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"Is there a way to compel HIM to make love with me ONLY?" - Gay Guy

"My guy friend and I are much closer now! Anyway, he is still abit skeptical on male-male (homosexual) relationship so, sometimes he will wander off and "test" it with someone else (both guys and girls), which confuses me. I wonder is there a way to compel him to just cross the line one time to make love with me ONLY? How far can one get after "Gay Love" ritual is done? How long will it last? How do one judge that the things is going too far or not yet? How to value if such deeds will hurt one's karma or not? Don't really get what would happen if a person Karma is hurt." - Gay Guy

After using spell / ritual to influence a straight guy to  be sexually attracted to You (Guy), he wanders off to "test" it with both the males and females. This is considered normal. The person has his 1st taste of male-male relationship with You, therefore he is too excited and overwelmed with the new found experience.  He is comparing the 2 different sexual feelings. It may takes few weeks for him to settle down his mind. His new behaviour is showing that the "gay love" ritual is taking effect.

When a ritual show positive sign, You can let the future takes it own timing. If you want to fast forward the results, You can request for a booster ritual. A boosting ritual shall be executed only if the previous ritual  show positive signs. 

If a ritual show positive signs of working well, it may last forever.

Do take note that Spells / Rituals to influence a stright guy to become a gay, or attract to guys, may not always work.  It still depends on his own fate.

Rituals pertaining to Love / Lust / Sex Issues can be either "Hope it can come true" or "Force it to come true".

Using rituals to hope for it to come true doesn't need to worry about karma. Using ritual to force it to come true, meaning controlling someone's mind to love you, or have sex with You (by controlling ghosts and demons, insect spirits ec to take over someone's mind), will have to face the retribution in future.

Rituals by Taoist Sorcery Master  is to seek help from the deities, ghosts / spirits and HOPE that Your desires will come true but doesn't mean 100% will come true, therefore You don't have to worry about Your karma / retribution. However, there is still a high chance that Your DEESIRE WILL COME TRUE.

Take Note: After ritual is done, if there is no sign of positive results,  there is no refund of fee.

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I'm a Gay - Do you have a ritual that can make another or any man I desire to be my sex slave?

"I'm gay (Man like Man), May I know since i am a homosexual, do you have a ritual that can make another or any man i desire to be my slave? The target may or may not be homosexual (uncertain of his sexual orientation) ,or / and , Do you have a very extremely powerful ritual for sex that can be seen effective in a short time? Something that will make the guy (uncertain of his sexual orientation) want to have and think about having sex with me only. Please let me know what is needed for the above Rituals / Spells / Talismans. What is the price / fee to pay to use such rituals / Spells / Talismans and how much is it to engage such services?" - Gay Guy

The cheapest available solution for Gay Love Issue is to keep a "Gay Love" Talisman.

A "Gay Love" Talisman can..
1) Attract other gays to like You
2) Improve fate to meet other gays in Your life
3) Instant Sexual Attraction with other gays

A "Gay Love" Ritual is need to be done if a specific guy is involved.  "Gay Love" Ritual is to invoke Gay Love Deity (Taoist Rabbit God) to help bind a gay guy with another guy together for love or for sex, or both.

The specific targeted guy might be a gay or straight. Using Taoist Sorcery rituals / spells to influence a straight guy to become a gay, or don't mind a guy-guy relationship, will takes awhile to take effect. Sometime, it might not work out, which still depend on the fate of the guy.  This is a special ritual by itself. After going through "Turn a straight person into gay" Ritual, it will then follow up by a "Gay Love Bonding" Ritual.  Usually, 2 rituals can be done concurrently.

Taoist Sorcery of the Left Path are always ready to adapt, create and change spells accordingly to handle any unique issues. There is no limit to invoke / call-upon any types of deities , ghosts or demons to work on socially accepted norms or morally incorrect matters.

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