(Article was written in Portugese and translated into English)
Good afternoon. I live in Sao Paulo in Brazil. I study as much as I can on Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions of various cultures. I had an idea to study mudras, more precisely - the Kuji Kiri and came across this magnificent site of Taoism.
I was born in a Christian family, I was baptized in the church but since I was a child I did not align with this religion but I believe in Jesus Christ as an avatara, wise, very powerful.
When I was a child, I studied the scriptures and I was always praying but still I always got into trouble. I always had a hard time. It took me a long time to date. I couldn't understand the math lessons mainly, I had few friends, and I was always badly treated at school and in social places.
People call me crazy and smart. I don't think smart because I didn't guide my life to the destination I wanted. I missed many opportunities in life out of extreme fear and ignorance, very afraid of everything and everyone, shyness.
Nowadays, I have this message ... I ended up trying to study the various religions but always the magic, the occult, the philosophy were lines of study that I always studied. Sometimes I stopped, but as now I'm coming back, hit my spirit to study mudras, kuji, breathing and meditation.
I have Tao Te Ching but it is a book that needs guidance from a master to understand it deeply. It is a scripture by Master Lao Tse. I am passionate about Chinese Culture and Chinese Occult Knowledge .. Chi Kung, Wu Shu, Kung Fu, Taoism, Buddhism ...
I am a shaman practitioner. I even participated in indigenous shamanistic rituals. I took Ayahuasca, daime tea a kind of enterogenic tea that makes people see the spiritual world and on the tea trip I saw a female entity wanting to kill me (she seemed linked to my ex-girlfriend who often said she wanted to kill me and that's why we broke up) on the spiritual trip I saw many things how life worked and such. I saw that there is a spiritual charge of the past for the ancestors, something charges men, men are always addicted, sick and crazy and drunk and I don't want to go this way.
I do rituals and in the midst of these rituals, this site (Taoist Sorcery) appeared precisely in my search to practice mudras but came more information that I did not even know, such as Taoism Talismans.
My late grandfather was a spiritist, a medium, prayed beating drums in an African religion. I helped people with their spiritual knowledge and I believe I am unwittingly called to it, I just want to fix my life work, get a better mind more dynamic being less dumb and innocent, unlocking my sentimental, loving, creative, financial life, ...
I'm not lazy. I've always been working. I don't want anything free but I've tried everything and see myself in a circle repeating things ... I want to be an important person, developing a job in the world, a good job.
Anyway, I am not against Jesus Christ. I pray to him! I happen to like to study the magic arts too. I like to study other religions and shamanism. I always put Jesus Christ.. Buddha and others forward in my prayers but I believe in other arts.
I'm going to sleep as I have to work.
Feeling thankful!
From Brazil - F.S Cardoso
Short Note from Taoist Sorcery Master: Understanding the Tao Te Ching will guide a person to find peace in this chaotic world. A person who follows the Folk Taoist Path, can pray to all gods and spirits of any religions of their liking. If a person become a Christian, he is not allowed to pray to other deities or spirits of other faith, which is stated in the 10 commandments. It becomes a contraction between faiths.

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What happens if I lost the Taoist Talisman or will it cause me bad luck if handled incorrectly?
"I have few questions regarding the Taoist Talismans. Can I show someone the talismans? Are the other talismans differently priced? What happens if I lost the talisman? Can a talisman cause me bad luck if handled incorrectly? I’m from the US and this is mostly new territory to me. Thank you." - Andrew B.
Yes, You can show the Taoist Talismans to someone. The fee to create and empower different talismans are at different fees, depending on the complexity of the talismans. More complicated designs are thus more expensive. Attraction and Sex Related Talismans and those Talismans for revenge purposes are the expensive ones.
If You have lost the talisman, nothing will happen to You, just that You won't be protected or blessed by the deities all day long, like how 'it' has been working on You while You are keeping it or praying to it.
If You handle the talisman incorrectly (Example: Any how put and not respecting it), nothing bad will happen to You, just that the deities won't be bothered to bless or help You. However, as a rule of thumb, always respect the deities by placing the talismans on the altar, or keep them inside the drawer when not using it.
The Taoist talismans are ritually empowered with the spiritual energy of the particular deities-in-charge (of the talismans). Therefore, the deities can sense whether You give them the respect they deserved. If not, Heavenly deities will just ignore You.
Important Note: If the spiritual items are ghosts level, such as ghost kids (Gui Kia-鬼仔), or ghosts caught / invited from the graves or places of death, then 'they' will seek revenge or disturb the person or the people who insult 'them' (Example: Deliberately step on the ghost figurines, ghost talismans).
Never ever steal a talisman if it is not free (Or wanted to have a ritual done but don't want to pay the fee)
Most of the public Taoist temples are providing "FREE" Version of Mass Photo-copied, Unempowered (Meaning: Useless) paper talismans to the public. But then, there are also Real "FREE" Talismans which are available at the Temples with Spirit Medium Worships. Howoever, most of the talismans that are hand-drawn and spiritually empowered by Taoist Masters / Sorcerers are NOT FREE, meaning You have to pay for the service charge.
More Reading: You can't find / get any Taoist Sorcery Talismans from any Popular Public Chinese Temples
Taoist Masters / Sorcerers spend time, energy and expertise to create and go through ritual to empower the talismans. There are some people who want to own the "Charge A Fee" Version (meaning: High Quality) Talismans and yet don't want to pay for spiritual items, so they would steal from the temples / shops/ altars of the Taoist Masters / Sorcerers. Another type of clients / customers (call them thieves / cheaters) would pay with credit cards and then after receiving the talismans or when the rituals completely done, they will go to the bank to seek "charge-backs", saying those are unauthorised transactions.
Extra Info: There are many stories of worshippers who steal the Deity Statues (due to their efficacious results after worshipping the deities) from the temples but to return back again to the temples, after the thieves were being punished severely by the deities.
What happen to the Taoist Masters / Sorcerers and those thieves / cheaters?
Taoist Masters / Sorcerers have wasted their time, energy and money to create and empower the talismans or on performing the rituals. The thieves / cheaters will be punished by the deities or ghosts themselves (even without the Taoist Masters / Sorcerers involved), in which the outcome will be much worse off than being HIT by Black Magic (Gong Tau - 降头).
If You are in the wrong, engaging other Spiritual Masters to protect You from the punishments of deities and revenge by ghosts is wasting Your own time and efford because the Spiritual Masters can't help You in this kind of situation and will only advise You to return back the stolen spiritual items or go back to the origial source to do prayer to ask for forgiveness.
Some typical examples of punishments:
Revenge by Taoist Sorcerers
Not only punishments meted out by the deities or ghosts, Taoist Sorcerers might do their part to seek revenge as well. Often time, Taoist Masters who practice only positive magic will leave the punishments to the deities but when come to Taoist Sorcerers, who know the secret magic spells of Black Magic, will call upon '5 Ghosts' or wandering spirits to disturb and create havoc on the thieves / cheaters. This will be double whammy to the thieves / cheaters.
Extra Information but still important: Some people would promise the ghosts that they will do certain amount of offerings to 'them', if they (the worshippers) would win certain amount of money from winning the lottery (usually 1st Prize) with 'their' help. Once the winning is achieved, the winners take the winning and forget to return the offerings (Example: not returning the favor of burning certain amount of joss papers, or do spiritual-transcending ritual for the ghosts). Sometime, death due to accident is the result caused by the ghosts.
Yes, You can show the Taoist Talismans to someone. The fee to create and empower different talismans are at different fees, depending on the complexity of the talismans. More complicated designs are thus more expensive. Attraction and Sex Related Talismans and those Talismans for revenge purposes are the expensive ones.
If You have lost the talisman, nothing will happen to You, just that You won't be protected or blessed by the deities all day long, like how 'it' has been working on You while You are keeping it or praying to it.
If You handle the talisman incorrectly (Example: Any how put and not respecting it), nothing bad will happen to You, just that the deities won't be bothered to bless or help You. However, as a rule of thumb, always respect the deities by placing the talismans on the altar, or keep them inside the drawer when not using it.
The Taoist talismans are ritually empowered with the spiritual energy of the particular deities-in-charge (of the talismans). Therefore, the deities can sense whether You give them the respect they deserved. If not, Heavenly deities will just ignore You.
Important Note: If the spiritual items are ghosts level, such as ghost kids (Gui Kia-鬼仔), or ghosts caught / invited from the graves or places of death, then 'they' will seek revenge or disturb the person or the people who insult 'them' (Example: Deliberately step on the ghost figurines, ghost talismans).
Never ever steal a talisman if it is not free (Or wanted to have a ritual done but don't want to pay the fee)
Most of the public Taoist temples are providing "FREE" Version of Mass Photo-copied, Unempowered (Meaning: Useless) paper talismans to the public. But then, there are also Real "FREE" Talismans which are available at the Temples with Spirit Medium Worships. Howoever, most of the talismans that are hand-drawn and spiritually empowered by Taoist Masters / Sorcerers are NOT FREE, meaning You have to pay for the service charge.
More Reading: You can't find / get any Taoist Sorcery Talismans from any Popular Public Chinese Temples
Taoist Masters / Sorcerers spend time, energy and expertise to create and go through ritual to empower the talismans. There are some people who want to own the "Charge A Fee" Version (meaning: High Quality) Talismans and yet don't want to pay for spiritual items, so they would steal from the temples / shops/ altars of the Taoist Masters / Sorcerers. Another type of clients / customers (call them thieves / cheaters) would pay with credit cards and then after receiving the talismans or when the rituals completely done, they will go to the bank to seek "charge-backs", saying those are unauthorised transactions.
Extra Info: There are many stories of worshippers who steal the Deity Statues (due to their efficacious results after worshipping the deities) from the temples but to return back again to the temples, after the thieves were being punished severely by the deities.
What happen to the Taoist Masters / Sorcerers and those thieves / cheaters?
Taoist Masters / Sorcerers have wasted their time, energy and money to create and empower the talismans or on performing the rituals. The thieves / cheaters will be punished by the deities or ghosts themselves (even without the Taoist Masters / Sorcerers involved), in which the outcome will be much worse off than being HIT by Black Magic (Gong Tau - 降头).
If You are in the wrong, engaging other Spiritual Masters to protect You from the punishments of deities and revenge by ghosts is wasting Your own time and efford because the Spiritual Masters can't help You in this kind of situation and will only advise You to return back the stolen spiritual items or go back to the origial source to do prayer to ask for forgiveness.
Some typical examples of punishments:
- Suffer various kinds of Sicknesses ( punishment by deities or ghosts)
- Losing lots of money for various kinds of reasons (punishment by deities or ghosts)
- Disturb by the ghosts
- Involved in Accidents one after another (punishment by ghosts)
- Disability (punishment by ghosts)
- Death (punishment by ghosts)
Revenge by Taoist Sorcerers
Not only punishments meted out by the deities or ghosts, Taoist Sorcerers might do their part to seek revenge as well. Often time, Taoist Masters who practice only positive magic will leave the punishments to the deities but when come to Taoist Sorcerers, who know the secret magic spells of Black Magic, will call upon '5 Ghosts' or wandering spirits to disturb and create havoc on the thieves / cheaters. This will be double whammy to the thieves / cheaters.
Extra Information but still important: Some people would promise the ghosts that they will do certain amount of offerings to 'them', if they (the worshippers) would win certain amount of money from winning the lottery (usually 1st Prize) with 'their' help. Once the winning is achieved, the winners take the winning and forget to return the offerings (Example: not returning the favor of burning certain amount of joss papers, or do spiritual-transcending ritual for the ghosts). Sometime, death due to accident is the result caused by the ghosts.
She went to Taoist Temples to ask for 4D numbers and got scolded terribly... Here is why
"Dear Mr Taoist Master,
In your Blog, you wrote that the person need to seek help and support from Deities or Ghosts in order to strike 4D consistently.
If without doing Rituals or Prayers to seek 4D numbers from Gods (certain Chinese Gods) and Ghosts, there is almost 99% chance that the person won't strike.
Seek help from the Ghosts
You also wrote in your Blog that the person may want to Pay a Fee and Engage the Service of a Taoist Master to bring him / her to a Graveyard and do a Ritual to Summon a Ghost to provide him / her with a set of sure Win 4D Numbers.
I Emailed to the Taoist Federation Singapore asking them if there are any Taoist Mao-Shan Sect(茅山派)Temples in Singapore because I would like to see a Taoist Mao-Shan Priest for some Consultation and Rituals.
However, they did not reply back to me.
I also went to Several Taoist Temples asking them if there are any Taoist Mao-Shan Sect(茅山派)Temples in Singapore because I would like to see a Taoist Mao-Shan Priest for some Consultation and Rituals.
The result was Terrible. I was being Scolded Terribly and was Chased out from all of the Taoist Temples which I visited.
Mr Taoist Master, I have been suffering from "Financial Difficulties and Money Problems" right now and I am desperate for money to pay back.
Can you kindly tell me are there any Taoist Mao-Shan Sect(茅山派)Temples in Singapore ?
If there is, can you tell me How Much is the Fee and to Engage the Service of a Taoist Master to bring me to a Graveyard and Do a Ritual to Summon a Ghost to help me to Strike the Lottery / 4D Numbers ?" - Silly Woman
Reply from Taoist Sorcery Master :
You are asking the wrong people all over the wrong places.
1st thing 1st- Let's discuss several different types of Taoist Temples.
1st type - Most of the so-called 'Taoist Temples' found at the public places, are basically for folks to walk in, buy some incense sticks and joss papers, do prayer, give donation and then get lost.
These type of Taoist Temples don't provide lessons or classes to teach about Taoism. They also don't provide consultation services from deities (while in trance of Spirit Mediums). These type of Taoist Temples are just happy to collect donation and then use the money to contribute to welfare organisations.
By doing donation, You are adding merits (good karma) to Yourself, which is a good thing.
If You want to ask 4D, then do prayer and use a "Shake Cup" to seek own 4D Numbers by Yourself. Make sure You choose the correct deities to pray and ask 4D, Example: Dua Di Ya Peh (大二爷伯). Not every deities can give You luck to Strike 4D.
No use asking the Temple assistants what to do to ask for 4D Numbers , because they don't know anything and don't know what to do. All they know is to collect money from You for Your payment of Incense Sticks and Joss Papers and tidy up the temple.
To understand different types of Chinese Gods Of Wealth, go here : Chinese Gods Of Wealth
2nd type - Taoist Temples that provide lessons and classes to learn 'Pure Taoism'. This type of Taoist Temples is very rare in Singapore.
One good example is Singapore Taoist Federation. It does provide information , knowledge, lessons, classes to learn about the Philosophical Tao and understanding 'Taoism' deriving from the Taoist Scriptures. It does not provide consultation services from deities (while in trance of spirit mediums) and no lessons or classes to teach Taoist Sorcery (Chinese Spiritual Magical Skills).
If You intend to "Cultivate The Tao" and hopefully become an immortal someday, then it is a good place to learn "Taoism". You don't come to such temples to ASK 4D.
Regarding "Mao-Shan Lineage / Sect" (茅山派)
There are 2 types of Mao-Shan Sects. One type is known as Mao-Shan Shang Qing Lineage (茅山山清宗), which is "Pure Taoism" Path and another one is Southern Mao-Shan Sect (南传茅山派), which is Talismanic Magical Path. Nowadays, it has been loosely called Dabbling with "Mao-Shan" (玩茅山) as refering to learning Taoist Sorcery. Many people don't understand the difference.
3rd type - Taoist Temples that provide Consultation Services from Deities (while in trance of spirit mediums). This type of temples are often located at the industrial estates. There are also many of such temples or altars / shrines in the personal homes of the Taoist Spirit Mediums. Howoever, it is personal practice and followers are friends of friends and networks of the Spirit Mediums. To keep track of such temples, You may check them out when they are celebrating certain festivals of the deities at the make-shift temples at certain times at Neighbourhood Areas.
Please do not approach the deity during consultation just for the sake of asking 4D numbers. You will be given a good scolding by the deity. If You have money problems, just tell the deities and let him / her give You the best solution. It might not be Winning 4D. If the deity thinks Winning 4D is Your best fit, he / she will give You Your Secret Number.
There are times when Potential Winning 4D Numbers will be given by a deity, will be publicised on the altar and there is a high chance that it might strike. You can take note of it.
Important Note: If You are hoping to receive Winning Lottery Number from a deity, You must 1st know who are the deities that have the skills to provide Lottery Numbers. Example: Tua Di Ya Peh . Not all Chinese Deities can provide Lottery Numbers.
To go to cemeteries to ask 4D, that You need to join the Taoist Spirit Mediums Worship groups during Chinese Hungry Ghosts Festival. Please be reminded, going to the cemeteries during Hungry Ghosts Festival, the main purpose is to do spiritual transcending ritual (PU DU / POR TOR - 普渡) for the dead to ease their pain and misery in the underworlds (Hells) and not specifically to ask 4D. If there is 4D Numbers given, it is out of good will from the deities (while in trance of spirit mediums) .
4th Type - Taoist Sorcery Altars. The reason why it is not called "Taoist Sorcery Temples" because it is a very secretive / private/ personal practice. Often time it is just an Altar in a home or secret shrine of a Taoist Sorcerer / Master. Taoist Sorcery is known as Fa-Jiao (法教) - The Spiritual Magical Art. It contains knowledge of talismanic skills to call upon deities, ghosts, spirits etc and use them to do good or evil ,depending on the heart of the Taoist Sorcerers. The practice of Taoist Sorcery is very rare nowdays in Singapore. It is still common in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Some Chinese Masters in Thailand / Cambodia / Indonesia know Chinese Sorcery together with their local Black Magic. The magical skills of Taoist Sorcery is not found in "Pure Taoism". In fact, many Pure Taoists do not want "Taoist Sorcery" to be associated with "Taoism".
Taoist Sorcerers or Masters may able to bring You to cemeteries to call upon the spirits of the deads to wake up and give 4D Numbers but often time they are not interested, or they just do it for themselves or own network of followers. Making money out of You is one thing but the "price" (pay-back time) for disturbing the ghosts in cemeteries might not worth it, especially for doing it for an outsider (You). Anyway, sometime doing prayer offerings and burning of certain amount of Joss Papers of what You have promised to the ghosts after You have Won 4D, can work out. Make sure You do as promised, orelse...
Before You engage a Taoist Sorcery / Master, be prepared for the expensive fee. Firstly, it is very rare to find a Taoist Sorcerer nowadays, especially in Singapore. It is still available in Malaysia, Thailand or Taiwan but You need to have a close network to know them.
When people don't need them, You call them as charlatans. Wen You are desperate for their help, then You know their fees are charged by the hundreds and thousands over dollars.
Lastly, why do You want to go to cemeteries and disturb the ghosts of the deads to give 4D Numbers, when You can seek 4D Numbers by Yourself at the comfort in Your own home?
Kumantongs being trained by me (Taoist Sorcery Master) and the several Taoist Sorcery Talismans can be kept to call upon the deities or ghosts by Yourself when You need their support.
- For keeping Kumantongs, go here: Kumantong For You
- Information & Knowledge in keeping Kumantongs to Strike 4D, go here: Kumantong 4D Master
- Kumantong 4D Prediction Service, go here: Kumantong 4D Power
1) Gods Of Wealth Talisman
2) Ultimate 5 Ghosts Multi-Purpose Talisman
3) Yin Shan Sect Fast & Furious 7 In 1 Talisman
- To check out more different types of Talismans, go here: Taoist Sorcery
- To check out how Taoist Sorcery have help some other folks, go here: Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials
One prediction is valid for 3 draws only. No confirm sure strike. If really strike, usually is on 1st try and usually Hit on TOP 3 Prize (Ibet or Direct Strike). The goal is hope that Kumantong can let You strike Direct TOP 3 Prize on 1st try.
When a ghost wants You to die for 'it'..
When a person died a sudden death, his / her original time of death is not yet reached, the soul can't make its way to heaven nor hell. The dead is not given the benefit of a “normal” funeral, but instead, special ritual must be conducted on his / her behalf. It is extremely dangerous to other human beings at the place of unnatural death.
The problem is most people in the world, do not know or don't believe what the Chinese know, as in, the ghosts of the unnatural death, need to seek for substitutes to replace his/ her position at the location of unnatural / violent death.
Another problem is, even if they know, they can't access to the proper prayer rituals to spiritual-transcend (超度) the souls of unnatural death.
There are 3 main types of unnatural death:
1) A person who take his / her own life by commiting suicide
When a person died by commiting suicide, his / her soul cannot enter heaven nor hell, as his actual time of death is not up yet. The hell gate doesn't allow him /her to enter. The spirit of the person is stuck at the same spot of death to repeat the suicide experience again and again.
The ghost will need to lure an unlucky human to die the same manner to replace the ghost (as a substitute), in order for the ghost to move on for reincarnation / rebirth.
2) Death caused by another human being, such as in a murder or an automobile accident
The spot where a fatal car accident has occurred, will likely to be the site of more similar accidents. A person who causes another’s death places himself in grave danger, as the spirit is most likely to seek vengeance, because the soul of the dead died unwillingly. The ghost will need to capture another soul to replace 'it', before 'it' can moves on for reincarnation.
3) Death caused by a malicious spirit
When a ghost causes the death of a human being, it is usually either to seek revenge, or lure a human to die, in order to replace it's position, so that 'it' can move on.
Happened in Singapore
Police Station
On 2 July 2005, a police officer died by playing 'Russian Roullette' with his own revolver in the Yishun North NPC, on the fourth-storey gymnasium. On 16 June 2019, yet another police officer killed himself with a gun shot at the same police station - Yishun North NPC, at the rest area . It took the previous ghost 14 years to find a substitute.
Bedok Reservoir
The reservoir was labelled online as a "suicide destination". saw an unprecedented spate of deaths in 2011 and 2012.
The first death was reported on June 20, 2011, when the decomposed lower half of Chinese national Lin Xiao, 23, was found.
News reports said the apprentice mechanic was depressed after coming to Singapore and had told his mother he would die by jumping into the river.
On Sept 22 that year, the bodies of Madam Tan Sze Sze, 31, and her three-year-old son Jerald Chin, were found floating there. She was said to be distressed over a custody battle with her estranged husband.
Over the next year, at least 5 other bodies were reported to have been found in the reservoir.
Surprisingly, the government took the initiative to engage spiritual service to do spiritual-cleansing at the haunted spot. Representatives from the Inter- Religious Organisation held a prayer session at the reservoir in 2011, requested by former foreign minister George Yeo, who was a Member of Parliament for the area.
Many other haunted places:
There are many more haunted places in Singapore that have similar deaths happening at several locations. Keep track on the news and You will notice the patterns, or do Your own research.
Beware of what You say
One man happened to pass by a graveyard and saw a photo of a lady on the tombstone. He said "What a beautiful lady, if she was alive I'd wanted her to be my wife". Few days later, he rode his motorcycle on the opposite direction on the road and died in an accident - (Ghost covering eyes - 鬼遮眼). His father went to consult a deity ( in trance of a spirit medium) and was told by the deity that a female ghost had took his life to be her husband. A "Ghost Wedding" Ritual was performed for them.
Becoming haunted and unsolved
Even a genuine Feng Shui Master who is based on classical Feng Shui, yet without the knowledge and skill of Taoist Sorcery, doesn't know how to solve the problems of a haunted house, even if it is a 'Good' Feng Shui location.
In certain countries, especially countries with majority who are Chinese, such as Taiwan and Hong Kong, by law, the previous owners must inform the potential buyers, that the house is haunted by a previous unnatural death (suicide / murder) case.
In Singapore, property agents and home sellers are not bound by law to disclose if a suicidal / murder death has taken place in a home.
In Taiwan and Malaysia, with access to Taoist Spirit Medium Worship, there are deities, during Taoist Spirit Medium Procession, that will proceed to the haunted spots and places to do spiritual-cleansing and capture the spirits.
In Singapore, even with majority Chinese, but by law, there is no "Such Thing", therefore haunted public places are not spiritually-cleansed by spiritual masters nor deities (during trance of Taoist Spirit Mediums). If a 'spiritual-transcending' ritual is done on a particular private premise or public place, it is usually private matter, that the Chinese family members of the unnatural dead, engaged a Taoist Master / Monk to do ritual to capture his / her soul and not to harm the other human beings.
Cheng Huang Ye (城隍爷) - From a Water Ghost to a Deity
'Cheng Huang Ye'(s) are tutelary deities in Chinese folk religion, who protect the people and the affairs of the particular village, town or city of great dimension, and the corresponding afterlife location. There are 5 Levels (五階官) of Cheng Huang(s).
The worshipping of Cheng Huang Ye started during the Tang dynasty. Since the Ming dynasty, Cheng Huang Ye took on the role of a spiritual magistrate. In later era, people also believed that Cheng Huang Ye was being appointed as the Officer for registration of Life and Death in the Mortal World.
When a Chinese person is wrongfully accused of a crime and justice is not settled on human realm, he /she would report to Cheng Huang Ye in the temple to seek justice from the underworld court - 告阴状.
The legend for Cheng Huang Ye is more or less the same, no matter of where he originated from. In order for water ghost to get reincarnated, he needs to find a substitute. One day, this water ghost found a young man as his substitute. But when he sees him, the water ghost knows that this man will become an upright and honest official. Hence he did not take his live but followed him wherever he goes, protecting him.
A few years later, the young man won the top scholar. The emperor deeply appreciates his talent on their first meeting and bestowed drinks to the scholar. Just when the scholar was about to take the first sip, he thought of the water ghost which protects him on his journey. Hence, he took the cup and splash behind the door. Of course, the emperor was angry and demanded for an explanation. The scholar gives his reason and further explains that the water ghost had to hide behind the door as he is naked.
The emperor then took off his cloak and threw it behind the door. The water ghost put on the cloak and shows himself. And because of his loyalty, the emperor bestowed a title to the water ghost. And this appointment became a famous forklore phase - ‘Promotion of the Water Ghost’ (水鬼升城隍).
Conclusion: After reading this article, now You know the reason why ghosts of the haunted places, never move on with their deaths, not that they don't want but because they can't. They need to lure some unlucky human folks to die for them to take over their places, or they need to be rescued by Taoist / Buddhist Spiritual Masters, or Taoist Spirit Mediums, by doing spiritual-transending ritual to free their souls.
Putting "Lucky" items for display is NOT Feng Shui? and more..
Putting "Lucky" items for display is a new concept introduced and passed off as Feng Shui since the early 80s & 90s onwards, especially in the Western Countries. There are even many Chinese adults buying "LUCKY" Items from the "Feng Shui" Retail Shops, thinking that this is what Feng Shui all about.
In the olden days, even though Chinese "good luck" objects were used by wealthy people, they were never used in the context of ‘FengShui’ but always as part of ‘culture’. Placing "lucky objects" will not produce magical effect on you!
Learn Authentic Classical Feng Shui
If You want to learn Feng Shui, choose the proper authentic Chinese Classical Feng Shui Classes / Courses. If not, pay a fee to engage a professional authentic Feng Shui Master who apply Classical Feng Shui Concepts during audit. It is better "To Do Nothing" than taking the wrong path of Fake Feng Shui (Western / New Age / BTB etc) of no return.
Get A Spiritually Activated Talisman / Item
If You ever want to place "Magical Items", then You should focus on Taoist Sorcery, such as using Taoist Talismans or Spiritual Items that are spiritually activated by a Deity (while in trance of a Spirit Medium) or by Taoist Master or Sorcerer. Like wise, Black Magic Talismans or 'Black Magic' Items (known as Gong Tao - 降头) can also be used to destroy Your neigbours, enemies or rivals.
No matter Black or White, make sure the spiritual items & talismans are spiritually activated. White Spiritual Talismans / Items are charged with spiritual power of the heavenly deities. Black Spiritual Talismans / Items are possessed with the dark energy of the ghosts and demons.
Video of spiritual empowering process of the Taoist Bagua Jade
Check Out: The Taoist Bagua Jade (For expelling ghosts & Destroy Black Magic)
Feng Shui Master or Taoist Master, Fake or Real? How to know?
Usually genuine Chinese Feng Shui Masters have no knowledge and skills in Taoist Magic / Sorcery and they will honestly tell You that. They do Feng Shui audit purely base on authentic Classical Feng Shui Principles.
Take note: Some genuine Chinese Feng Shui Masters, who are NOT TRAINED in Taoist Magic / Sorcery, will honestly tell You not to believe in placement of "Lucky" Items, but also not to believe in "Taoist Magic / Sorcery" as well. They think that Taoist Sorcery Items (Talismans, hexed / cursed objects etc) is the same as "Lucky" Items that serve no purpose in authentic Feng Shui. This type of Chinese Feng Shui Masters can't understand why some "good" Feng Shui locations / places can still turn out badly for the owners / residents. They have no idea that the surrounding energy (Qi) of such places might have been destroyed by Black Magic rituals / items (known as Gong Tao - 降头) by a Taoist Sorcerer or a spiritual master of other magical tradition (Thai black magic / Indian black magic or other South East Asian Black Magic etc) .
Many people who started off learning authentic Feng Shui have no interest, or don't believe, or too scared, or never get to learn Taoist Magic / Sorcery (highly guarded secrets), therefore even the authentic Feng Shui Masters have no knowledge and skills in Taoist Magic / Sorcery. However, Taoist Magic / Sorcery Masters often time get to learn to deal with Feng Shui issues by using Taoist Magic / Sorcery.
A Fake Chinese "Feng Shui" Master (usually focus on selling "Feng Shui" items) might self-proclaim that he is also "Taoist Master", in order to sell You fake (un-empowered) Talismans or "Magical" Items. A fake "Feng Shui" Master is usually just a salesman, without knowledge of Feng Shui & Taoist Magic.
Many Western Feng Shui Practitioners and some english-educated Chinese Feng Shui Practitioners, who base on "western, new age, BTB etc" Feng Shui, can't differentiate what is genuine or fake Feng Shui. If You haven't start off Your Feng Shui journey, please take precaution, orelse it becomes a path of no-return.
A Taoist Master / Sorcerer, often time is well versed in Feng Shui but doesn't promote himself as a Feng Shui Master. A Taoist Master can use White Magical Spells to improve Feng Shui results, whereas a Taoist Sorcerer can use White or Black Magic Talisman / Items to improve or destroy Feng Shui. They know authentic Feng Shui and also apply their knowledge of Taoist Magical Skills on Feng Shui.
Remember the late Hong Kong actor, Lam Ching Ying, who often times acted as a Taoist Priest in the Chinese Vampire movies? The "Taoist Priest" he acted can represent a Taoist Master / Sorcerer who is also a skilled Feng Shui Master and also a Kung Fu Expert, all 3 into 1.
In fact, there should be Taoist Schools that cater to impart the knowledge of The Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics - The Alchemy of Immortals, The Art of Healing, The Art of Fate, The Art of Physiognomy, and The Art of Divination
Get Your "Lucky" Items spiritually empowered
Actually, "Lucky" Display Items can turn into spiritually activated items, if they go through spiritual activation ritual, by a Deity, or Taoist Master / Sorcerer.To spiritually activate Your "Lucky" Display Items, bring them to a Deity (during trance of a spirit medium), Taoist Master or Taoist Sorcerer to activate for You through rituals.
Haunted 'Lucky' Items / Objects
Do take note that some "Lucky" Items can also be 'black magically charged' (binding ghosts / demons into the objects) to be given as gifts to destroy Your enemies / victims.
Some spiritual masters can provide real, powerful, genuine spiritual items, telling You those will brings You "Luck", but actually is "Black Magic" curse on You, which give You more problems, thereby bring more businesses for them (so that they can come and "cure" You).
"Lucky" Items can only make You feel "Good"
Once again - "Lucky" Items that are not spiritually "charged up" are neither Feng Shui , nor Taoist Sorcery. They work nothing but at least they can make You feel "good".
If You are a Westerner, You can put / place "Lucky" Items related to Western Culture, to make You feel "good", not nessessarily need to use Chinese "Lucky" Items, which is neither Feng Shui, nor Taoist Magic / Sorcery at the 1st place.
Related Articles:
- 5 Arts of Chinese Metaphysics (中华玄学) - Wu Shu (五 术)
- The very basic fundamentals of Chinese 5 Arts / Metaphysics - What You must know
- The Origin, History & Different Schools Of Feng Shui (风水)
- All Feng Shui Masters Are Fake And Money Suckers?
- Chinese Feng Shui Compass - The Luo Pan (罗盘)
- The Feng Shui Talisman
- Gong Tau (降头) - Witchcraft Of South East Asia
- Taoist Talismans - FAKE or REAL? How To Differentiate?
- Taoist Spirit Medium
"The spell works, She is gone! But now I want her back" - Ohhh W.T.F?!
"Master, Do You have any spells that can keep a person go away, like make the person lost interest in you and not contacting You anymore?"
Interesting Story: One particular guy came to seek help from Taoist Sorcery Master. He said he already had a girlfriend. One lady (3rd party) came back into his life and try to break off the relationship. She did this to him second time already. During the first time, his marriage had ended in divorce. This guy didn't want such thing to happen again.
A "Get Rid Of A Person" Ritual was executed for him. After few weeks, the lady (3rd party) stop bothering him and no more contact from her. The lady had lost interest in him completely. The "Get Rid Of A Person" Ritual was successful.
1 Year Later..
"Is there a way to remove the spell and make her come back to me? I realized that woman is the one I love most."
Follow Up Story: 1 year later, the same guy came back to seek help again. He realised the 3rd Party lady is the woman he loved the most. He hope to have the previous "Get Rid Of A Person" Spell broken and to make her come back into his life again.
What is the moral of this true love story?
Folks, please make sure You know what You want, because it will takes a Taoist Sorcerer twice his efforts to get the person to come back and to love You again. Taoist Sorcerer needs to do a ritual to break the previous spell ("Get Rid Of A Person" Spell) and a ritual to make the person loves You back again.
Not only that, the deities or the ghosts might punish the Taoist Sorcerer for wasting their time, reason like "If he loves that woman, why call upon us to break them apart earlier on? You as a Taoist Sorcerer / Master, shoul have known better - Now, I need to punish You for wasting our time".
This time round, Taoist Sorcery Master will charge You double times (or more) the previous fees (of "Get Rid Of A Person" Spell), because:
- He needs to do ritual to break the previous spell
- He needs to do ritual to make the person love You back
- For wasting his time
- For being punished by deities or ghosts for wasting their time
Q&As on using 'Ultimate 5 Ghosts Multi-Purpose' Talisman
1. They will soon be my life long companions who will listen to and care for me. How do I communicate with them?
Answer: Light up incense stick or aroma cone and pray to it. Speak in any language you are comfortable with and pray to it , or speak with your heart and mind. They will feel you from Your heart.
2. Are they individuals or a collective? Do they have a name (s)? And may I have their names please so I can bond with each individually?
Answer: They always come together as a group of 5 ghosts. They have names. Depend on how sorcerer will deploy any 5 of them. Sometime sorcerer will call upon either one to work on issue, and certain times will deploy them to work together.
The names of these 5 ghosts are:
- CentralGhost : Yao Bi Song (中央姚碧松)
- North Ghost : Lin Jing Zhong (北方林敬忠)
- West Ghost: Cai Zi Liang (西方蔡子良)
- South Ghost: Zhang Zi Gui (南方张子贵)
- East Ghost: Chen Gui Xian (東方陈贵先)
Related Article: Five Ghosts in Taoist Sorcery
3. What happens if for some reason the talisman is misplaced, lost or stolen? Will I have lost my spiritual companions forever?
Answer: Yes, losing the talisman will lost your spiritual companions. They are always available anytime but you don't have a channel to reach them, that is the reason why You need a "5 ghosts" talisman done for You, in order to call upon them anytime You want. If You misplaced, lost the talisman, then you need to have another talisman drawn. If someone steals the talisman, that person will be punished and disturbed by the 5 ghosts pretty badly. (An important reason why You shouldn't steal spiritual items / objects).
4. What happens to them if I decide to send them off? Will they be reassigned to another believer?
Answer: When you send them off, they don't need to be reassigned. Just like Wifi Signal, different people tap to the same source of Wifi Signal. "5 ghosts" can be called upon by many other Taoist Sorcerers to work on different issues at different places at the same time, or different time. If one Taoist Sorcerer send off the "5 ghosts", it doesn't make any difference. The "5 ghosts" are always available to be called upon, of course, by a Taoist Sorcerer, or many Taoist Sorcerers at different parts of the world.
5. Are they able to reincarnate and live a better life for having helped me with mine?
Answer: These "5 ghosts" ARE NOT the wandering ghosts that become of them after they died from Human Realm . They have been existed since unkown time. Only Taoist Sorcery has the secret knowledge to summon them to work.
6. How do I show them my deep gratitude?
Answer: You can do prayer offering by yourself, or send me money offering and I do prayer for you.
7. Can they be harmed for protecting me from all ghosts, malignant entities, hexes, etc?
Answer: They will protect you from harm, or black magic attack but when come to spiritual warfare, the higher level deities (Protection All In One Talisman) are the one helping. 5 ghosts are normally called upon for doing the "left path" issues like revenge, punishment or win the lottery etc.
8. Can any black magicians harm these good spirits with their black magic? Who protect them?
Answer: If the black magic is real, good spirits might be harm but the warrior deities will step in. Anyway, 5 ghosts can protect themselves. They are called upon as servants to work on issues and can protect their master. When come to spiritual warfare, the higher level deities (36 Deity Warriors Talisman - a.k.a Protection All In One Talisman) will step in.
The purpose of summoning 5 Ghosts in Taoist Sorcery - Dos & Don'ts
1st of all, You must know that there are many different types of deities and ghosts in Taoist Sorcery to be invoked for different purposes. 5 ghosts are mainly summoned to work on self-benefiting issues such as Winning The Lottery, Gambling in Casino, and to disturb or punish other people. Even though 5 ghosts can still protect their human master but is not their main purpose. They are not supposed to be called upon to fight in spiritual warfare. Just like a small kid can go and splash paint on someone's house but not to fight directly with a strong adult man. Martial Deities are invoked to protect human individuals and fight off evil spirits and black magic.
9. If the person has deities' protection (Taoist Deities Altar) at home, can the 5 Ghosts still able to enter and disturb / punish them?
When a Taoist Sorcerer is going to cast black magic for punishment purpose on a particular person, often time, he will 1st do a ritual to inform the deities of the household to step aside as he needs to teach the wrong-doer a lesson. If the "Punishment" is justifiable, the deities will step aside and let the punishment work on the victims (to teach them a lesson for their own good).
10. If someone were to use "5 ghosts" to disturb or harm me, what should I do?
If someone harms You by using "5 ghosts", You know how to seek help from the certain particular deities who can control "5 ghosts", or call upon the higher level deities (36 Deity Warriors Talisman - a.k.a Protection All In One Talisman) to step in, then the black magic spell will be broken.
"Educated", "Scientific", "Mordern" people are easy targets of black magic attack
Nowadays, many people don't believe in Black Magic, which either they never know it actually exist, or don't believe at all, therefore never seek any form of spiritual protection. Due to this mindset, or their ignorance , which in turn, become easy targets for black magic attack. So when You summon the "5 ghosts" to disturb or punish Your targets, high chance it will work.
Q&As on using 'Protection All In One' Talisman
1. Does this talisman have to be in my altar room at all times to ensure the deities' presence? If it is removed, does it mean the deities are no longer in my house?
Answer: Yes, the 'Protection All In One' Talisman need to be on the altar or at the altar room at all time to ensure the deities presence. Once removed, deities will no longer there. Because your deity statues are not consecrated. This talisman is the main 'spiritual power' source to activate the altar, especially for the westerners who bought Taoist / Buddhist Deity Statues, not knowing that statues need to go through 'spiritual activation' ritual (开光 - Kai Guang).
Related Article:
- Activate Your Taoist Altar with "36 Heavenly Warriors" Talisman
- Consecration Of Taoist Deity Statues
Take Note: 'Protection All In One' Talisman can also be folded and kept inside wallet / purse to be carried around wherever You go. When You want to pray to it, You can put the talisman (being folded is ok) onto a tray and light up incense and pray to it. Without Deity Statues at home, the 'Protection All In One' Talisman alone can be 'stand alone' on the altar to be prayed to.
Related Article:
- How an Average American Guy end up choosing the Taoist Magical Path (and how You can pray like him)
Answer: When you are praying at the altar to seek protection, deities will hear you and protect you whereever you go. Just like how you go to a temple to pray and still be blessed by the deities when you are away from temple.
3. What happens if the talisman is misplaced, lost or stolen?
Answer: Nothing will happen, you just lost the protection, but the person who steal the talisman will face punishment by the deities.
Related Website / Blog: talisman-4-u.blogspot.com
4. Is it correct to say that joss sticks or incense has to be burnt in order to communicate with either deities or ghosts? May I also use resin incense?
Answer: Yes, joss sticks, aroma cones, or resin incense (Example: Kemenyan (Benzoin)) is Ok. In Taoist Practice, lighting up Joss Sticks is a must when communicating with the deities and also a form of respect. Even spiritual masters, black magic practitioners of other faiths also need to use incense or prayer materials to produce smoke when performing ritual.
Related Article: Why Taoists need and must burn Joss Sticks and Joss Papers? AND WHY SHOULD YOU?
5. I travel constantly for work and cannot burn joss sticks in my hotel rooms. How then do I communicate with the deities or ghost companions?
Answer: When You cannot light up joss sticks, just hold onto the talisman on Your palm in prayer manner and pray to it. The deities or ghosts will understand.
6. May I burn Joss papers to honour the deities, and hell notes as offerings to my spirit companions to show my extreme gratitude? I would like to do that everyday at home. Are there any protocols or procedures I should follow in the process of doing so?
Answer: You can burn joss papers to honour the deities . If You are doing it inside a room, 1 piece or few pieces in odd numbers will do. You don't have to burn joss papers everyday. You can do it on every 1st and 15th of Chinese Lunar Month, important days (spiritual manifestation day / birthday / enlightenment day) of the particular deities You are praying to, and during Traditional Chinese Festivals . All in all, it is still up to You.
7. Is there any conflict in having two talismans (Protection All In One Talisman & 5 Ghosts Multi-Purpose Talisman) for life? I am after all, seeking help from both gods and ghosts at the same time; asking for the very same things you mentioned that are important in life; namely safety, health and peace.
Answer: There is no conflict in praying to the Protection All In One Talisman & 5 Ghosts Multi-Purpose Talisman together.
Related Article: Ultimate 5 Ghosts Multi-Purpose Talisman
8. My job needs me to always on the move and travel around. I am very vulnerable to all sorts of spiritual attacks, accidents and mishaps. There are many unclean and unpleasant spirits residing in the hotels rooms that I stay in at the end of the day. I plan on not framing my protection talisman and hanging it in my altar room, until my luck improves. Do you have any advise or suggestions?
Answer: You can fold the talismans nicely and keep inside Your wallet, purse, pouch or bag and carry along wherever You go. When You are travelling, example:in Your hotel room or any places that You are inconvenient to light up incense sticks to pray, just hold the talisman and put in between both palms in prayer manner and pray to it. When You return home, You can put them on a tray or a box, then light up incense stick and pray to it.
Related Article: Check out how an American guy set up his Taoist Altar and pray to the 'Protection All in one' Talisman >> How an Average American Guy end up choosing the Taoist Magical Path
Chinese Ghost Marriage - Why they want to do it?
"Hello Taoist Sorcery Master.. Can You tell me more about ghost marriage.. What is this?"
Ghost Marriage is also known as Posthumous marriage, or Necrogamy.
Chinese Ghost Marriage is also known as 配骨 (Bone Matching), 阴婚 (Yin Marriage), 鬼婚 (Ghosts Marriage), 灵婚 (Spirit Marriage).
In Folk Chinese Tradition, Ghost Marriage means either a living person marry a deceased person, or 2 deceased individuals getting married.
Ghost Marriages are also practiced in South Korea.
Ghost Marriages in Ancient China
There are many records of Ghost Marriages in Ancient Chinese Texts. The 2 popular ones are:
1) During the Jian-An Period, at the Year 208, Cao Chong (曹冲), who was one of the son of Cao Cao (曹操), died at the young age of 13. Cao Cao, out of his love for his son, betrothed the deceased lady of Surname Zhen (甄氏小姐) as Cao Chong’s wife and buried them together.
2) From an ancient Book - 昨梦录 (Dream Records Of Yesterdays) , written during Southern Song Period, by Kang Yu Zi (康与之), it was written that the families of deceased individuals of eligible age would seek help from ghost match-makers. If the deceased couples were found to be matchable,they would proceed with the ceremony of Ghost Marriage. (年当嫁娶未婚而死者,两家令媒互求之,谓之鬼媒人。通家状细帖,各以父母命祷而卜之。得卜,即制服冥衣,男带女裙帔等毕备,媒者就墓备酒果,祭以合婚。)
Why seek for Ghost Marriage Ceromony or Ritual?
In the past, it was believed that if there was a lonely grave in the ancestral grave, that would affect the prosperity of future generations. It was unlucky, so it was necessary to hold a marriage for the deceased.
Living persons seeking "Ghost Marriage" Ritual
1) Human life is unpredictable. One person is alive and the next second, he or she might be gone. When a steady couple has planned to get married but suddenly passed away due to accident or illness, the living person hope to complete the marriage, so as to be forever remembered in his / her heart, will seek for "Ghost Marriage" Ceromony. (Occasionally still practiced).
2) If a Chinese man has "double wives"or "multi-wives" luck in his life's destiny, usually the parents, and even the wife agree to has the husband do the "Ghost Marriage" with a deceased woman or several deceased Women. This will help to maintain the living wife to be the only wife in the man's life. The 1st deceased woman to be married will be considered the Number 1 wife and 2nd deceased wife will be numbered as 2nd wife and so forth. The living wife will be always demoted as the last wife.
3) A deceased married Chinese woman's tablet is kept at the altar of her husband's family. However, if a woman of eligible age pass away unmarried, her family is prohibited from placing her tablet on the altar of her natal home. She will be "given a temporary paper tablet, placed not on the domestic altar but in a corner near the door. Hence, the important duty of Chinese parents in marrying off their children becomes increasingly important for their daughters. Since women are only able to acquire membership in descent lines through marriage, ghost marriage became a viable solution to ensure that unmarried, deceased daughters still had "affiliation to a male descent line" and could be appropriately cared for after death.
In Taiwan, please do not pick up the Red Packets (Ang Bao) on the floor, thinking that You might be lucky to find money inside. The parents of a deceased unwed daughter wanted to marry her off to a living man, so they will put some money, the daughter's hair and Bazi (Date of Birth and particulars) inside a Red Packet and leave it on the floor, waiting for a man to pick it up. Once You pick it up, the parents will appear from their hiding ground and welcome You to be the bridegroom / husband for the Ghost Marriage Proposal. You will be given a certain amount of wealth or benefits, but You cannot run away from the marriage. If You turn down the ghost marriage proposal, the ghost of the deceased daugther will hunt you down and create havoc in Your life.
In some desperate cases, some families are afraid that no one would pick up the red packets, thereby would simply, ramdomly attached the "red packet" onto a scooter / motorbike or anything that is normally owned by a mature male.
4) Younger brothers should not marry before their elder brothers, therefore a ghost marriage for an older, deceased brother may be arranged just before a younger brother's wedding to avoid incurring the disfavour of his brother's ghost.
Ghosts seeking "Ghost Marriage" Ritual
A ghost might happened to like a particular living person (living boyfriend or living girlfriend, or happen to spot a particular someone on the street), so the ghost will send hints to the living person through dreams or creating paranormal activities. The living person may consult a Spirit Medium in the temple to be told about the issue. Sometime, the female or male ghost was asking for a marriage ritual with another ghost (boyfriend or girlfriend who died together, or met another ghost in the ghost realm).
When a loving to-be-married couple happened to die together (usually accident cases), they will hint the living parents through dreams that they want a "Ghost Marriage" Ritual.
Take Note: If any Westerners and westernised Chinese were to laugh at this custom, please watch the Movie - "Ghost (1990)" and listen to the Song - "Unchained Melody" and then rethink again.
Beware of what You said - A real ghost story happened in Singapore
One man happened to walk pass a graveyard. He spotted a photo of the face of a deceased girl on the tomb stone. He said:" What a beautiful girl, if she was alive, I'd like her to be my wife". The ghost heard it and stick to him ever since. One day, he was riding his motorbike on the road at the opposite flow of traffic (Ghost covering eyes - 鬼遮眼). He was hit by a car and died in the accident. The deceased man's dad felt suspicious because he was not an alcoholic and never take drug and was a well-behaved person. He decided to consult the spirit medium in the temple near his home. The deity (in trance of spirit medium) told the dad that a female ghost fall in love with his son and wanted him to be her husband and took away his life to be with her, due to what his son's said at her grave. A "Ghost Wedding" Ritual was performed for them.
Related ghost movies & songs:
- Ghost (1990) - Romantic Ghost Story / Song - Unchained Melody
- The Ghost Bride (鬼新娘) 2017 - A Filipino horror film starring Kim Chiu and Alice Dixson with Ina Raymundo.
- 蔡琴- 被遗忘的时光 (Cai qin - Forgotten time)
Conclusion: Ghost Marriages are rarely practiced nowadays but it is still available in some Chinese Communities. Please beware of the Red Packets You found lying on the floor.
Ghost Marriage is also known as Posthumous marriage, or Necrogamy.
Chinese Ghost Marriage is also known as 配骨 (Bone Matching), 阴婚 (Yin Marriage), 鬼婚 (Ghosts Marriage), 灵婚 (Spirit Marriage).
In Folk Chinese Tradition, Ghost Marriage means either a living person marry a deceased person, or 2 deceased individuals getting married.
Ghost Marriages are also practiced in South Korea.
Ghost Marriages in Ancient China
There are many records of Ghost Marriages in Ancient Chinese Texts. The 2 popular ones are:
1) During the Jian-An Period, at the Year 208, Cao Chong (曹冲), who was one of the son of Cao Cao (曹操), died at the young age of 13. Cao Cao, out of his love for his son, betrothed the deceased lady of Surname Zhen (甄氏小姐) as Cao Chong’s wife and buried them together.
2) From an ancient Book - 昨梦录 (Dream Records Of Yesterdays) , written during Southern Song Period, by Kang Yu Zi (康与之), it was written that the families of deceased individuals of eligible age would seek help from ghost match-makers. If the deceased couples were found to be matchable,they would proceed with the ceremony of Ghost Marriage. (年当嫁娶未婚而死者,两家令媒互求之,谓之鬼媒人。通家状细帖,各以父母命祷而卜之。得卜,即制服冥衣,男带女裙帔等毕备,媒者就墓备酒果,祭以合婚。)
Why seek for Ghost Marriage Ceromony or Ritual?
In the past, it was believed that if there was a lonely grave in the ancestral grave, that would affect the prosperity of future generations. It was unlucky, so it was necessary to hold a marriage for the deceased.
Living persons seeking "Ghost Marriage" Ritual
1) Human life is unpredictable. One person is alive and the next second, he or she might be gone. When a steady couple has planned to get married but suddenly passed away due to accident or illness, the living person hope to complete the marriage, so as to be forever remembered in his / her heart, will seek for "Ghost Marriage" Ceromony. (Occasionally still practiced).
2) If a Chinese man has "double wives"or "multi-wives" luck in his life's destiny, usually the parents, and even the wife agree to has the husband do the "Ghost Marriage" with a deceased woman or several deceased Women. This will help to maintain the living wife to be the only wife in the man's life. The 1st deceased woman to be married will be considered the Number 1 wife and 2nd deceased wife will be numbered as 2nd wife and so forth. The living wife will be always demoted as the last wife.
3) A deceased married Chinese woman's tablet is kept at the altar of her husband's family. However, if a woman of eligible age pass away unmarried, her family is prohibited from placing her tablet on the altar of her natal home. She will be "given a temporary paper tablet, placed not on the domestic altar but in a corner near the door. Hence, the important duty of Chinese parents in marrying off their children becomes increasingly important for their daughters. Since women are only able to acquire membership in descent lines through marriage, ghost marriage became a viable solution to ensure that unmarried, deceased daughters still had "affiliation to a male descent line" and could be appropriately cared for after death.
In Taiwan, please do not pick up the Red Packets (Ang Bao) on the floor, thinking that You might be lucky to find money inside. The parents of a deceased unwed daughter wanted to marry her off to a living man, so they will put some money, the daughter's hair and Bazi (Date of Birth and particulars) inside a Red Packet and leave it on the floor, waiting for a man to pick it up. Once You pick it up, the parents will appear from their hiding ground and welcome You to be the bridegroom / husband for the Ghost Marriage Proposal. You will be given a certain amount of wealth or benefits, but You cannot run away from the marriage. If You turn down the ghost marriage proposal, the ghost of the deceased daugther will hunt you down and create havoc in Your life.
In some desperate cases, some families are afraid that no one would pick up the red packets, thereby would simply, ramdomly attached the "red packet" onto a scooter / motorbike or anything that is normally owned by a mature male.
4) Younger brothers should not marry before their elder brothers, therefore a ghost marriage for an older, deceased brother may be arranged just before a younger brother's wedding to avoid incurring the disfavour of his brother's ghost.
Ghosts seeking "Ghost Marriage" Ritual
A ghost might happened to like a particular living person (living boyfriend or living girlfriend, or happen to spot a particular someone on the street), so the ghost will send hints to the living person through dreams or creating paranormal activities. The living person may consult a Spirit Medium in the temple to be told about the issue. Sometime, the female or male ghost was asking for a marriage ritual with another ghost (boyfriend or girlfriend who died together, or met another ghost in the ghost realm).
When a loving to-be-married couple happened to die together (usually accident cases), they will hint the living parents through dreams that they want a "Ghost Marriage" Ritual.
Take Note: If any Westerners and westernised Chinese were to laugh at this custom, please watch the Movie - "Ghost (1990)" and listen to the Song - "Unchained Melody" and then rethink again.
Beware of what You said - A real ghost story happened in Singapore
One man happened to walk pass a graveyard. He spotted a photo of the face of a deceased girl on the tomb stone. He said:" What a beautiful girl, if she was alive, I'd like her to be my wife". The ghost heard it and stick to him ever since. One day, he was riding his motorbike on the road at the opposite flow of traffic (Ghost covering eyes - 鬼遮眼). He was hit by a car and died in the accident. The deceased man's dad felt suspicious because he was not an alcoholic and never take drug and was a well-behaved person. He decided to consult the spirit medium in the temple near his home. The deity (in trance of spirit medium) told the dad that a female ghost fall in love with his son and wanted him to be her husband and took away his life to be with her, due to what his son's said at her grave. A "Ghost Wedding" Ritual was performed for them.
Video of 'Chinese Ghost Marriage' Ritual of 2 deceased persons
(Old Granny chanting mantra in Cantonese Language)
(Old Granny chanting mantra in Cantonese Language)
Related ghost movies & songs:
- Ghost (1990) - Romantic Ghost Story / Song - Unchained Melody
- The Ghost Bride (鬼新娘) 2017 - A Filipino horror film starring Kim Chiu and Alice Dixson with Ina Raymundo.
- 蔡琴- 被遗忘的时光 (Cai qin - Forgotten time)
Conclusion: Ghost Marriages are rarely practiced nowadays but it is still available in some Chinese Communities. Please beware of the Red Packets You found lying on the floor.
Who are 文判官 (Wen Pan Guan) & 武判官 (Wu Pan Guan) ? - The Prosecutors of the Taoist Netherworld
"I'm from Myanmar and I'm interested in Taoism. I want to know about the gods' history, namely - 文判官 (Wen Pan Guan),武判官 (Wu Pan Guan) - the bodyguards of earth god. Because most people in Myanmar believe Tu Ti Gong but they only know Tu Ti Gong's history. They don't know about 文判官,武判官".
文判官 (Wen Pan Guan) means 'Civil' Magistrate. 武判官 (Wu Pan Guan) means 'Military / Martial' Magistrate. To make it more understandable, they are like prosecutors in modern-day terms.
Often time, the statues of 文判官 (Wen Pan Guan) & 武判官 (Wu Pan Guan) can be found in public Chinese temples, both standing side by side of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) aka Da Bo Gong 大伯公 (only in South East Asia), Tu Di Gong (土地公) and also being seen standing at both sides of other Deities that take charge of underworlds' matters, such as 东岳大帝 (Dong Yu Da Di), 酆都大帝 (Feng Du Da Di), 十殿阎君 (Si Dian Yuan Jun) aka Judges of 10 halls of Hells and Cheng Huang Ye 城隍爺 (Chen Huang Ye) aka City God.
文判官 (Wen Pan Guan) would be seen one hand holding on a chinese calligraphy brush and another hand holding on a book - Shen Si Bu (生死簿) (Book of Life & Death). He is responsible for investigating the world of goods and evils, in order to determine the length of each person's life.
武判官 (Wu Pan Guan) would be seen carrying a 锏锥 (Jian Chui) - Baton, also known as 九节(层)鞭 - Nine Layers Lash. His duty is to escort spirits, flipping through the Book Of Life & Death (生死簿 Sheng Si Bu).
On the lay-man level of Taoist Practice, folks don't need to pay much attention on praying to 文判官 (Wen Pan Guan) & 武判官 (Wu Pan Guan). You just focus on praying to the main deity (the deity standing in the middle of the two) will do.
Below is the advanced level of Taoism that Priest Level will know. It is general information for the Folk Taoists.
Base on the Taoist Text Records -'Dao Fa Hui Yuan' (道法会元):
There are also magistrates in the subordinates courts of the Feng Du Cheng (酆都城) - Nether world, and the consulates of the Tian Shu Yuan (天枢院) from the nine titles, assisting the divisions in dealing with official duties, and the official positions are relatively light, all of them are judged by the Tian Shu Yuan (天枢院), with a total of 21 magistrates: (酆都城内阴间各司下亦设有判官一职,领天枢院从九品衔,协助各司处理公务,官职较轻,皆号曰天枢院酆都判官, 共计二十一位,乃:)
追魂案判官-王福 (Prosecutor of 'Souls Chasing' Case - Wang Fu)
监生案判官-班简 (Prosecutor of 'Supersivor' Case - Ban Jian )
考掠案判官-訾和 (Prosecutor of 'Beating' Case - Zi He)
罪业案判官-贾元 (Prosecutor of 'Criminal Occupation' Case - Jia Yuan)
断刑案判官-赵胜 (Prosecutor of 'Breaking' Case - Zhao Sheng)
主罪案判官-张琪 (Prosecutor of 'Main Crime' Case - Zhang Qi)
受生案判官-杨通 (Prosecutor of 'Receiving Birth' Case - Yang Tong)
受牒案判官-符朴 (Prosecutor of 'Receiving documents' Case - Fu Pu)
刀山案判官-祝顺 (Prosecutor of 'Knife Mountain' Case - Zhu Shun)
剑树案判官-李恭 (Prosecutor of 'Sword Tree' Case - Li Gong)
注死案判官-薛忠 (Prosecutor of 'Register Of Death' Case - Xue Zhong)
执对案判官-永真 (Prosecutor of 'Execution' Case - Yong Zhen)
注生案判官-卢忠策 (Prosecutor of 'Register Of Birth' Case - Lu Zhong Ce)
注禄案判官-成珣 (Prosecutor of 'Register of Salary / Fortune' Case - Cheng Xun)
注病案判官-黄寿 (Prosecutor of 'Register of Sickness' Case - Huang Shou)
注等案判官-周毕 (Prosecutor of 'Register of Rank' Case - Zhou Bi)
注善案判官-釆伸 (Prosecutor of 'Register of Kindness' Case - Bian Shen)
欠杀案判官-程德 (Prosecutor of 'Owe a Killing' Case - Cheng De)
劫监案判官-刘宝 (Prosecutor of 'Rob Prison' Case - Liu Bao)
放生案判官-董杰 (Prosecutor of 'Life Release' Case - Dong Jie)
五道案判官-郭愿 (Prosecutor of 'Five Realms' Case - Guo Yuan)
判王都督-辛天君 (辖管诸判官) The overall head of magistrates - Xin Tian Jun (Overall-In-Charge Prosecutor)
Base on Folk Taoism and influenced of Chinese 'Version' Buddhism:
Outside the contexts of Taoism 10 Courts of Hells, base on Chinese Buddhism - Maudgalyayana, the assistant of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, will inspects the good and bad deeds of the person who just pass-away, with his 4 assistants, namely: (据民间传说,十殿以外亦设有佛家目莲尊者部下的四大判官,目连尊者是地藏王菩萨的辅佐人,会在人死后复查其功德罪业,更有四司判官辅佐:)
查察司判官-李玄邃 (Prosecutor of 'Examine & Research' - Li Xuan Sui)
赏善司判官-杨玄感 (Prosecutor of 'Bestowing Goodness' - Yang Xuan Gan )
罚恶司判官-韩子通 (Prosecutor of 'Punishment of Evil' - Han Zi Tong)
阴律司判官-崔子玉 (Prosecutor of 'Implicit Law' - Cui Zi Yu)
Of the 4 Prosecutors, the main prosecutor is Cui Zi Yu (崔子玉). Prosecutor Cui is in charge of the Records of Life & Death, making sure the death date of the deceased person match the records, if unmatched will be dispatched to 'tragic death' wall. Prosecutor Li is in charge of the Life Reflecting Mirror, reflect one's life while living. Prosecutor Yang calculates the good deeds of the deceased person. Prosecutor Han calculates the evil deeds of the deceased person. (四判官以崔为首,崔判官掌生死簿,与死者魂魄核对,如年寿未到即死,就贬入枉死城;李判官掌孽镜台,照出死者的生前情况,命死者伏罪;杨判官计算死者善业,韩判官计算死者恶业.)
According to the Min-Nan People (Southern Chinese / Fu-Jian people), during the Folk Taoist / Buddhist liberation ritual of a deceased person, these 4 spiritual officers were involved during the trial periods (49days and beyond), before going for rebirth / transmigration.
Important person to take note - Cui Zi Yu (崔子玉)
Cui Pan Guan (崔判官) aka The Scholar Recording Officer Cui, a well-known Immortal in the Chinese Deity System.
His real name was Cui Yu (崔鈺) or Cui Zi Yu (崔子玉), born in Sui Tang Dynasty 隋唐 (Around AD600++).
In AD633, he got his 1st official title in the Tang Dynasty Imperial Court, due to his credit, merits and the upright way of dealing with cases and releasing of innocent suspects, he was being respected like a Deity at that Era and after that Era.
After he passed-away, in-order to repay the gratitude to him, the folks who knew him dedicated a Temple to him and gave him the title : Cui Pan Guan (崔判官).
Why Taoists need and must burn Joss Sticks and Joss Papers? AND WHY SHOULD YOU?
Many Chinese (especially in Singapore) who are non-taoists and also folks of other races, very often complain about the smoke emitted from the Joss Sticks and Joss Papers are choking / killing them.
This article will explains why Folk Taoists need and must burn Joss Sticks and Joss Papers and why and how people can also join in to light up Joss Sticks and Burn Joss Papers together.
Records of lighting up incense in Taoist Texts
In one of the 10 Power Incantations of Taoism (道教十大神咒), there is one incantation which is the 'Incense Prayer Incantation' (祝香咒).
祝香咒 - “道由心学,心假香传。香焚玉炉,心存帝前。真灵下盼,仙旆临轩。令臣关告 / 弟子关告,径达九天。”
Translated into English:
Incense Prayer Incantation - "The Tao is studied from the heart. The heart is transmitted through the incense. Incense burns in the Jade Furnace. My heart is before Jade Emperor . The true spirit gazes down. A procession of immortals comes to the sacred place. Allowing the disciple to express his/her prayers. The Scripture reaches the nine heavens."
More Information on: 10 Power Incantations of Taoism (道教十大神咒)
To the Taoists, Incense is the communication tool for humans to convey their wishes and messages to the deities. The smoke rises and carries the wishes up to the heavens. Offering of incense to the deities is to show our sincerity and utmost respect. Likewise, the deities will acknowledge our respect by giving us blessings.
Whether You like it or not, "Electronic Joss Sticks" CANNOT replace genuine Joss Sticks and "Electronic Joss Paper Apps" CANNOT replace genuine Joss Papers, when praying to deities / gods and spirits.
History Of burning incense by the Taoists in ancient China
Burning incense is a custom passed down from ancient worshiping rituals. When the ancient Chinese pay respect to the Gods / Spirits and ancestors, they usually burned their sacrifices or simply certain plants to make heavy smoke, which they could communicate with spirits through the smoke.
Having evolved gradually and been popularized later, such a practice has become a way of showing respect for spirits by burning incense.
The incense of later ages was improved, and some fine incense produced specially for venerating spirits appeared. The most common types of incense used right now are incense sticks (joss sticks) and winded incense.
There are proper formalized procedures of offering of Incense Sticks (Joss Sticks) by the Taoist Priests, compare to the Lay people of Chinese Folk Practice.
Burning of Joss Sticks and Joss Papers in Chinese Folk Practice
During Taoist Spirit Medium Ritual, lighting up Joss Sticks and burning of Joss papers is a must. When the Joss sticks are lighted up, it is only then the channel of communication with the deities is open up, in order for the deities to be notified and do the neccessary preparation to possess the spirit mediums.
Joss papers are used in several ways, during Spirit Medium Activities. During consultation, the deity (while in trance of spirit medium), he / she might also tell You to do prayer offering by burning Joss Papers to certain deities or spirits.
In Folk Taoism (Chinese Folk Religion), Yes - the deities and spirits are able to receive the Joss Papers that You burn to them, orelse the deities (while in trance of spirit medium) won't instruct You to burn Joss Papers to certain deities or ghosts. Even though "Hell Bank Notes" are newly created offering materials by the modern enterprising folks, the classic "Gold Papers" and "Silver Papers" are real money for the deities and ghosts respectively.
More Information on: Taoist Spirit Mediums
How folks from other faiths can learn from the Chinese Folks of Chinese Folk Religion
The beauty of Chinese Folks (of Chinese Folk Religion), is that, they don't look down on other religions. They are always ready to bring in the deities of other faiths to pray together with their Chinese Deities, WITH JOSS STICKS & JOSS PAPERS.
When Chinese Folks (of Chinese Folk Religion) are praying to Na Tuk Kong, they will burn Kemenyan. When Chinese Spirit Mediums were to 'jump' (spirit possession) Na Tuk Kong, they will burn Kemenyan and play Kompangs beats with sticks.
More information on Na Tuk Kong >> Datuk Gong - Malay Deity of the Chinese
When Chinese Folks (of Chinese Folk Religion) are praying to Hindu Deities at Hindu Temples, they will light up Joss Sticks and pray, then generously put money at the donation boxs at the Hindu Temples.
When Chinese folks were to pray to Jesus, Mother Mary and the Cross, they will light up incense sticks and pray and then burn Joss Papers. This is very popular practice in the Chinese Temples at Philipphines.
Check Out >> Jesus Christ in Chinese Temple
Pray Fast - Donate Faster
When a folk Taoist is going to pray at a Chinese temple, he/she will buy joss sticks / joss papers from the counter and then proceed to light up incense sticks, do his prayer, after that, move on to burn the joss papers. The whole praying time takes only 10 to 15 minutes.
Once the whole praying process (light up joss sticks and burn joss papers) is completed, he / she will proceed to the donation box and donate some money at the donation box, often time, will donate $2, $5, $10 or some folks even donate $50 or more per visit (to the temple).
The continuous non-stop donations every seconds by few hundreds to few thousands worshippers per day at a popular temple, can add up from few thousand dollars to few hundred thousand dollars. The money goes to maintain the temple, pay the space / ground rental fee to the government, pay the workers in the temple, and have a lot more left over to donate out to the welfare organisations.
Extra Info: Base on personal research and observation, surprisingly, the Chinese Folks (of the Folk Taoist Path) are considered the most generous people, when compared to other folks of other faiths. Taoist Temples / Chinese Buddhist Temples have been donating huge amount of money to help other religious places of worship as well.
During Taoist Magic / Sorcery
When a Taoist Master / Sorcerer is to start his ritual / or to create talisman, the 1st step is always to light up joss sticks / incense. Lighting up of joss sticks at the altar is to open up a communication channel to inform the deities / spirits that the ritual has begun and please come forward. Later on, joss papers are burned as offering to the deities or spirits to thank them for their help.
When I (Taoist Sorcery Master / Kumantong 4D Master) wants to do ritual to seek 4D / TOTO Lottery numbers from the Kumantongs or other types of ghosts, the very 1st step is to light up incense stick / aroma cone.
So what the folks of other religious faiths can learn?
Pray fast and Donate Faster >> Light up joss sticks and pray to the Gods / Deities of Your own faith, then proceed to burn joss papers as offering to Your gods / deities/ spirits , put some money in donation box and quickly move on.
This way, the money management team of the other religious places of worship will also secretly be very happy to have fast in flow of money. (Some other religious places of worship have hard time receiving money donation from their own worshippers).
When at home..
You can use joss sticks to pray to Your own God / Deities of Your own faith, then proceed to burn the joss papers outside Your house at the open space.
While You are complaining about the smoke from the burning of Joss Sticks and Joss Papers, the westerners in western countries are picking up the practice of burning of Joss Sticks and Joss Papers from the Chinese and use it on their own prayers (Wicca, Pagan, Western Folk Magic etc).
Some westerners who follow the Taoist Tradition, burn small amount of Joss papers, right in front of their altar at home.
Living in a community where majority are Chinese Folk Taoists
There is a Chinese Saying: 入乡随俗 - When you enter a village, follow the local customs ; do as the natives do (When in Rome, do as the Romans do). You can join the Chinese Neighbours (of Folk Taoist Tradition) and use Joss Sticks & Burn Joss Papers to pray together.
You can use Joss Sticks & Joss Papers to pray to Your own gods / deities of Your own faith. Just like how the westerners in western countries, are now using Chinese Style of praying with Joss Sticks and burning Joss Papers to their own deities / gods / spirits of their own faiths (Wicca, Pagan, Western Folk Magic etc).
Someday You might need to burn Joss Sticks & Joss Papers
When times are good, the youngsters, Chinese folks of non-taoist faith and also people of other races, will spend time complaining about the smoke coming from Joss Sticks & Joss Papers.
Just imagine , someday certain issues in Your life arise, be it health issue (cancer), money issue (huge debts) or spiritual issue (attack by black magic) , that no human-beings can help and also none of Your own spiritual masters / priest / pastor / father etc of Your own faith can help, reaching to the point of commiting suicide... then, You realised there is still one last hope, which is to seek help from a Chinese Deity at a Chinese Temple.
While in trance of a spirit medium, the deity might instruct You to burn joss sticks and joss papers during the prayer /ritual process. What if, all this while, You have been opposing the practice of burning of Joss Sticks and Joss Papers and now You need and must burn them by yourself? So keep an open mind and keep an opening for Yourself.
Pray like the Chinese (with Joss Sticks & Joss Papers) and Strike 4D
Lastly, base on personal research, people who always complain about smoke and smell of Joss Sticks & Joss Papers are those folks who never buy 4D and never get to Strike 4D, because their religion / faith don't allow them to buy 4D and their god / deities won't be able to bless them with Lottery Luck.
Therefore, if You want to Strike 4D & Toto, learn to pray like the Chinese, with Joss Sticks and Joss Papers to the Chinese deities.
More information on: Chinese Gods Of Wealth
Got Pray, Got Luck - No Pray, Sure Die.
Related Article:
Be Protected Against Ghosts & Accidents In The Army - With A Talisman
"Depending on human efforts on safety precaution alone is not enough. During my NS (National Service) & Reservist days, I always made sure my Taoist Protection Talisman was always together with my FAD (First Aid Dressing) in my shirt pocket. The talisman was to protect me from being disturbed by ghosts and accidents in the camp and during army training. If I die die need to serve the Army, then I die die need to seek some form of spiritual protection to guard my own life." - Taoist Sorcery Master
For a very long time , I've been wanting to write about this 'Died during army training' issue but was too lazy to begin. This time, my blood is boiling and I need to have it written.
Lately, every few weeks (especially in a tiny red dot country down south), there will be news about army boys died from accidents during their Army Training, so it prompted me to write it and share my views. Soldiers from other countries, as well as folks who are working in other kinds of dangerous environment shall be interested to read this article as well.
Belief it or not is up to You: Depending on human efforts on safety precaution alone is not enough. Always remind Yourself or Your son to carry a Taoist Protection Talisman whenever he goes back to camp and during army training. A Thai /Cambodian 'Buddhist' Yant Amulet /Talisman is a good alternative as well.
For those who believe in other religions, they should also go to their respective places for worship before embarking on any dangerous missions.
During my days of National Dervice (NS) & Reservist days, I always made sure my Taoist Protection Talisman was always together with my FAD (Field Aid Dressing) on my shirt pocket. However, I end up needing to give the talisman to my indian bunk mate because he said a fat indian female aunty ghost always appeared in front of him in the bunk when we were not around (went out field training), and then I need to create and empower another Talisman for myself again.
Don't underestimate the magical power of a talisman. A genuine Taoist Protection Talisman will give You gut feeling that something is not right or in danger, in order for You stay away, stop what You are doing, or get lost from that place immediately. Better still, notify Your army buddies to get lost together immediately.
A 'Yant' copper amulet will turn hot to notify You if the place is 'dirty' or 'dangerous' and You know to get lost immediately.
If any accident were to happen too fast too sudden, at least You will be able to claw out alive and suffer some minor cuts or totally free from any form of injuries and be alive to tell Your tale. You can thank Yourself for being 'superstitious' later.
You can request for a genuine Taoist Protection Talisman for free by visiting a Taoist Temple that has spirit medium worship (The type of talisman empowered by spirit medium with the blood ooze out from the tongue or by using red ink - vermillion 朱砂), or pay a fee to seek help from a Taoist Master to create and empower a genuine talisman for You.
A Thai / Cambodian 'Yant' Amulet / Talisman is available at any Thai 'Buddhist' Amulet Shops.
I repeat again, make sure Your Taoist Talisman is genuine one. Far too many popular Chinese Temples with no spirit medium worships are vomitting printed version of paper talismans, which has no spiritual power at all. No use being a 'cheapo' for getting a free fake talisman, which can't work it's magic.
Don't wait until You or Your son keep on being disturbed by ghosts in the camp and during army training, or suffer from disability or death from accident, then regret for not carrying any spiritual protection item.
In the olden days, grand parents and parents will know how to automatic do their part to offer a talisman / amulet as a gift to their son, or some folks.. to the extend of forcing their sons / grandsons to carry them. If You are dead worried about Your son / grandson who is going to enter the Army, or embarking in any types of dangerous job / career, then getting him a Protection Talisman is a right choice. Not only will the spiritual item protects him, it will also calm down Your mind.
Don't know why now a days, parents become too "scientific" until simply forgotten about the spiritual power of the divine entities.
If You 'die die' need to serve National Service, then 'die die' seek some form of spiritual protection to protect your own life. Staying alive and being safe and sound, is more important than Your insurance claim.
Take Note: Taoist Protection Talismans and Yant Design Talismans, or a combination of both (Taoist combine with Yant Design), and other customization of specialized talismans by me (Taoist Sorcery Master) are available. The fee is not cheap, which can be few hundred to few thousand dollars.
Folks from Singapore, Malaysia and other South East Asian countries might want to visit a Taoist Temple with Spirit Medium Worship and request for a Taoist Protection Talisman for free. If not, You might engage a Taoist Master to create and empower a talisman for You at a fee.
Related Website: Talisman For You
Related Talisman: 'Protection All In One' Talisman
For a very long time , I've been wanting to write about this 'Died during army training' issue but was too lazy to begin. This time, my blood is boiling and I need to have it written.
Lately, every few weeks (especially in a tiny red dot country down south), there will be news about army boys died from accidents during their Army Training, so it prompted me to write it and share my views. Soldiers from other countries, as well as folks who are working in other kinds of dangerous environment shall be interested to read this article as well.
Belief it or not is up to You: Depending on human efforts on safety precaution alone is not enough. Always remind Yourself or Your son to carry a Taoist Protection Talisman whenever he goes back to camp and during army training. A Thai /Cambodian 'Buddhist' Yant Amulet /Talisman is a good alternative as well.
For those who believe in other religions, they should also go to their respective places for worship before embarking on any dangerous missions.
During my days of National Dervice (NS) & Reservist days, I always made sure my Taoist Protection Talisman was always together with my FAD (Field Aid Dressing) on my shirt pocket. However, I end up needing to give the talisman to my indian bunk mate because he said a fat indian female aunty ghost always appeared in front of him in the bunk when we were not around (went out field training), and then I need to create and empower another Talisman for myself again.
Don't underestimate the magical power of a talisman. A genuine Taoist Protection Talisman will give You gut feeling that something is not right or in danger, in order for You stay away, stop what You are doing, or get lost from that place immediately. Better still, notify Your army buddies to get lost together immediately.
A 'Yant' copper amulet will turn hot to notify You if the place is 'dirty' or 'dangerous' and You know to get lost immediately.
If any accident were to happen too fast too sudden, at least You will be able to claw out alive and suffer some minor cuts or totally free from any form of injuries and be alive to tell Your tale. You can thank Yourself for being 'superstitious' later.
You can request for a genuine Taoist Protection Talisman for free by visiting a Taoist Temple that has spirit medium worship (The type of talisman empowered by spirit medium with the blood ooze out from the tongue or by using red ink - vermillion 朱砂), or pay a fee to seek help from a Taoist Master to create and empower a genuine talisman for You.
A Thai / Cambodian 'Yant' Amulet / Talisman is available at any Thai 'Buddhist' Amulet Shops.
I repeat again, make sure Your Taoist Talisman is genuine one. Far too many popular Chinese Temples with no spirit medium worships are vomitting printed version of paper talismans, which has no spiritual power at all. No use being a 'cheapo' for getting a free fake talisman, which can't work it's magic.
Don't wait until You or Your son keep on being disturbed by ghosts in the camp and during army training, or suffer from disability or death from accident, then regret for not carrying any spiritual protection item.
In the olden days, grand parents and parents will know how to automatic do their part to offer a talisman / amulet as a gift to their son, or some folks.. to the extend of forcing their sons / grandsons to carry them. If You are dead worried about Your son / grandson who is going to enter the Army, or embarking in any types of dangerous job / career, then getting him a Protection Talisman is a right choice. Not only will the spiritual item protects him, it will also calm down Your mind.
Don't know why now a days, parents become too "scientific" until simply forgotten about the spiritual power of the divine entities.
If You 'die die' need to serve National Service, then 'die die' seek some form of spiritual protection to protect your own life. Staying alive and being safe and sound, is more important than Your insurance claim.
Take Note: Taoist Protection Talismans and Yant Design Talismans, or a combination of both (Taoist combine with Yant Design), and other customization of specialized talismans by me (Taoist Sorcery Master) are available. The fee is not cheap, which can be few hundred to few thousand dollars.
Folks from Singapore, Malaysia and other South East Asian countries might want to visit a Taoist Temple with Spirit Medium Worship and request for a Taoist Protection Talisman for free. If not, You might engage a Taoist Master to create and empower a talisman for You at a fee.
Related Website: Talisman For You
Related Talisman: 'Protection All In One' Talisman
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