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Irony of life - Stupid Low Class People Strike Lottery, Smart High Class People Work Hard For Money ?
15th Feb 2018 - Chinese New Year Eve, 8am
While I was waiting to collect my 4D 2nd Prize ($9000) at the Singapore Pools Main Branch at 210 Middle Road (people go there to collect money if win lottery above $5000 on a winning ticket) , there were 10 over people lining up together. They dressed like nobody and look like nobody.. T-shirt , short pants, sandals. They look like those typical aunties, uncles working in low class jobs and look like those who always go to Chinese Temples to pray for luck.
To high class people (or act high class people), sure will look down on them behind their back, thinking they are the good-for-nothings to the society.
Only one uncle dressed in long sleeve and long pant, came in his Silver Mercedes with his wife. This uncle look like those rich uneducated Towkays (Bosses) doing building-construction projects type, who will always frequent Chinese Temples. I predict his winning should be few hundred thousands dollars because I have seen many times the way uneducated rich Chinese towkays buy 4D. They buy 4D like example: 100 big 100 small.
Got one aunty in her 50s, wearing t-shirt & Jean, look like those aunties working in coffee-shops as cleaner, operators in factories. Her winning is... SGD$35,000.
Irony of the opposite
Earlier on, while on the journey to collect money... I saw many people wearing nice nice ( office wear), rushing to work. It is Chinese New Year Eve some more and these high class , look smart people are still rushing to work.
What am I trying to say? - Don't judge a book by its cover.
Don't think a person is poor if he / she looks like a Nobody. Don't think a person is rich if he / she dresses well. Usually, the opposite is true.
A lot of things in life, what you heard, learn from schools and society is BULLSHIT. Example: Job consultants telling You that You must wear nice nice for job interview and be an obedient dog, behave, listen to command and wiggle your tail.
Heavenly Grandpa blesses the stupid fools
While you think you very high class who never believe in gods and ghosts and prefer to work hard for money, don't forget... those " stupid, low class, uneducated" aunties and uncles, who frequent Chinese Temples to pray, who will readily believe in spiritual power or luck, are the ones laughing at themselves to the BANK.
There is a Hokkien / Teochew saying - Ti Gong Tia Gong Kia (天公疼憨仔)- Heavenly Grandpa protects / pities / shower love on the "stupid" fools. So.. I guess.. Being a "Stupid Fool" who believes in spiritual power and luck is a good thing.
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Improvising A Mini Taoist Altar & Burning Of Joss Papers - For Western Folks
"Taoist Sorcery Master... Regarding burning Joss Papers and Joss sticks to the deities of these talismans... I don't have a Taoist Altar set up (though I plan on that at some point in the future)... I have been to the Joss Paper store in New York's chinatown, but unfortunately I don't speak any dialect of Chinese, and the women who run it doesn't speak English.
I've attached photos of the Joss papers that I THINK might work in terms of burning Joss papers to the Dieties of the Taoist Talismans that You had done for me. All are gold and red (though one I think is only for the three Immortals). Of what I have posted, do they work for burning joss papers for the Dieties of the Talismans? Also, on one of your pages, if I am not mistaken, burning 3 Joss sticks is the way to go, but how many Joss papers should I burn for each of the talismans?
Thanks very much for any insights you can give me in this matter, as I would like to do it as correctly as possible." - Taoist New Yorker
Taoist Sorcery Master's Reply: Burning joss papers for deities level, You will never go wrong by burning the gold color square and Fu-Lu-Shou (3 old men on the joss papers). You tell the joss paper shop assistant that You want joss papers to pray to deity level.
As how many joss papers to burn, usually for we Chinese burn 1 small stack on 1st and 15th of lunar month. For major festival, we burn by cartons. You can actually just burn a few pieces just to thank the dieties in Your heart. Say... in odd numbers.. 1 piece, 3 pieces... , 5 pieces.
This is what You can do. You place the talismans (folded) on a clean tray and then beside.. light up mini joss sticks or aroma cones, then have a metal or glass container... just big enough to burn 1 or few pieces of joss papers.
Feedback From Taoist New Yorker:
"Thanks very much Taoist Sorcerer, I did it on the day of the full moon.
My set up wasn't the best ( pic attached... I used tinfoil to make a container for the joss papers ) . When I said the Chinese Prayers (Taoist 10 Important Chants) while holding the mini Joss Sticks and burn the Joss Papers, I basically said thank you to the Dieties for their help, and asked for continued help etc.
A few interesting sensations while I was doing this: As my eyes were closed and I was saying the prayers, I could feel being surrounded by very large figures, and could see a few with my eyes closed (all Male) , they looked like Chinese governmental officials would look like from few hundred years ago... like some of the Dieties represented in Taoist statues and images... except I saw them as made of different colored lines... like glowing line drawings.
After I burned the joss papers, I went to another room, and promptly felt a goos-bump chill feeling wash over me, but it wasn't unpleasant , it was sort of shocking but felt good.
I'm going to do this every 1st and 15th of the Chinese calendar that I can".
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