Tai-Sui Of the Year (Dang Nian Tai Sui -当年太岁) - and some of the 12 Earth branches (12 Chinese Zodiacs).

The 4 conflicts are:
刑太岁 - Punishment Of Tai-Sui
沖太岁 - Opposing The Taisui
破太岁 - Destruction Of The Taisui
害太岁 - Harming The Taisui

Only people belongs to the 4 specific groups of Chinese Zodiacs that have conflicts with Tai-Sui, need to do prayer / ritual. If Tai-Sui (太岁) of that year crosses Your zodiac path, then You will have bad luck , then You need to do prayer / ritual.

A proper "Tai-Sui" Ritual includes specific hand-written Tai-Sui Talismans , filled with Your Date Of Birth and Full Name, and chanting of the "Tai-Sui" Secret Verses during Tai-Sui Ritual. Specific Joss papers for praying to the Tai-Sui are included during the ritual.

A person with very low budget, may go to a Big Chinese Temple and buy incense sticks and Joss Papers and pray to the Statue of that particular Tai-Sui in charge of that specific year. This method will at least still gives an individual a peace of mind for one year but actually doesn't benefit much.

Related Post:  Origin of Tai-Sui (太岁) & How To Pray

Why this child ghost is behind me and how do I stop it from following me?

"I want to know why this child ghost is behind me and how do I stop it from following me"

"Have You gone for an abortion before?"

"Yes, long time ago."

"He is your aborted child. He has nowhere to go. You may accept him , or do a ritual to liberate him."

"How do I do that? Accept him or liberate him. I taught it was a girl?"

"Ok..  so accept her, or liberate her through a ritual.  There are Taoist Talismans and Rituals for your case, but as you know the fee is expensive, or You may seek help from a Taoist Master or Buddhist Master in your country for help."

"I have been struggling with a strange illness. I was diagnosed of having herpes 1 & 2 few years ago. It is not a skin disease but, something inside me that has destroy my cells.  Herpes virus that cause sore on the lips and private part. Also bacterial infection that lives in my reproductive tract causing me to smell and sweat excessively all over my body.

" Yes, I understand.  It is sexual disease. Your symptoms are due to the karma of abortion."

etc ------------------------------------

Yin Ling (婴灵) is the term in Chinese , referring to the spirit /soul of an unborn infant /baby, due to abortion, stillbirth, miscarriage, early death of a baby that is just born.

Yin Ling (婴灵) is also known as fetus ghost, baby ghost, baby spirit, spirit of aborted child etc.

Most of the Western Folks are Christians , Protestants, Catholics and do not believe in Yin-Ling , Karma and Reincarnation. When they face paranormal activities caused by  the spirit of aborted child, they don't know how to handle it.

For the Chinese, they know that when a fetus is aborted, the soul of the baby cannot goes to heaven, or return back to hell and not yet time for another rebirth, because of this reason, the Yin-Ling will continue to linger on earth and usually will stay by the mother's side.

Without giving the chance to be born as human, the Yin-Ling is full of hatred and resentment towards his / her mother , or father and family members and jealousy towards human siblings. Yin Ling will creates trouble, havoc to the immediate family members.

The most common mischief done by Yin-Ling to mother is difficulty to conceive again, aches of back and waist, suffering from gynecological diseases, diseases of uterus and ovary, and strange diseases etc.

The most common mischief done by Yin-Ling to father is constantly facing problems in career / job, accident prone, financial losses, being cheated , health problems.

The most common mischief done by Yin-Ling to family members are constant quarrels between family members.

The most common mischief done by Yin-Ling to human siblings  are causing them to be accident prone, inattentive in school, no interest in studies. The worst case is causing early death to the human siblings due to health issues, accident or suicide.

There are many similar cases whereby the Yin-Ling shows their presence in front of the mother, father or family members. Children in the family were seen chatting and playing with "someone" - The soul of Aborted Baby.

The "Aborted Child Spirits Liberation" Ritual - 婴灵超度法会

The way to dissolve the hatred and resentment of the Yin-Ling and help to liberate the Yin-Ling is to go through the "Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual - 婴灵超度法会.

In Buddhism, for the "Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual, monks recite the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna (地藏菩萨本愿经).

In Taoism, for the "Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual, Taoist Priests / Masters will recite the "Tai Shang San Sheng Jie Yuan Miao Jing" Scripture (太上三生解怨妙经). Taoist Talismans and other prayer materials, joss papers, paper effigies and models  are also used during the Liberation Ritual.

"Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual (婴灵超度法会) is usually done once a year as a major event in the temples, during the Hungry Ghost Month (Chinese Lunar 7th Month).

The individual fee for  "Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual, done yearly at the Chinese Temples, will be cheap as it is a mass events whereby thousands of folks are paying the fees together.

If it is special request to be done privately, it will be expensive, from few hundreds to few thousand dollars, depend on the different ritual fee of  different Taoist Masters.

Since there is no such thing as "Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual (婴灵超度法会) in the Western Countries, and no Christian / Catholic Churches offer such services, Western Folks shall seek help from a Taoist Master from oversea and pay the fee for the "Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual to liberate the souls of their aborted babies.

Talisman To Stop The Spirit Of Aborted Child From Causing Troubles & Send Off For Rebirth

Often times, the continuous disturbances, mischief and havoc, created by the Yin Ling (婴灵) , are too much for You to bare.  Luckily,  there is a quick remedy to stop the Child Spirit to mess up Your life, which is to burn 3 pieces of "Stop Yin Ling (婴灵) From Causing Troubles and Send Off  For Rebirth" Talismans.  One talisman is to be burnt at the Bedroom, another one at the main door of Your home and  last  one is to be burnt at the  ground altar of earth god.

Take Note: This is just temporary measure. The talismans are used to invite Goddess of the Ninth Heaven - (九天玄女 - Jiu Tian Xuan Nu) to receive the Soul Of Aborted Child and wait for his / her time for the next rebirth. You still need to let the spirit of aborted child to go through "Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual - 婴灵超度法会 and You need to sincerely repent the mistake of abortion, in order to lessen his /her hatred and resentment to reduce the future karmic debt between You and the Aborted Child.

Bring Back Your Lover With The Power Of Kumantongs

"Can Your Kumantongs help to bring my lover back?"

Many people have heard of   Kumantong, the wonder ghost boy, that can be trained to give out winning lottery numbers and help his owner to Strike The Lottery. However, no one knows Kumantong can also become  a CUPID ( The roman god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection).

When You seek a Taoist Master to help You settle Your Love Issues, typically, this is what he will do...

If You are still single and wish to find a boyfriend / girlfriend to get married, a Taoist Master will do a ritual to invoke Yue Lao  (月老) - "The Old Man Under The Moon" Deity, or creates Peach Blossom Talisman 桃花符 to improve Your Tao-Hua-Yun (桃花运) - Peach Blossom Luck.

If You are a guy, who wants to lay many girls/ ladies / women, You can carry Ultimate Attraction "Playboy" Talisman.

If  You want to seduce one particular man / woman,  carrying or letting the target drink certain "Brother Pigsy" Talismans (猪哥符) will do the job.

If You want to get closer to someone, or to improve the love feeling between You and Your lover,  a Taoist Master will invoke He He Er Xian (和合二仙) to bind You two closer or together. 

If Your lover /  husband / wife has run away from You, or suddenly gone missing, a Taoist Master will summon Five Ghosts (五鬼) to track him / her from all directions and lure him / her back to You.

Taoist Deities Of Love only focus on their specific duties, so a Taoist Master needs to know which specific Deity to invoke when You face a different love issue at different points of time. 

Some folks don't like the idea of summoning the scary Five Ghosts (五鬼) to track down their lovers, therefore, they specifically request for Kumantongs' help instead.

When Kumantong becomes a Cupid...

By seeking the help of  well-trained, powerful Kumantongs, they will travel at the speed of light at all directions  in search for Your lover and whisper sweet nothings into his / her heart, mind and soul to win him / her heart back to You.

The success rate of a person returning and falling madly in love with You again is only 90%. The other 10% chance, depends on Your fate with Your lover. If there is no fate between You two, he / she will decides to leave You again when  he / she returns.

However, with the help of spiritual power, You still have 90% hope. To have a  "Kumantong Search and Rescue Love" Ritual done for You, You need to provide Your's and Your lover's Full Name, Date of Birth, a photo of You 2 together , or a photo of each person, so that Kumantongs are able to figure out who are the 2 exact persons to shoot the love errows.

Take note: "Kumantong Search and Rescue Love" Ritual is not cheap and is only 90% chance of success.

My Friend Cheated Away My Money, Can Taoist Sorcery Help?

"I have an ex-business-partner that we venture into a business earlier. He's now owing me quite a large sum of money (About RM100,000). Do you do any service to "make him" at least return some money back to me?"

"One guy cheat my money thru a business scam and make me owe a large sum of money from banks and almost face bankruptcy. I hope to get back my money and make him suffer so that he can't find another victim and now he even sue me to court saying I defamed him. Lawyer see all our agreement and say that guy using all the laws loop holes."

----- Etc-----

Often times, the people who cheat on You are the people You trusted the most. Example, Your friends, siblings, cousins, relatives, or even Your own parents.

People are not always robbed at gun-point, they are often robbed in subtle ways that achieve the same goal.

There are evil people who will make use of Your kindheartedness to borrow money from You , with the intention of  not returning back the money, because he /she knows You won't dare to ask him / her back for the money that has borrowed.

In some cases, the victims are  unjustly accused by the cheater and have the victims thrown into jail  instead. The victims not only being cheated away their money, but also have many years stolen from their lives by the evil person. 

There are many cases of  good "friends" who have mentally prepared to cheat You a huge sum of money by asking You to "Joint Venture" into a "Sure Make Money" Business, which by the time You realize it is a scam, he / she is no where to be found.

Cunning as they may be,  Cheaters / Scammers / Thieves cannot stop the victims from seeking help from Sorcery Masters to perform Sorcery Rituals in which they seek help from  Gods and Demons from Heaven and Hell to punish the evil doers.  Celestial Justice is not only swifter than man's justice, the evil person will never able to escape. Heaven only listens to those who are in the right, for the gods know the meaning of justice.

Of course, thieves laugh at rituals, thinking themselves invincible, and do not defend against curses. But this only works to the advantage of the sorcerer, whose rituals are then even more effective.

To continue: - "Owe Money Pay Money" (O$P$) Talismans & Ritual

Can I Print Out a Taoist Talisman?

"Where can I get a copy of the Taoist Talisman that I can print off the computer?"

"Can I print the Taoist Talismans on normal white paper and keep it in my wallet or can i just put it as a wallpaper on my mobile. Will it work or is there any other procedure. Can you please guide me?"

"I download the pictures of Talismans and I print them black and white . will they work for me Or not?"


Many non-Chinese , and even some Chinese, thought that Taoist Talismans can be easily created just by merely printing them out from a Printer.

Carrying Printed, unconsecrated talismans are just like carrying Trash Papers with You all the time. 

What You see on a paper Talisman or cloth Talisman might be just some strokes of weird cloudy shapes and Chinese Characters , but what You do not see is there are initial preparations and steps, and also the specific secret chants recited and specific Taoist Hand Mudras performed while drawing the respective talismans, and then at the closing , have to seal up the magical power onto the ending part of talismans.

After talisman is drawn, there is still talisman empowering ritual to go through to boost up the magical power of the whole piece of talisman and chopping of Taoist Stamp Seals.

The sad truth is that there are also many Big Popular / Famous Chinese Taoist Temples giving out fake Talismans. There are some Chinese in China, who are not Taoist Masters, mass create Fake Taoist Talismans by  mass printing and selling them cheaply on some Feng-Shui Shops.

It is better to own a Genuine, Powerful Talisman by buying, or pay a fee to a Genuine Taoist Master to have a Taoist Talisman created and empowered  for You, by going through the proper procedure, one Talisman at a time.

The price of a Genuine Taoist Talisman, or the fee to have a Genuine Taoist Talisman created for You might be expensive to You initially, but it is going to bless You a whole life time, and You can continue to pass it on to Someone else, such as Your family members or children.

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This Is Not Pure Taoism?

"Some how I'm looking at awfully strange deities that look like they belong to Buddhism, Hinduism, or some kind of Indigenous Asian religion.

You guys promote WORSHIP OF PIGSY, a FICTIONAL CHARACTER from Journey to the West. Pigsy is not even a real deity in both Taoism or Buddhism, and he's as real as superman or batman. Not only that but you guys promote WORSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST? What the hell? I though this is Taoism, not Christianity! And you guys talk about Mao-Shan and all these other bogus sects that claim to give super cut resistant powers which is nothing more than a knife trick anyone can do.

You guys claim to be Taoist, yet you combine elements from Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Folk Religion, CHINESE FICTION, and all this other garbage. I'm Buddhist and even I know this isn't real Taoism!"

1st of All, This is Taoist Sorcery, not Pure Taoist Philosophy. If You don't like to see "Taoism" used in this Term, You may simply call it "Chinese Black Magic".

Many thousands years back,before the influence of Taoism (or Taoist Philosophy), the spiritual practice of the folks from Southern China was purely shamanistic, or better known as Wuism (巫教-Wu Jiao) (Shamanic religious tradition of China).

Let's take 闾山派 (Lǘ Shān Sect) as an example. 闾山派(Lǘ Shan Sect/Lineage) is a very important Southern Branch of Religious Folk Taoism. The origin of 闾山派(Lǘ Shan Sect/Lineage) was from Fujian (福建) Province in China. The initial form of 闾山派(Lǘ Shan Sect/Lineage) was pure shamanic practices known as 闾山法 (Lǘ Shan Shamanism). Before the Song Dynasty, 闾山法 (Lǘ Shan Shamanism) was the original practice in Fujian(闽), Zhejiang(浙), Jiangxi (赣). From the combination of 巫术(Sorcery) 、巫法(Witchcraft)、巫教(Shamanism) and the influence of Taoism , which later form a unique branch of Taoist Sect known as 闾山派(Lǘ Shan Sect/Lineage).

闾山派(Lǘ Shan Sect/Lineage) is an inclusive Taoist Sect, which has adsorb the Taoist spiritual skills of 净明道 (Jing Ming Sect), 正一道(Zheng Yi Sect) etc,and also the Buddhist Spiritual Skills of Zen Buddhism(禅宗), Pure Land Buddhism (净土宗), Tantra Yoga Sect (密宗瑜伽派), Confucian filial loyalty. 闾山派(Lǘ Shan Sect/Lineage) accept many deities readily.  - 闾山派 (Lǘ Shān Sect)

Likewise, due to the willingness and ability of adsorbing the spiritual practices of other faiths, Southern Chinese who migrated to different parts of South East Asia, took their magical skills , such as Southern Mao-Shan Sect (南传茅山派), and combined with the magical skills and spiritual practices of that country that they settled down. - Mao Shan Sect (茅山派)

Inclusive approach to other faiths

* When Buddhism arrived in Ancient China and spread to the common folks in the villages, the Chinese Sorcerers brought in their understanding of Buddhism and Buddhist Magic, and then combined together with Taoist Magic, which then You get to see Taoist Talismans that contains invocation of Buddhas, Guan Yin and Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum.

* When Mao-Shan Magic (茅山法) combine with Thai / Cambodian Magic, it becomes known as Siam-Mao Pai (暹茅派).

* When Southern Chinese migrate to Malaysia, they pray to "Datok Kong" and Taoist Spirit Medium will trance Datok-Tong. - Datuk Gong - Malay Deity of the Chinese

* When Southern Chinese migrate to Singkawang or San Keuw Jong (山口洋) is a city located in the province of West Kalimantan , on the island of Borneo in Indonesia, they met the Dayaks and soon the Dayak Spirit Mediums get together with the Chinese Spirit Mediums during Chap-Gor-Meh Festival to trance their respective deities or spirits.- Cap Go Meh Celebration - Imlek

* When Southern Chinese migrate to Philippines, most of the local folks there were Catholic. The Chinese  took Jesus,Mother Mary, and the Cross into the Chinese Temples to be prayed together in Chinese Style. What You can see here is Chinese has very big heart and they will welcome Your faith with big open arms, provided that You don't condemn our faith or any other peoples' faiths. - Jesus Christ In Taoist Temple

* When Southern Chinese met the Hindus in Malaysia and Singapore, You will get to see Indian Spirit Mediums and Chinese Spirit Mediums come together in Chinese Temple or Make-Shift Temple to trance their own respective deities. - Hindu Procession In Taoist Temple

* If a Chinese Sorcerer moves to Africa and experiences Voodoo, the Chinese Sorcerer will combine Voodoo with Taoist Sorcery and the new form of magic might be called as "Voo-Tao". The beauty of Chinese Folk Religion is it mirrors the social landscape, and takes on different shades for different people.

When Fictitious Characters become Real..

There are several Taoist Deities that derived from Ancient Chinese Fictions. The deity , or spirit, or ghost (If You want to call it this way) will take in the personality and characteristic and possess the Taoism Spirit Medium, to bless the worshippers.

One example, Nezha (哪吒), was a character found in the fiction book, Fengshen Yanyi (封神演义), also known as Feng Shen Bang (封神榜), translated as The Investiture of the Gods, which was a book written during Ming Dynasty. A deity, or ghost, or demon, took on the personality and characteristic of Nezha (哪吒) and possess a Taoist Spirit Medium and bless the worshippers.

Another example, Pigsy is a Demon Character found in the friction book , Xi-You-Ji (西游记) - Journey To The West. Pigsy is not a real deity in both Taoism or Buddhism, and he's as real as superman or batman. In Taoist Sorcery, the Pigsy invoked is Brother Pig Demon - Zhu Ge Shen (猪哥神). It is a ghost, or a demon, who took the personality and characteristic of Pigsy Character and help the man or woman to make their sexual desires come through. Once again, this is Taoist Sorcery (Chinese Black Magic) , not the Pure Taoist Path.- The Taoist Pig God - Pigsy

Another way of understanding of this phenomenon is, when there is a thought-form created from a mind, there will be spiritual energy created. When thousands and millions of minds focus on a particular created character, a real spiritual energy is born. The Taoist Spirit Medium that is possessed by a spirit with Fictitious Character, might be the spiritual energy formed hundreds and thousands years back , or from a ghost or demon, or a real god/deity.

Human Beings have the ability to invoke gods and control spirits

Deities, demons and ghosts have supernatural power. Most of us normal Human Beings don't have supernatural power but We are given the ability to invoke deities and command ghosts and demons to seek help from. If "Pure Taoism", or Your religion can't or not interested to "Play" with spirit entities, Chinese Sorcery can and very interested to dabble with the occult.

In the Book of Master Huai Nan ( 《淮南子》 Huai Nan Zi ), wrote that long time ago when Cang Jie (仓颉) completed the creation of Chinese characters, there was millet falling from the sky, and spirits were crying at night. The reason is that the gods / deities were happy that human beings can call upon them anytime when they need help and the ghosts/demons were sad because human beings can from then on use talismans to control them. It is thus clear that the idea existed long ago that some special Chinese characters were able to impeach and control spirits. - Magical Power of Taoist Talismans

Fake Body Chopping? Or Real Extreme Piercing?
Folks in the west, who have not seen the real extreme piercing performed by Taoist Spirit Medium, will immediately condemn that such performance is fake. The problem is there are many fake Taoist Masters, especially in Hong Kong, who show You the fake body chopping, and then people start to think all Taoist Magic is fake. You need to see for Yourself the real Extreme Body Piercing performance by Taoist Spirit Mediums , in South East Asia , such as Thailand , Malaysia , Singapore and also Taiwan. If You think, You can perform the same fits, You are encourage to poke a sharp metal pole through your cheeks and see what happen.- Taoist Extreme Piercing

How Do I know whether Taoist Sorcery Is Real?
When You start to keep striking and striking and striking Lottery non-stop from the support of a Taoist Wealth Talisman, or Taoist Wealth Ritual , or from a ghost You keep, You can't continue saying that it is "BY LUCK". It is the support from the gods or ghosts. - Kumantong 4D Power

When You keep a Pigsy Talisman , or give someone a Pigsy Talisman Water to drink and suddenly he / she goes wild and horny over You, this is not an coincidence. It is the work of the gods or ghost or demons. - The Taoist Pig God - Pigsy

Chinese / Taoist Sorcery doesn't need to be Pure Taoism
The reason why there are Chinese Folks who expect Taoism to be "Pure Taoism", is due to EGO PROBLEM, just like the Christians. These Chinese will only want to follow the "Proper Path" of Taoism, which is not wrong. However, there is also Taoism Of The Left Path, which You can mix with other faiths to have a unique form of spiritual practices that suit Your personal needs. Nobody is going to stop You. You are OK to mix Taoism with Your own original faith.

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I 'm a Gay and I want to attract another Gay. Can You help me?

"May I ask if you have any talismans for: 1) Handsome / Gorgeous Man Self-Coming 2) Ultimate Gay Same Sex Attraction Talisman 3) Social Power for gays?"

"I'm a Guy and I Love my Friend who is also a Guy. I keep thinking and dreaming of him every now and then as I truly love him. Do You think there is a possibility in having him to show interest in me?"

"I'm a gay (Man like man). I have met this guy about 5 months ago. I brought him to my house to stay over. We had "sessions" together. Yes I like him so much, I have gone to a few Malay Bomohs (Magic Masters) but it seems not working however one of the Malay Magic Master says 'The Malay way cannot get You this guy. You need to seek Thai Master or other type of Master'.  I can't get over him till now. Sometime I dream of him. After staying over at my place, he totally never contact me and went missing. After having met him, its hard for me to find new guys and my sex drive is no longer there, unless I think about him. Can you please advise me accordingly.."

"I am a gay and I wish to have a good lasting relationship with my male lover. Do You have any ritual or talisman for gays, which can help me?"

"Do you have any effective love spells for gay relationship? I'm getting to know a guy better. We live in different countries. What spells do you have to make us together and get married? How do I pay the fee for the ritual?"

"May I ask since i am a homosexual, do you have a ritual that can make another or any man i desire to be my slave? Or like a talisman? Thanks. I am willing to pay the fee for the ritual or talisman."


The above questions are  emails from gays sent to Taoist Sorcery Master. This is to show You are not alone. There are many other gays, like You, who have the same gay's hopes and wishes.

Due to gay discrimination and gay stigma in society, You have kept Your sexual orientation a secret to the family members and even the female friends and colleagues.There is no one You can discuss about Your Homosexuality and no one to seek advice to woo that handsome hunk or another gay guy.

You might have sought spiritual help from other religious groups but they have told You that being a gay is wrong and You should "straighten" up instead. You have tried very hard to change but You realized no matter how sexy / pretty / beautiful the girls /ladies / women are, they have failed to attract You.

YOU ONLY WANT MEN. You know You are born like this to have feeling over Men, and You want it this way.

2 Taoist Sorcery Paths - Right or Left
Before continue reading.. Take note that there are 2 Taoist Sorcery Paths..

* Taoist Sorcery of the Right Path will consider Your homosexuality as sexual misconduct and will try to do ritual to "straighten" You.  Taoist Right Path Ritual is often engaged by parents to turn their gay son into straight son and  also to break up all the gay lovers. If You have approached a Taoist Deity ( During Trance by a Taoist Spirit Medium)  to seek help in Your Gay Issue, You must have been told that being a gay is wrong and should have a ritual done or drink talisman water to change Your sexual orientation. 

* Taoist Sorcery of the Left Path will let You be who You are. "Gay Love" Ritual will boost up your gay attraction level to a new height.  

Over here, the discussion will be Taoist Sorcery of the Left Path..

In Taoist Sorcery of the Left Path, there is this specific deity, which is invoked to bless homosexual couples. He is called Hu Tian Bao (胡天保) or Tu Er Shen (兔儿神) - The Rabbit Deity / God.

All the Taoist Sorcery Rituals in Homosexual Love, have been blessed by Tu Er Shen (兔儿神).

Who is Tu Er Shen (兔儿神)?
Tu Er Shen (兔儿神) is a Chinese deity who manages the love and sex between homosexual men. His name literally means "Rabbit Deity".

Tu Er Shen (兔儿神) was a man called Hu Tianbao (胡天保). Hu Tianbao was originally a man who fell in love with a very handsome imperial inspector of Fujian Province. One day Hu Tianbao was caught peeping on the inspector through a bathroom wall, at which point he confessed his affections on him. The imperial inspector had Hu Tianbao sentenced to death by beating. One month after Hu Tianbao's death, he appeared to a man from his hometown in a dream, informing him that since his crime was one of love, the underworld officials decided to right the injustice by appointing him the god and safe-guarder of homosexual affections. He will bless every gays who pray to him.

A slang term for homosexuals in late imperial China was Rabbit (兔子 - Tu Zi), which is why Hu Tianbao is referred to as the Rabbit Deity, though in fact he has nothing to do with rabbits and should not be confused with Tu Er Ye (兔儿爷) - The rabbit on the moon.

Talismans and Rituals For Gays
1) A "Rabbit God" Talisman can be carried to dramatically increase the sexual attraction of other gays towards You.

2) If You are targeting a particular gay friend /gay lover or to win his love over You, a ritual is needed to be done. His and Your Ba-Zi (八字) (Full Name & Date Of Birth etc) are  needed.

3) In some cases, Mao-Shan Magic (茅山法术) will be included to increase Your overall gay sexual and social power.

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Get A High Pay Job and Promotion with Taoist Sorcery?

"Taoist Sorcery Master, I came across your websites, and i found perhaps you're able to advice or help me. My main problem is I've been applying to get promoted in the same company I'm working in right now, but unfortunately no good news at all. I've tried few times to get promoted in different department but failed as well. I get very exhausted, after failing so many times to get promoted. I am searching for a way to help me get promoted and have a boost in my current career. Master, Would you please assist me with Your advice?"

1st Problem - Finding a job is difficult, even with a Degree
Kids, who come from family of  working class parents always have the same notion that "Study hard, Get Good Grades, and Your future will be bright" and they will program this mindset to their children at a very young age. After the kids have grown up to adults and start working, these grown-up kids realise, even with good grades, or even a Degree, finding a job is difficult.

2nd Problem - Got a Job but Low Pay
Some folks manage to find a job, but with low pay. some folks manage to get a high pay job, but a job they hate. Some folks after working for a while, realize having a job is not what he /she wants.

3rd Problem - Surrounded By Too Many Villains (小人 - Xiao Ren)
Most folks, especially 98% of Singapore population (include the educated and uneducated) will choose the path of a worker. Many naive young adults will believe that by mere hard work alone, their future will be bright and their boss and superiors will look highly upon them and give them the credits and promote their positions in the company accordingly.

Surrounded by too many Villains (小人 - Xiao Ren) - Being an outstanding figure in the company, You may attract jealousy from Your colleagues, or even from the immediate superiors who are afraid that You will take over their positions or above their positions.They will bad-mouth You behind Your back and report all Your wrong doings to the superior , or create fake stories to try to get rid of You from the company.

Your Birth Chart (八字 - Ba-Zi) - Eight Characters
A lot of time, Your life problems are recorded in Your Birth Chart. Many things that You try Your very best to excel, always failed miserably. You life are full of Villains (小人 - Xiao Ren) surrounding You and anything You do is being destroyed by them. Your Birth Chart lack of  Gui-Ren (贵人) - Respectable Important People. Your wealth luck might also been block, which stops You from receiving the potential wealth which belongs to You, including the lottery luck.



"Gods Of Wealth" Talisman will attract wealth from all ways and all directions to You. "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman work best for businessmen, salesmen and owners of companies, but also help the working folks as well.

For a worker, the only way to improve your income is through promotion to a higher position and increment of pay.

"Gods Of Wealth" Talisman will:
1) Gods Of Wealth will bring  贵人 (Gui Ren) into Your life.
2) Gods Of Wealth will get rid of all the Villains (小人 - Xiao Ren) out of your life.
3) The Horse Spiritual General (马将军) is invoked , together with Gods Of Wealth. The purpose of the Horse Spiritual General (马将军 - Ma Jiang Jun) will lead You out of  all kind of blockages  in your life.

With "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman...
1) The chances of promotion in Your company will improve. You might not even need to beg your superiors and bosses for a promotion. The beauty is..just imagine.. they will come and look for You and request that You take up a higher position and the company is willing to shower You will high pay instead.

2) It will protect You from retrenchment too. Sometime retrenchment is a good thing, because You might get better offer elsewhere than the previous company that retrench You. Gods Of Wealth will guide You to the best position as how they see fit.

Not only that...
You will also receive money and wealth from most unexpected ways..
Example:   One fellow kept the "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman and 2 days later, his aunty strike the Toto and win few hundred thousand dollars and give him a Big Fat Ang Bao of Few Thousand Dollars.

"Gods Of Wealth" Talisman can also be used to seek the Lottery Numbers!
Other than earning money the hard way from a job, winning the lottery big time is the best way to improve own limited wealth out from a job. All You need to do is tie the talisman on a shaking cup , light up incense sticks or aroma cones, shake the cup of Numbers (0 - 9) to get a set of 4D / Pick 4 numbers. You will be surprised that the given numbers are  almost always 90% accurate (At least 3 out of 4 digits correct  showing in TOP 3 Prizes).

Seeking 4D Numbers from "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman, is equivalent to the method  used in Kumantong 4D Power. One is seeking Lottery Numbers from Taoist Gods of Wealth, whereas the latter is seeking Lottery Numbers from Kumantongs.

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Why Must Pay Money For Sorcery Service When There Is No Guarantee?

Many folks have a misconception that a religious person (such as a Buddhist Monk) must be a selfless person , therefore a Taoist Master / Sorcerer  is the same and can be exploited by demanding them  to provide  FREE Ritual Service / FREE Spell Casting / FREE Talismans.

When You have started off with the thought of wanting to have a ritual or casting of spell for You for FREE,  it immediately reflects that You are a CHEAPSKATE.  Humans hate Cheapskates, so do Ghosts. Even Gods / Deities are not interested to help the Cheapskates.

What You need to know:
Taoist Masters  and Taoist Sorcerers are Professionals in their unique field of studies. They started off as novices (cum helpers) and spent many years to  learned their secret knowledge from  a Taoist Master / Sorcerer and gain experience along the way by following and helping his Master. By spending so much time to learn and master the magical skills, DON'T EXPECT a Taoist Master or Taoist Sorcerer is going to provide You FREE Service or FREE Consultation.

Taoist Sorcerers are not Holy Men
Anyway, Taoist Sorcerers are not Holy Men at the 1st place. They mainly do rituals and cast spells for his own benefit , personal well-being and gain the upper-hand in everyday living through the secret knowledge of divine intervention by invoking Deities and summoning ghosts/demons to provide support  or seek revenge respectively.

Taoist Sorcerers have no interest in helping the public and at most, they help his own immediate family members and close friends only and always keep a low profile, without wanting any publicity. Folks who have the fate to seek help from a Taoist Sorcerer are usually through words-of-mouth or introduced by their close friends, or landed on a website like this. A Taoist Sorcerer will charge You  a very high fee accordingly if You insist he helps You solve Your personal issues, make your dreams come true or help You seek revenge / payback on someone / enemy.

Taoist Masters openly promote and provide their spiritual services to "help" the Public for a fee. They love the publicity.

When You Ask Why Must Pay Money...
When You ask "Why must pay money before the result is shown?"  or "Why must pay money when there is no guarantee that it will work?", it is like asking a Doctor: "Why must pay money when there is no guarantee I will be 100% cured" and asking a Lawyer: "Why must pay money when there is no guarantee that my case will win?".

Only buying of electronic products will provide You Guarantee and Warranty. Professional Services have no guarantee. Divine intervention depends on fate.

Like Doctors and Lawyers, Taoist Master / Sorcerer is a Profession...

You pay Doctors even when You don't recover. You pay Lawyers even You lose the case.

Taoist Master / Sorcerer will definitely charge You money for consultation / spells / rituals and for his time , energy and expertise, plus the money he needs to spend on the ritual materials, and also charge You money to have talismans created and empowered for You , even if the ritual / spell doesn't work to Your expectation.

To own a Genuinely Powerful Taoist Talisman, a Taoist Master or Sorcerer need to spend time , energy and his expertise to draw / write / create the Talisman and empowering it through a proper activation ritual , one Talisman at a time. Therefore, You will need to pay money to own it.


If You still insist only FREE service,  You are still in luck. You may visit a Temple that provide Tang-Ki (Taoist Spirit Medium) Worship. Consultation in a Temple by a Tang-Ki is usually by donation in any amount of money You feel like giving in the Donation Box after the consultation. Even if You are not interested to donate or no money to donate, the Deity will not scold or punish You.

The only setback is consultation with a deity ( in trance of a Spirit Medium) is that You cannot seek help in revenge / payback  or casting black magic on someone. Revenge / Payback / Black Magic can only be done through a Taoist Sorcerer , which You will have to pay a high fee for it.

Duty of a Taoist Master / Sorcerer
The duty of a Taoist Master / Sorcerer is that he puts his heart / mind and soul to Cast Spell / Do Ritual for You, in order to invoke particular Deity (or Ghost) or few of Deities (or ghosts / demons) to guide You Solve Your problems / Seek Revenge / Payback and Hopefully You Wishes Will Come True. Whether Your personal issues can be solved, Taoist Master / Sorcerer has no say because he is just a middle-man between You and the deities ( or ghosts / demons). You are paying him money for his time , energy and expertise, plus the money he needs to spend on the ritual materials to have Your problems solved or dreams come true.

You Have The Rights
Taoist Master / Sorcerer doesn't owe You a living and nobody force You to engage a service from a Taoist Master / Sorcerer. The best thing to do is to TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR OWN LIFE by Yourself. If You insist on wanting help from a particular Taoist Master / Sorcerer, then he has the rights to charge You money for his time, energy and expertise.

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Can You Teach Me How To Make Taoist Talismans?

Talisman 4 U

There are similar questions being asked:
  • How To Draw / Create Taoist Talisman
  • Where Can I learn how to draw / create Taoist Talisman
Before You learn how to create Taoist Talismans:

1st - You need to be able to read , write, speak and understand Chinese (Mandarin) or any of the Chinese Dialects. YOU CANNOT CHANT WITH ENGLISH OR ANY OTHER NON-CHINESE LANGUAGES TO CREATE / ACTIVATE / EMPOWER THE TAOIST TALISMANS.

2nd - You need to find a Taoist Master / Sorcerer who is willing to teach you Esoteric Taoist Magic Skills. Some masters expect You to be initiated into their Sect / Lineage before they reveal the Magical Spells and their methods of creating Taoist Talismans and Taoist Sorcery Skills.

Many steps and chants are involved before , during and after drawing / writing a Taoist Talisman...

What You see on a piece of Taoist Talisman may just be a piece of Yellow Paper with Chinese Words and Weird Characters. Below shows You the complexity in creating Genuine & Powerful Taoist Talismans.

Spiritual Cleansing / Empowering of the Tools / Items / Materials that are needed to create Taoist Talismans

1) 敕水咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate the Water

2) 敕硃砂咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate Cinnabar (For Red Ink)

3) 敕墨咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate Black Ink Stick

4) 敕砚咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate Ink-Stone

5) 敕筆咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate The Brush

6) 敕紙咒 - Specific Spell is chanted To Spiritually Cleanse / Activate / Consecrate The Papers / Cloth

Spiritually Cleansing / Activating / Consecrating of the Tools / Items / Materials are performed only once and need not redo again and again. The Tools / Items / Materials are to be placed on the Spiritual Altar or Desk for future use.

Spiritual Cleansing of the Taoist Master / Sorcerer
Taoist Master / Sorcerer will usually chant several Taoist Verses to spiritually cleanse himself /herself before creating the Taoist Talismans. The several Taoist Verses are based on the 10 Power Incantations of Taoism (道教十大神咒) :
  • 净心神咒: (Incantation for Purifying the Heart)
  • 净口神咒: (Incantation for Purifying the Mouth)
  • 净身神咒: (Incantation for Purifying the Body)
  • 安土地神咒: (Incantation for Pacifying the Earth Spirits)
  • 净天地神咒: (Incantation for Purifying Heaven and Earth)
  • 祝香神咒: (Incantation for Offering of Incense)
  • 金光神咒: (Incantation Golden Light)
  • 发豪光神咒: (Incantation of Executing Extreme Bright Light)
  • 净三业神咒: (Incantation of Purifying Karma of 3 Lives - This Live and Previous 2 Lives)
  • 净坛神咒: (Incantation of Purifying the Altar)
During the process of creating Taoist Talisman

1) 請神咒 - Depend on the purpose of the Taoist Talismans to be created, specific spell is chanted to invoke a paticular Deity or selected group of Deities. Sometime,  ghosts / spirits / demons are summoned for Black Magic or Revenge Magic purposes. There are hundreds over Chinese / Taoist Deities. Different  Taoist Sects / Lineages have different group of Deities. Each Diety has it's own specific spell to be chanted to invoke him / her. Knowing which deity or deities to invoke is very important for a Taoist Master / Sorcerer as different deities have their own specialty of duties.

2) 磨墨咒 - Specific Spell is chanted while circling / grinding the Black Ink Stick on the Ink Tray to mix with the Holy Water.

3) 取筆咒 - Specific spell is chanted while the brush is lifted up to prepare to draw / write the talisman

4)下筆咒 - Specific spell is chanted while starting to draw / write on the Talisman Paper

5) Specific individual spells are chanted while drawing / writing a Talisman from the beginning / top of the Talisman and until the ending /closing /completion of the Talisman. A Taoist Talisman is a combination of several parts from opening to completion. Each part of a Taoist Talisman has it's own specific spell to be chanted from starting to ending.
  • 三清咒 - Specific Spell to praise the San-Qing
  • 祖师咒 - Specific Spell to pay respect to the Founder of Sect
  • 符头咒 - Specific Spell to chant while drawing / writing the "head" (top) part of Talisman
  • 符胆咒 - Specific Spell to chant while while drawing / writing the "gallbladder" part the of Talisman
  • 符脚咒 - Specific Spell to chant while while drawing / writing the "foot" part (ending) the of Talisman
6) Chopping of Taoist Stamp Seals onto the drawn /written Taoist Talismans

Taoist Master Explains The Steps Of Creating A Taoist Talisman From Beginning to Ending

Taoist Master Explaining the different types of Fu-Dan (符胆) - The "Gallbladder" part of Talisman

Finally To Empower / Activate the Talismans which has just been drawn / written

1) 敕符咒 / 手印 - Specific spells are chanted and Several Taoist Hand Seals (Signs/ Gestures / Mudras) are performed together to spiritually empower / activate the Taoist Talismans.

2) In some occasions, Pu Gang Ta Dou (步罡踏斗)- Pacing the Big Dipper Bu Gang or Pacing Of Seven Stars Constellation (七星步) are performed.

3) Specific Chant to thank the Deities invoked and sending them off.

4) Burning of Joss Papers ( 金纸) to thank the Deities / Spiritual Entities invoked.


In order to learn and create Your own Taoist Talismans:
  • You need to be able To Read / Write / Understand Chinese (Mandarin) or One of the Chinese Dialects
  • You need to be taught by a Taoist Master / Sorcerer or initiated into a Taoist Sect / Lineage
  • There are many Steps and chants involved in  creating a piece of Genuine & Powerful Taoist Talisman

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Taoist Talismans - FAKE or REAL? How To Differentiate?

    I have been buying 4d for a long time and never strike the top 3 prizes,why I don't have such luck?

    "I have been buying 4d for a long time and never strike the top 3 prizes,why I dont have such luck? I am facing financial problem right now and I am desperate for money to pay back. I have been buying my house no. and my taxi no. for a long time and lately have been seeing Hell God of Wealth, so far no luck? can you help? PLEASE ADVISE. TQ."

    You are buying the Lottery Numbers the wrong way!

    90% of 4D Punters are always buying numbers derived from their houses, birth date, handphone numbers , car numbers etc.  This is the main problem why they never strike 4D / Lottery or only strike 1 time every few years. These folks ( Mostly uneducated uncles and aunties and YOU) keep hoping their personal numbers will pop out on  upcoming 4D Results.

    This is EGO PROBLEM - " I want 4D Results to follow what I buy to come out".

    You can't control the 4D Results to follow the numbers that You buy. You just need to  know the 4D numbers that will come out on the 1st Prize ( Or one of the TOP 3 Prizes) and buy that Winning Numbers!

    Rule 1 - Without the help and support of Deities or Ghosts , Don't BUY 4D LOTTERY!

    The chances of striking 4D with Your own personal numbers  is 23 / 10000 = 0.0023%
    The chances of You to strike 4D with a TOP 3 PRIZE with your own personal numbers is 3 / 10000 = 0.0003%

    Now, You know why You will never strike 4D Lottery anytime you want.

    Even the 4D Analysis Software created by the 4D Masters / Gurus, which vomit few hundred sets of hopeful winning numbers out-beat the 4D numbers from Your own personal numbers, by 2 more percent. Another problem here is You need to spend hours and days to play with the  4D Analysis Software and then  still need to buy few hundred sets of 4D that vomited out ( from the 4D Analysis Software) on every draw, which will improve Your chances of Winning by 2 more miserable percent only.


    You need to seek help and support from deities or ghosts in order to strike 4D consistently.There are several ways to seek help..

    * Consult the Deity, while in trance by a Taoist Medium

    Make sure the Deity You seek help is one of those that will give Lottery Numbers. The problem is most of the time, the Deities who are giving consultation to Human Folks, they HAVE NO TIME and NOT INTERESTED to give You Lottery Numbers.

    When You approach the Deity just to ask for Lottery Numbers, he will scold You for wasting his time and will not entertain You. He will tell You there are people who have more important problems to settle than giving You Winning Lucky Numbers.

    However,when You are in a desperate situation for Money, just tell the Deity the truth, he will do a study and give You one of the best solution. One of the solution may be a correct Lottery Number only for You just to let You strike and clear your Money Woes.

    The problem is You can only ask 4D Numbers once in a long while , or the deity will provide confirm sure win lottery numbers during their yearly important festival of the particular Wealth Providing Deities. You can't approach a Taoist Medium , to trance a Deity on every 4D Draw Days, just to give You Winning 4D Numbers. 

    - Chinese Gods Of Wealth and How To Seek 4D Numbers from them

    * Seek help from the ghost / ghosts - In the Graveyard

    You may want to pay a fee and engage the service of a Taoist Master to bring You to a Graveyard and do a ritual to summon a ghost to provide You with a set of sure Win 4D Numbers. You need to discuss the terms and conditions and payment with the ghost , in order to get a set of sure WIN 4D numbers. The terms or payment can be burning of a stack of Hell Notes or doing a Ritual / Prayer / Puja for the ghost's early rebirth, or help him / her to seek revenge on someone still alive.

    Best Choice 1 - Keep a Kumantong


    By keeping a Kumantong, You are able to seek 4D Lottery Numbers on every draws. Kumantong will not scold You, punish You and won't disturb You. Kumantong will provide You with highly accurate 4D Numbers on every 4D Draws. By keeping a Powerful Kumantong, the chance of Winning 4D Numbers for every 4D Draw days is 90% chance of Striking 4D TOP 3 Prize.

    The problem is almost all of the Kumantongs, even if they are genuine, are not trained to be able to provide You with Winning 4D Numbers.

    A Powerful , Well-Trained Kumantong that can provide You with Highly Accurate Winning 4D Numbers  is not cheap.

    - Where To Buy and How To Keep a Super Powerful Kumantong

    Best Alternative 2 - Keep Wealth Bringing Talismans

    - "Gods Of Wealth Of All Directions" Talisman 

     Multi-Wealth Attraction Talisman
    "Gods Of Wealth Of All Directions" Talisman

    "Gods Of Wealth Of All Directions" Talisman is a multi-purpose Wealth Bringing Talisman. It can be used to predict the upcoming 4D Numbers, which will hit on a TOP 3 Prize.

    "Gods Of Wealth Of All Directions" Talisman is kept for:
    * Improve Your Luck In Striking Lottery
    * Unsuspected Monetary Gain
    * Sudden Windfall
    * Success In Business Ventures
    * Free From Financial Difficulty
    * Predict the 4D / Toto / Lotto Numbers

    The beauty of "Gods Of Wealth Of All Directions" Talisman is You can seek 4D / Toto / Lotto Numbers on every 4D / Toto / Lotto Draws and the Wealth Deities invoked from the talisman will not scold or punish You.

    - Where To Buy and How To Keep and Pray to "Gods Of Wealth Of All Directions" Talisman

    - 4D / Lottery Prediction Talisman

    4D Prediction Talisman
     "Strike 1st Prize" Talisman 

    "Strike 1st Prize" Talisman are suitable to be kept by folks who just want to focus on Winning 4D Lottery. It is use to seek the upcoming 1st Prize 4D Numbers and also to improve Your Luck in Winning 4D / Lotter.

    The beauty of "Strike 1st Prize" Talisman is You can continue to seek 4D / Toto / Lotto Numbers on every 4D / Toto / Lotto Draws and the Wealth Deity invoked from the talisman will not scold or punish You.

    - Where To Buy and How To Keep  "Strike 1st Prize" Talisman

    Conclusion: Winning 4D / Toto / Lotto / Pick 4 / Pick 3 is very easy. You just need to know how to seek help from deities and ghosts anytime You want when You bet the Lottery.

    Do You have very extremely powerful ritual to make someone want to have sex with Me?

    "Do you have a very extremely powerful ritual for sex? Something that will make the girl want to have and think about having sex with you only?"

    Yes, definitely. Rituals / Spells / Talismans to make a person want to have sex and keep thinking of having sex with You are available in certain Taoist Sects , especially Mao-Shan Sect (茅山派) and Yin Shan Sect (阴山派). Rituals / Spells / Talismans to make someone / guys / girls to lust for sex over You, belongs to the Taoist Of The Left Path.

    Most Taoists will swear that Real Taoism do only good and have no such "evil practices", which is CORRECT. However, the truth is there are many YIN Rituals and Talismans (阴符咒术) found in Taoist Of The Left Path for the purpose of Love, Lust, Sex, Revenge, Getting Even and Destroy Your Enemies.

    Whether it is a "CORRECT" move to make a person to lust for sex over You will depend on who is that person. If it is Your wife or husband that has long lost the interest to have sex with You , then by right, it is considered OK to make him / her want to have SEX with Your whole day and whole night non-stop. But if he /she is Your boyfriend / girlfriend or just a normal friend or someone You don't know but You are targeting to have sex with, then... it is still Your personal choice.

    When come to the fierce and extremely powerful ritual /spell and talismans for Love , Lust and Sex Issues, Taoist Masters/ Sorcerers of the Left Path will often invoke Brother Pig Deity (猪歌神) - PIGSY.

     Brother Pig Deity (猪歌神)- PIGSY

    The Pig Demon is a legendary character in the book “Journey to the West” but in Taoist Sorcery, We respect him as Brother Pig Deity (猪歌神) - PIGSY.

     Brother Pigsy (猪歌神) In Taoist Sorcery/ Black Magic:

    PIGSY is revered as Zhu-Ge-Shen(猪哥神), meaning "Pig Brother God". The unenlightened version of Pigsy God is always invited during Taoist Black Magic Rituals so that magic can be proceed, regardless of whether it is white or black.

    The statue of Zhu-Ge-Shen (猪哥神) is widely worshipped by Business Owners and girls of the Vice Trades. Altars for worshiping PIGSY - Zhu-Ge-Shen(猪哥神) can be found at the corner of Brothels, Pubs, Bars etc in the Chinese Communities.

    The Pigsy God Statue is often worshiped by night club owners , prostitution rings owners and the like in South East Asia.

    Statue of Zhu-Ge-Shen(猪哥神) is not advisable to be placed at home. Not only the man will be very horny , the female family members , including wife and daughters will turn slutty as well.

    Zhu-Ge-Shen (猪哥神) is very often invoked for the task to make to make someone / guys / girls to lust for sex over You and also to fall in love crazily over You, or a better term - SEXUAL PASSIONATE LOVE.

    Taoist Talismans that call upon the power of Pigsy God (猪八戒,Zhu Bajie) will be seen written "猪哥神"(Zhu-Ge-Shen) on the talismans.

    There are several types of Brother Pigsy Talismans (猪哥符).  Some types are to be kept by the person to improve his /her sexually attractiveness and certain types of Brother Pigsy Talismans (猪哥符) are created to be used in the ritual or to be burnt and put the ash into drink or food and to be consumed by the targeted guy / girl to make him /her lust for Sexual Passionate Love over You.

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    The Previous Failed Love Ritual Seems Like Working Now!

    After the Love Ritual is done, How and When will I see results?

    Still Think Taoist Sorcery Is Bullshit? Then Look At This...

    Fake Or Real Spiritual Master - How To Differentiate? A Warning for Beautiful Ladies / Women

    The Dilemma Of Real Taoist Spirit Mediums

    Do I Need Enhancement Ritual To Have Better Result?

    Can you make Ultimate Gambling (3 In 1) Talisman out of cloth and not papers so i can use it for life?

    Secrets of the heart of men and women that only Spiritual Masters know

    Taoist Love Ritual - Is it Black or White Magic?

    How To Do Feng Shui To Strike The Lottery (4D /Toto) ?

    What Are The Particulars You Need To Create Talismans Or Cast Spells For Me?

    Do you provide "Tai Sui" Ritual Service?

    Why this child ghost is behind me and how do I stop it from following me?

    Bring Back Your Lover With The Power Of Kumantongs

    My Friend Cheated Away My Money, Can Taoist Sorcery Help?

    Can I Print Out a Taoist Talisman?

    This Is Not Pure Taoism?

    I 'm a Gay and I want to attract another Gay. Can You help me?

    Get A High Pay Job and Promotion with Taoist Sorcery?

    Why Must Pay Money For Sorcery Service When There Is No Guarantee?

    Can You Teach Me How To Make Taoist Talismans?

    I have been buying 4d for a long time and never strike the top 3 prizes,why I don't have such luck?

    Do You have very extremely powerful ritual to make someone want to have sex with Me?

    Are you one of those guys who get possessed or were you a Taoist Priest?

    Do Your Taoist Spells 100% Confirm Work? How Fast Will The Result Show?

    Why you don't strike the lottery yourself, instead of selling Talismans to others?

    Are there Taoist sorcerers who can Shape Shift?

    Are Taoist Sorcerers able to Teleport?

    Taoist Black Magic or Gong Tau ? - Which one more Powerful?

    Can I put spiritual items from different religions together on my Altar?

    I am going NS. What shall I carry to protect myself from ghosts and dangers in Army Training?

    Never Offend The Wrong People